The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1109: The anger of the big boss

"Does anyone need to be contacted for offending people? Look at where the news is. Obviously Baidu is adding fuel to the flames, and many domestic Internet companies have all participated..."

"In any case, Cai Ruichen, as a Chinese, grew up in an orphanage. I should say that, in fact, we have never heard of anything."


Internationally, the negative news about Cai Ruichen has also attracted great attention.

In fact, Cai Ruichen's international reputation is completely different from that in China.

Especially in the white world, Cai Ruichen has more supporters. This kind of support is based on the future technology group developed by Cai Ruichen, and also based on his personality charm and personal talent.

After hearing such news, many people also responded to various responses from the Chinese.

For foreign netizens, they don't know the so-called national justice, but it is impossible to slander their new idols.

After all, they can enjoy cheap high-tech products, which has always been the result of Cai Ruichen's insistence.

Otherwise, according to the greed of those Western capitalists, the products of the Future Technology Group, whether they are of quality or technological content, will not be something that ordinary citizens can easily afford.

This alone has allowed Cai Ruichen to be liked by many buyers. At least most people don't need to envy the so-called local tyrants holding Apple mobile phones as they did before, because they can also afford those trendy technology products.

So at this point, Cai Ruichen is enough to win the respect of everyone. The most important thing is that Cai Ruichen has a low-key reputation in China.

But abroad, it gives everyone the impression that he is definitely a caring person, and his help to global charities is enough to be called the world's first person.

The global charity ambassador proposed this year was passed by the United Nations unanimously and was nominated as a global peace ambassador.

Because of his relationship. Let Iraq stop the war, and also end the war in Syria, so that the two most turbulent countries in the world will calm down.

Cai Ruichen would not be eligible if he turned Iraq, the third most insecure country in the world, into one of the safest countries in the world, the title of Global Peace Ambassador. Then no one is qualified.

Even this year's Nobel, news came out. Cai Ruichen has been nominated, and the probability of receiving this award exceeds 95%.

Coupled with the influence of the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen's position in the international community has always been a friendly and humble image.

Most importantly, Cai Ruichen's contribution to the development of human science and technology has made many people have to admire his actions.

When such news came out, almost all Internet and technological celebrities in the world. All of them said that such news is absolutely slander for Cai Ruichen.

Even Hawking supported Cai Ruichen in his own name, claiming: "How can a person who can itch tens of thousands of war orphans in the Middle East be a ruthless and unrighteous person? Based on this. Those so-called philanthropists, In front of Cai Ruichen, it's nothing at all."

Although Hawking did not famously say that Cai Ruichen must be slandered, his solidarity still brought great encouragement to those who support Cai Ruichen.

And on Cai Ruichen's personal Twitter. As the person with the most fans in the world, he is constantly being swiped by various comments on the message board. Most of them are foreign netizens who come to support Cai Ruichen.

Of course, one thing remains the same. A large number of beautiful girls have all boldly left posts showing love. Even a large number of girls, Cai Ruichen was wronged, if he wanted, he could fly to the capital to comfort him.

This is just a small episode. Facing a foreign country is a one-sided situation. Many people on the domestic Internet have also begun to reflect.

And this news naturally attracted the attention of major intelligence agencies around the world for the first time.

As the saying goes, in this world, there is no love for no reason, and no hate for no reason.

Before this, his hometown had always expressed an attitude of wooing Cai Ruichen as much as possible, and the Western world had always been worried about this.

This time Cai Ruichen returned to his hometown. As Cai Ruichen expected, the Western world also paid special attention.

Nowadays, the direction of public opinion in my hometown has changed suddenly, which makes all western intelligence agencies a little confused.

Even Austria and Bama were alarmed by this incident. In fact, Austria and Bama had already seen news on the Internet and began to ask how the incident happened.

"According to our news, Cai Ruichen attended the 10th Police Equipment Defense Exhibition held in China last night. Some officials in the middle invited him to the second floor of the exhibition hall to discuss, but Cai Ruichen came out soon. There was also a magazine in his hand, and the arm of a special guard of China's official was also twisted.

Through a detailed investigation, the reception rooms that Cai Ruichen entered were all major military enterprises in China. They seemed to want to get technology from Cai Ruichen, but Cai Ruichen refused and a skirmish occurred.

And these news all appeared on China's Internet since last night, and it is certain that those China's military industrial enterprises united to cause trouble for Cai Ruichen. "

After receiving a detailed report from the intelligence department, Ao and Bama suddenly laughed. They didn't expect that Cai Ruichen would encounter such a thing when he returned to his hometown. This made him suddenly wonder what to say.

Ao and Bama's mood suddenly became happy, and Cai Ruichen's experience in China made him relieved.

"Mr. Do we need to make a splash and continue to expand this news."

"No need at all. Don't let the people of the Future Technology Group find out at that time." Ao and Bama shook their heads. Such things will allow him to develop smoothly.

And in his opinion, this matter has already happened here, no matter what the next evolution, Cai Ruichen will definitely be very unhappy in his heart, and it will be very difficult for his hometown to succeed in winning.

At this time, Lao Ao was in a good mood, but the mood of the big boss could be described as rage.

Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen, but he did not immediately stop the spread of this incident, because Cai Ruichen did not act, and he also thought of Cai Ruichen's purpose.

But for those who target Cai Ruichen, he doesn't have such a good attitude.

With Cai Ruichen's cooperation, he can't tell too many people, and it is only in the core circle, but for the unauthorized opinions of those below, his inner anger needs a target to vent. To be continued. :

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