The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1105: Out of control

There are many ways of patriotism, and Cai Ruichen does have patriotic feelings, but he also has a bottom line.

As an careerist, the rationality he maintains is to help his home country as much as possible to enhance the national strength of his hometown.

And this kind of help does not mean 100% effort.

Of course, if the Future Technology Group was in his hometown, he would say two things. In that case, it would be completely artificial, and even if he had an idea, he could not resist.

And this is where Cai Ruichen feels very lucky. In Iraq, the sky is so high that birds can fly and the ocean can leap.

But in the big environment like my hometown, is it possible to rebel?

Thinking of this, Cai Ruichen shook his head altogether, even if he had that ability, he wouldn't do that.

Having just got rid of the hometown of a hundred years of darkness, it really should not continue to be caught in the flames of war.

When there is no alternative to the foreign war, it is of course not to be persuaded, but if it is domestic, then forget it.

And these people in front of him, here, in his opinion, are just a group of funny comparisons, at least normal people dare not say that they want such a technology.

And to be honest, Cai Ruichen really doesn't plan to cooperate with these people, even if the price is right, that's not bad.

The reason is simple. At present, he still needs to appease the United States. Therefore, some words, deeds and actions must be assured of the United States.

After all, it is inevitable that the United States still has ideas about its identity as a Chinese. If it really cooperates with its hometown in the field of arms, then the United States will definitely not do it.

In the face of strategic interests, even if you offend all these people in front of you, that is nothing.

And Cai Ruichen can be sure that the US intelligence agency must have received the news from his current contacts with these people.

Although the U.S. side did not make any indications about his journey back to China, his secret concern was not at all less.

If it weren't for the inability to avoid these people, Cai Ruichen really didn't want to meet these people. So it can only create a situation of unhappiness and separation.

As for the big boss, if the big boss doesn't even understand these, then the big boss can go home to wash and sleep long ago.

Sure enough, after hearing the conditions mentioned by Cai Ruichen, everyone's faces became extremely ugly, and they did not hide it. Su Dingjiang did the same, even saying very simply: "That is absolutely impossible."

Future Technology Group’s taxation in the hometown. Every day is a huge number. If it is only a short-term tax reduction or exemption, then he will work hard with the senior management.

But forever, no one will agree. After all, the Future Technology Group is not a small company. In the future, more industries in the hometown will be built one after another. Without taxes, there will be long-term losses. It is an astronomical figure.

After hearing Cai Ruichen's condition, he refused without even thinking about it.

"Then say goodbye."

This time, Cai Ruichen didn't give them a chance to continue speaking at all, and walked directly towards the door.

However, just as he was about to reach the handle, two guards guarding the door stood in front of him. Blocking Cai Ruichen's path.

Obviously, some of the people present did not want Cai Ruichen to leave like this.

"Mr. Cai, let's talk about a more reasonable condition!" The middle-aged man who spoke before said calmly.

"Are you trying to buy and sell?" Cai Ruichen turned around and asked for something funny.

"Mr. Cai misunderstood. I just hope that the two sides can cooperate with each other." The middle-aged man continued.

Cai Ruichen shook his head. Looking at the middle-aged man's gaze, it was as if looking at a fool, and said: "Even if you force me to submit, aren't you afraid that I will completely cancel the cooperation with my hometown after I return?"

"Then you will be pierced by the entire Chinese world." The middle-aged man didn't care about Cai Ruichen's threat at all, and said: "Can you stop our public opinion and propaganda at that time?"

When Cai Ruichen heard the words, the faces of everyone on the sofa swept across. Seeing them all quieted down, Su Dingjiang didn't say anything even though his face was a little stiff.

Obviously, these people have also negotiated before inviting themselves.

However, Cai Ruichen really doesn't care about such threats. Even though he speaks better than Fangchuan, these are minor problems in his opinion.

Cai Ruichen's personality is exactly that, just being himself, no matter the flood.

And there are some things that can't be said casually. What's more, these guys don't make the decision in their hometown. There are people on the top. The big boss doesn't nod his head. No matter how many people say, they are farting.

It's just that Cai Ruichen didn't bother to explain this to these people. Looking at the middle-aged man who seemed to have taken himself up, he really felt that the other party was really a fool.

"I doubt very much how you can become the highest person in charge of the North Industries Group. Is it possible to make money or nepotism? Yes, I rang, isn't your brother-in-law the one?"

Cai Ruichen said jokingly, then said with a face again, and said: "Don't you know that this is the Internet age? You think that public opinion will be on your side, it is really ridiculous."

While speaking, Cai Ruichen slowly took out a pen from his pocket and continued: "If today's conversation is spread, it will not be good for me, but it will not be good for you."

After speaking, Cai Ruichen was too lazy to speak and turned around.

The two guards in front of the door, one of them was the one who had invited Cai Ruichen before. Seeing the pen in Cai Ruichen's hand, without waiting for others to speak, they said, "Leave the recorder."

"What if I don't want it?" Cai Ruichen said with a smile without paying attention to the other party at all.

"Although your video of one dozen thirty is rumored online, I want to learn about your skills."

While talking, the guard waved his hand to grab the recorder in Cai Ruichen's hand, but Cai Ruichen was faster than him, and grabbed the opponent's arm with his backhand, twisting his forehand seemingly light and light.

Only a very clear "click" sound was heard, and the guard's entire arm was directly dislocated.

Looking at the guard whose face was pale due to pain, Cai Ruichen shook his head and said, "You can't."

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, all the guards in the reception room took out silencer pistols at the same time and aimed them directly at Cai Ruichen's head.

The atmosphere reached the point where it was flaring in an instant. At this time, the middle-aged man on the side of the sofa said with a gloomy face: "Leave the recorder, and all this will be regarded as nothing happened."

"Mr. Cai, you can't take this pen away." Su Dingjiang also said helplessly, everything in front of him has already lost control. To be continued. :

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