The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1127: The killer strikes

Cai Ruichen immediately noticed the slight change on the faces of the three of them, and then looked at Yuriko. At this moment, Yuriko, who was quietly playing with her fluffy bear, had a serious expression on her face.

Cai Ruichen took a deep breath and nodded vaguely to Boris.

"The two of us will go and take a look around." Brother Xiang and Boris stood up almost at the same time and said.

Cai Ruichen nodded and said, "Go ahead, be careful."

Hua Meixue didn't doubt that he was there, and said to the two of them: "Don't leave too far."

"Thank you Madam for your concern, we will be back soon." Boris and Brother Xiang bowed slightly to Hua Meixue at the same time.

For the wife of the two populations, Hua Meixue has no surprise, and she herself has identified Cai Ruichen for a lifetime.

Hua Meixue also tried, but the two did not intend to change their words, and Tan Ya also began to call her the honorific name of his wife.

The two left, Hua Meixue still turned around to make the waiting dinner, Cai Ruichen and Tan Ya also ended their chat.

Both of them were listening to the news in the invisible headphones.

In fact, all four people just heard the news from the special plane above, and suspicious individuals approached.

With the change on Yuriko's face, Boris and Xiangge went to investigate.

It’s just a little strange that although the people approaching are suspicious, there are only two people, but both of them carry weapons.

The security scanning system on the plane and the microwave scanning device clearly saw two suspicious persons approaching with the help of the dense forest of Changbai Mountain. One of them was carrying a sniper rifle.

And the direction the two are moving is obviously towards Cai Ruichen and others. No matter who the other person is, they need to be extremely careful with weapons like sniper rifles.

but. Except for these two people, nothing was found elsewhere.

In the dense forest, Boris and Brother Xiang also brought combat weapons. The bullet was loaded, according to the guidance of the special plane in the sky. Approaching the two armed men who approached cautiously.

At this moment, the sky has gradually dimmed, and with the light blocked by the canopy, the dense forest is almost a dark color.

Boris and Brother Xiang separated left and right, staying where they could see Cai Ruichen in the distance. This was an excellent sniper spot.

Then quietly waited for the other party to arrive.

If the opponent is coming at Cai Ruichen, then this must be the opponent's best sniper spot, and Cai Ruichen will not be seen no matter how far away. If you get closer, you also need to pass by where the two of them are hiding.

Boris and Brother Xiang, who were dormant, waited quietly for less than five minutes before they saw two armed men cautiously lurking over.

The two of them are all Chinese faces, and they are all dressed in normal-looking mountaineering outfits. They just don’t have a mountaineering bag. One of them is holding an 88-type sniper rifle with a muffler on the muzzle, and the other In his hand is a digital telescope. There is also a pistol around his waist.

Obviously, these two people really came at Cai Ruichen, disguised as climbers. Enter this mountain area, then bypass the dense forest, lurking towards where Cai Ruichen might be.

When the two cautiously approached Boris and Brother Xiang, the two also saw the fire under the dense forest. They both evacuated and concealed at the same time, bending over and approaching the backside of a chaotic rock very carefully.

The observer found a suitable position, looked at the fire below with a telescope, and immediately locked Cai Ruichen, who was sitting across from the fire.

The moment he saw Cai Ruichen, the observation hand showed a slight smile. Said to the sniper: "Target found, at twelve o'clock. It's on the edge of the fire."

The sniper nodded and immediately took out a small telescope. I saw Cai Ruichen's figure.

"I didn't expect this money to be so profitable, one billion US dollars, and it will be handed over, but it is a pity that Cai Ruichen, the world's richest man, is still so young and will sleep forever."

The sniper sneered and put down his binoculars, and then began to prepare the sniper rifle.

"Don't be careless, Cai Ruichen is not easy. Not only is he skilled, he is also an elite fighter who came from the battlefield. We probably only have one chance to shoot." The observer said very carefully.

"In this world, anyone who can dodge my bullet hasn't made a sound yet!" The sniper said very confidently.

The bullet was loaded, and the sniper did not immediately aim at Cai Ruichen, but began to adjust his state.

Although he speaks very confidently, there have been rumors on the Internet that Cai Ruichen was a veritable killer when he was in Afghanistan, and the armed forces who killed the Taliban were a little bit afraid.

And recently, on the Internet, there is a video of Cai Ruichen singles out 30 American secret service bodyguards.

He just talked, but he was still very cautious in his actions.

He didn't even dare to aim at Cai Ruichen casually, for fear that the opponent's sixth sense would be able to detect it.

Because as a very good sniper, once he is targeted, his sixth sense still has a strong sense.

To deal with such a person, you must shoot at the moment you aim, otherwise, no matter how good you aim, you may also miss.

The observer next to him saw the serious look of the sniper and did not bother him. At the same time, he did not keep staring at Cai Ruichen, for fear of being noticed.

After all, the rumored news of Cai Ruichen on the Internet really made the two of them have to pay attention.

Because so far, Cai Ruichen has been ranked first in the reward list of the Taliban forces, and the reward is as high as 50 million US dollars.

The second place was a retired special commando of the US Navy SEALs ~ ~ offering a reward of only one million dollars.

It can be seen that Cai Ruichen's weight in the minds of the Taliban's armed forces is most importantly that Cai Ruichen did not have a 50 million reward after owning the Future Technology Group, but only after the French Foreign Corps retired.

This is also a rule of the Taliban to offer rewards. Rewards are not offered to those active military personnel in Afghanistan, and to those who have retired and left Afghanistan and caused a large number of Taliban casualties.

Because the Taliban did not have the energy to go to other countries to retaliate against them, they attracted those killers to help avenge them.

A reward of 50 million yuan, even for bin Laden, the United States only offered a price of 50 million yuan.

It can be seen that the Taliban attach much importance to Cai Ruichen, and even stated at the end of the reward that if they are not capable of one enemy and one hundred, it is best not to die.

Of course, most people use this note as a fig leaf for the Taliban. An excuse to conceal one's incompetence. (To be continued.)

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