The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1108: negative news

The popularity of Panda's intelligent system is even crazier than the popularity of the Microsoft Empire operating system at the time, and the Internet Global Village, independently established by Future Technology Group on its official website, has more than 2 billion visits every day. Please read the most complete!

It has become the world's most visited website on the Internet every day, with an overwhelming advantage over any Internet website in the world.

To put it bluntly, as long as anyone can go to the homepage of the global village social network, that person will definitely be on fire, with an average of more than 2 billion page views per day. The exposure effect alone is enough to make everyone Crazy for it.

There are even many large brands in the luxury goods sector who want to get an hour’s worth of advertising space on them, and they fight.

At the same time, the Future Technology Group is relatively low-key and generally does not deliberately promote anything.

In Cai Ruichen's words, all you need to do is to achieve world harmony.

For example, a netizen in California, USA, can have a real-time chat with a netizen on the African savannah, using the coverage of future signal satellites, and the language is automatically translated by the panda intelligent system. There is no gap in communication and chat. .

This is the global Internet world that Cai Ruichen hopes to build, and this step has been completed.

But because of this, a lot of news about Cai Ruichen spread throughout the entire online world.

In such an Internet landscape, as long as there is an attractive hot issue, it can quickly become popular all over the world.

This is also the reason why Xu Jie came so early. Now the news has begun to spread from his hometown to the global Internet world. If it continues to pass, I am afraid that it will automatically be on the headlines of the global village social network at noon.

Because the headlines of the global village social network are all active data analysis, whichever news has more people will be automatically posted.

But without Cai Ruichen's order, Xu Jie did not dare to interfere in the news spreading on the Internet.

"Commander, do you want to regulate Internet news to control the spread of such news?" Xu Jie asked for instructions.

Cai Ruichen shook his head. Said: "For this kind of personal remarks, I have said long ago, everything is going to be good, and don't you think this is more beneficial to us?"

"But if this continues, your image in your hometown will inevitably be greatly reduced." Xu Jie said worriedly.

"It doesn't matter. We just need to be ourselves, and we will speak with facts in everything in the future. I believe that in this world, there are only a few people who are eloquent. As long as there are facts to refute, most of them will wake up."

Xu Jie did not refute Cai Ruichen's naive remarks, and he knew exactly what Cai Ruichen meant.

This kind of propaganda helps to quiet the United States and not think about it.

It was only seen in Xu Jie, this is for Cai Ruichen. I was a bit wronged.

It’s fine if you don’t know, but Xu Jie knows everything. For these years, Cai Ruichen has been in technology and silently helping his hometown.

This kind of slander is really unfair to Cai Ruichen.

It's just Cai Ruichen's attitude. It also made him helpless. Facing a commander who had always acted recklessly, he could only suggest that the commander had his own persistence and ideas, and he could only do what he ordered.

In fact, Xu Jie had already guessed Cai Ruichen's attitude when he came to report this matter long ago.

In the early days. Cai Ruichen has said that the news on the Internet should not be arbitrarily interfered. A good Internet environment must be established from the beginning, so that netizens around the world can truly trust the Future Technology Group.

For those trivial things, you don't need to care at all. In the future, when we really need to control public opinion, it will be the time for the Future Technology Group to make efforts on the Internet. Now everything is focused on establishing an image.

In the eyes of Xu Jie and others, Cai Ruichen's image also represents the image of the Red Police Corps and cannot be stigmatized.

But Xu Jie also knew very well that his commander was not very human, and the big things in their eyes were more trivial things in his eyes.

Sure enough, even though Xu Jie wanted Li Bowen and others to teach those maliciously spreading the news, as long as Cai Ruichen didn't nod his head, he could only think about it.

At this moment, as Xu Jie expected, news about Cai Ruichen's forgotten origin soon began to spread on the global Internet.

Many netizens who were using Panda Hot News also arrived at the news as soon as possible.

For those who have scheduled hot news push, the first push message is also related to this news.

And after each such news, there are also a large number of posts and replies, because the news appeared on the Internet in the hometown at the beginning, so almost all the people who replied at the beginning were Chinese.

Regarding these published news, a considerable part of them believed the news.

In fact, these news are also true, but some places have been added, so it seems a bit uncomfortable for the Chinese.

Judging from the news, Cai Ruichen, who grew up in the orphanage in his hometown, should do something to give back to the society no matter how he grows up.

This may be said to be the virtue of being a person, although there are no hard and fast rules, shouldn't it be this way?

After adding more oil and vinegar, became Cai Ruichen looked down on the Chinese, and all the investments in his hometown were waiting for profit.

"In the past, I thought Cai Ruichen was definitely the pride of the Chinese. He became the world's richest man at a young age and was the youngest rich man in the world's history. Such idols are nothing but others. But now I am ashamed of Cai Ruichen. I never thought of it. He still has this side."

"Careful upstairs, after all, no one knows the truth of the news, and have you heard Cai Ruichen look down on the Chinese? Or did you see Cai Ruichen personally send a message saying that he looks down on the Chinese."

"Isn't it enough to be separated from the nationality of my hometown? There are still a large number of people in my hometown who are still at the poverty line. He is now helping a lot of people in the Middle East. Why not help those compatriots who are still suffering."

"I still feel that the wind direction is a bit wrong. There has been no such news before, and the official hasn't given a statement. Cai Ruichen came back with such a moth, which seems to offend people."

"The Emperor of Truth upstairs, but Cai Ruichen has only returned to his hometown, and he has not heard of any contact with people in his hometown."

To be continued. :

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