The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1128: 1 billion to buy Cai Ruichen's head

In the dense forest, Boris and Brother Xiang are hidden beside the sniper and the observer. Listening to the simple conversation between the two, one thing can be determined. The two are not the targets of this trip at all, but two The killer comes for money.

The two looked at each other and nodded slightly at the same time. The next second they shot at the same time, and they flashed out, the muzzle of the two guys' heads directly.

As soon as the two killers reacted, they saw the muzzle that touched their forehead, and they were all stupid.

Boris and Brother Xiang also didn't give them any chance to resist. A hand knife fell on their necks and knocked them out.

Picking up their weapons, they tied them up with belts, and then they began to ask the special plane in the sky: "The two have controlled them, are there any suspicious targets nearby?"

"There are no other suspicious targets. We have notified Huaxia officials and they will take the two away in the future."

After finishing the communication, Boris nodded to Brother Xiang, one by one, carrying two killers, and walked towards the rest point very easily.

Outside the dense forest, Cai Ruichen looked at the two points returned, nodded, and motioned to take aside to interrogate first, so don't spoil your interest tonight.

At this time, Hua Meixue also understood a little, but didn't say anything. After all, she had also experienced the incident on Jituyi Island and lived in Iraq for some days. Some things are not surprising.

She even shouted to Brother Xiang, who took the two guys aside: "Xiangzi, hurry back to eat."

Brother Xiang nodded, took the two guys to the far side of the stream, and threw the upper body of the two guys directly into the cold stream, and the lower body was **** on the pebble by the stream.

There is still a lot of snow on the Changbai Mountain where this happened, and there is a stream of water near the forest. It's all glacier water, at this time, it's freezing cold.

Two guys who were knocked out. The lower body entered the stream, less than ten seconds. They all woke up.

The two instinctively wanted to get up from the stream, but their hands and feet were all **** behind them. The intelligence was to turn sideways and face up.

This icy stream would suffocate them even if they could not be killed by the cold.

Brother Xiang stood behind them with his hands in cold expressions, looked at the two assassins who seemed to be in shock, and shook his head ironically and said, "Just like you. You are still assassins. It's ridiculous."

"Who are you?" The sniper tried to calm himself down, looking at the guy who was as cold as a rock up and down, and asked.

Brother Xiang didn't answer him, but simply took out the dagger, squatted down slowly, and inserted the knife into the opponent's arm, and then twisted it in a circle casually.

The severe pain almost made the sniper dizzy again, and the severe colic from his arm made his face almost distorted. A lot of cold sweat overflowed from his body and mixed with the stream of water on his body.

Brother Xiang saw this guy under such means. I was able to resist the hum, and suddenly pulled out my dagger directly, somewhat boring. The serrations on the back of the dagger brought up a few thin shreds of meat, and blood quickly dripped from the blade of the dagger. No blood at the edge.

"This is the end of the questioning. I am the sword, you are the fish, and I am the boots. You are the ant, now I am questioning. You answer, if you can't answer it. You don't want the other arm." Xiang Brother said slowly.

Although the sniper has been well-trained and can indeed endure the pain, people also have their limits.

And for a killer, he is a person who is greedy for money, and a person who is greedy for money must also be a person who cherishes his life.

Hearing Brother Xiang's words, the sniper endured the pain and nodded. He was also a person who walked out of the battlefield. It was very clear that the opponent would really kill himself whenever he encountered such a guy.

"Where did you receive the assassination mission?" Brother Xiang asked the first question.

"Someone is offering a reward for Cai Ruichen's life on the Internet, one billion dollars, and there is Cai Ruichen's whereabouts information on it. We are greedy for money, so we took it." The sniper replied immediately after enduring the spoilers.

"What website?" Brother Xiang asked the second question.

"It's a professional reward website called Anonymous. The person who placed the order has already deposited one billion dollars on the website, so we saw so much money, so..." the sniper replied again.

"That means you don't know who is offering the reward?" Brother Xiang asked the third question.

"Yes." The sniper and the observer nodded at the same time.

"Is anyone else accepting this task?" Brother Xiang asked the fourth question.

"Only we accept it, because we are already in China. Other killers with ideas are not easy to come here to kill people, and..." The sniper started to hesitate when he saw that Brother Xiang changed in an instant. With a stern face, he hurriedly continued:

"Moreover, many killers are saying that to do a mission that is bound to die for one billion dollars, this mission is completely harmful, but we don't believe in evil."

Hearing this, Brother Xiang basically understood the whole incident. From his observation of the expressions and gazes of the two, he could determine one thing, that is, the probability that the two lied was not more than one in a thousand.

In other words, what the two said can be believed.

"Then you two really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is one billion dollars, even if you can get it, but I guarantee that you can't even spend a dollar." Brother Xiang coldly snorted, stood up and said quietly~ Brother, let us go..."

Seeing the faint appearance of Brother Xiang, both of them became a little frightened and hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I'm not going to kill you, someone will take care of your affairs." Brother Xiang shook his head, and didn't intend to continue talking with these two people.

At this moment, the sound of helicopter rotors appeared over the dense forest, and a Z-8 transport helicopter flew towards here under the **** of two armed helicopters.

On the Zhiba helicopter hovering above the creek, the cable descended several heavily armed special forces, watching the two killers by the creek, the major leading the team waved, and the four special forces who came over directly hung them up. After getting on the ropes of the helicopter, the two sides did not communicate with each other. The two killers were taken away, and Brother Xiang returned to the side of the campfire.

Early the next morning, special planes and global transport planes flew directly from the northeast towards Iraq.

Cai Ruichen's trip to his hometown also officially ended. The original itinerary that Cai Ruichen wanted to go to Russia was changed to a year later. (To be continued.)

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