The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1106: Disappointed

Su Dingjiang, who hurriedly stabilized the situation, also hurriedly ordered the surrounding guards: "All get the gunmen up."

As the person with the highest military rank in the reception room, Su Dingjiang didn't know what to say for a while.

Looking at the middle-aged man's eyes, it is not so friendly.

Originally this time, he really hoped that he could take the lead in making the Future Technology Group and domestic military enterprises cooperate.

But I definitely don't want to see such things happen. The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen is not an ordinary person at all.

To put it ugly, Cai Ruichen is now in my hometown, and the investment and construction of future technology groups in China will greatly help the industrial and economic development of my hometown.

Although the technology of the Future Technology Group does not allow the second party to get involved, all simple cooperation can still greatly help the technology of the hometown.

And for a long time, the science and technology in my hometown has gradually matured in this way, learning outside technology, perfecting one's own technology, so as to be better than blue.

The most important thing is that the various investments of the Future Technology Group in their hometown are key national projects. If Cai Ruichen is offended because of such things, and any changes in the relationship between the Future Technology Group and the hometown, Su Dingjiang feels like a sinner. When the time comes, no matter if it is the bigwigs in charge of industry or the economy, they will not let them go. The high-level military officers will also be very dissatisfied with them, and the high-level officers will definitely use themselves.

There is no righteousness in business, and Cai Ruichen must not have trouble in his hometown. As for threats or something, Su Dingjiang's opinion is also quite ridiculous.

At this moment, he really felt that he was not afraid of opponents like gods but opponents like pigs.

Now Su Dingjiang no longer has the idea of ​​cooperating with Cai Ruichen, but handles this matter as low-key as possible.

Therefore, under such circumstances, this matter must be turned into a trivial matter, and it must not be made public.

Otherwise, it will be a disaster not only for the image of the hometown, but also for myself and others.

Forcing an overseas Chinese to cooperate with the country. Once such news spreads, the image of the country will inevitably be damaged, and a large area will inevitably be involved.

However, it is impossible for Cai Ruichen to take away the recording pen in Cai Ruichen's hand, otherwise he and others will be led by the nose in the future.

Hearing Su Dingjiang's words, and then seeing the bodyguards around him really put away their pistols. Cai Ruichen said to Su Dingjiang amusedly: "This pen was given to me by my girlfriend, so I left."

After speaking. Regardless of what the people inside thought, Cai Ruichen pushed aside the two guards in front of the door, opened the door and walked out.

When he was about to step out of the gate, he looked back at everyone and continued: "You can stop me, but I will not guarantee what I will do, or you have the right to fight with me here. ?"

After speaking, Cai Ruichen raised the pen in Yang Yang's hand, and suddenly a magazine was added in his other hand. This made the guard on the left behind him face again and hurriedly took out his pistol, but the magazine in his pistol was missing.

Almost everyone who saw this scene seemed to have seen a ghost, because neither the other guards nor the big men present had seen how the magazine appeared in Cai Ruichen's hands.

Not even everyone noticed. How did Cai Ruichen take out the magazine, as if it appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Cai Ruichen raised his pen and walked downstairs. Just as he was about to go downstairs, he just saw the other person in another reception room, a white man nodded at him with a smile, Cai Ruichen also reported. smile. He even raised the magazine in his hand at him, and then threw it directly to the opponent.

In the Chinese reception room, the door was closed again, and everyone's expressions were extremely gloomy, but the most ugly thing was that Su Dingjiang saw these people around him. A cold snort said to his guard: "Let's go."

"General Su..."

Seeing that Su Dingjiang left like this, some of the people in the room wanted to stay, but Su Dingjiang did not seem to hear it and left.

Su Dingjiang is the person in the logistics assembly, and the original relationship with them is the relationship of cooperation.

They originally came in, hoping that the military would come forward and use the military's face to cooperate with Cai Ruichen.

Because they have tried to find Future Technology Group again and again, but they were rejected without exception.

The person in charge of the Future Weapon Company directly pushed this matter to Chen Gaoyuan, and Chen Gaoyuan directly refused it, but also pushed it to the headquarters.

However, the headquarters of the Future Technology Group has never expressed anything about the so-called cooperation with the military enterprises in the hometown.

This is tantamount to refusing, and those senior executives who were not reconciled directly approached Cai Ruichen.

After all, Cai Ruichen is a Chinese, and with the presence of the military, under normal circumstances, it should be easy to talk about.

As a result, Cai Ruichen has left now, even if they can't even use the means of blocking.

The military personnel also left directly. Obviously, this is not dissatisfaction with Cai Ruichen, because Su Dingjiang alone can not afford to offend the great **** of the Future Technology Group.

This kind of dissatisfaction is naturally directed towards them.

When they were left in the conference room the middle-aged man said angrily: "I can't just leave it alone. Cai Ruichen has been close to the West since the beginning. He went to study abroad at the age of twelve. Only when I returned to China, all cooperation was limited to Western countries. Even joining the army was participating in the French foreign corps. This obviously forgot my identity as a Chinese."

"So what? People have this kind of strength. In the military, they can form an alliance with the U.S. military. They don’t wear the same pants as us. In fact, we should be very clear about Cai Ruichen’s attitude towards the United States. Much better than us."

"Things can’t just leave it alone. Even if this matter cannot be uncovered, it won’t make Cai Ruichen feel good. After all, our local companies must be protected. The technology of the future technology group will be advanced, but it will also make many competing companies unable to survive. A large number of local manufacturing industries also have a huge impact."

"As Cai Ruichen said, in the world of the Internet, it is not easy to mess with a person."


Not to mention the previous reception room, everyone continued to be dirty, Su Dingjiang, who left quickly, originally wanted to catch up with Cai Ruichen, but when he came out, he had already seen the special car leaving under the welcome motorcycle. To be continued. :

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