The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1130: Nuclear bomb silo

My hometown was nervously preparing to take over the two aircraft carriers and spared no effort, and Cai Ruichen had a good time in these eight months.

Except for his usual training time, most of his remaining time is also devoted to the development of the Red Police Corps.

As the date of preparation for war with Israel approached, Cai Ruichen also took time out every day to spend time with Hua Meixue. In the last one or two months, he only saw Hua Meixue once every week.

The rest of the time is spent preparing for Israel.

One year and two months have passed since the mission time required by the base, and there are still four months left. The two years required by the base have reached one and a half years.

After five years of development, the Red Police Corps has begun to take shape. In this world, the Red Police Corps has more than 200,000 troops. In addition, there are 100,000 garrisons in Iraq and Syria. The available forces in this world have reached 400,000.

In addition to the Lebanon he supports, if it really faces the development of Israel, the Lebanese army can quickly arm up to 200,000, of which tens of thousands are experienced guerrillas.

It seems that there are 600,000 troops available, but for Cai Ruichen, this is far from enough.

Because there is another NATO behind Israel, there are the United States and Europe, and the Jews are even more difficult to provoke.

The pressure on Cai Ruichen's heart is really not small when he thinks of his attitude of expelling the Jews from their holy city of Jerusalem and destroying the country, and facing the hatred of all Jews in the world.

But he has no choice, not to destroy Israel, his ambition will be ended, and even the only result left to him is to wait for the coming of destruction.

The base has made it very clear. The ultimate enemy will definitely come in all aspects in the future. If Cai Ruichen was still at the intermediate level at that time, there would be no chance of even a one in a billion victory.

by that time. The base will also be destroyed directly with Cai Ruichen's death. The Red Police Corps will completely disappear in this world.

Therefore, for Cai Ruichen, this battle in Israel will be the most dangerous battle and a battle that must be won. Even if the Red Police Corps is really defeated, he will resolutely step onto the battlefield.

Even if the whole world is the enemy, he has no room for retreat.

And the last six months. In addition to the red police base building units that produce the weapons and equipment of the Red Police Corps, a large number of manual assembly factories also assemble mass-produced weapons and equipment modules into active military equipment.

From the outside, in the Middle East world that has been quiet for eight months, secretly, an extremely efficient war machine is rushing to work day and night, preparing for a war that must be waged.

In the eighth month, Cai Ruichen is currently the most dependent super weapon. Also officially completed.

That's what Cai Ruichen said about nuclear weapons to the big boss eight months ago.

In fact, eight months ago. Cai Ruichen had not built a nuclear bomb silo at that time.

It's not that he didn't want to, but the funds accumulated at that time before the base, first built another super weapon, the weather control instrument.

At present, the weather control instrument has been completed three months ago. After three months of preparation, it can be officially used.

Half a month ago, Cai Ruichen also began to build a second super weapon, a nuclear bomb silo.

Nuclear bomb silos: super strategic deterrent weapon. The most effective means of strategic deterrence in times of peace and war. Super lethality is its inherent ability, each one can easily turn one or even ten large cities into ruins instantly. The v-3 intercontinental launch vehicle gives it ultra-long-range strike capability, variable-orbit precision strike warhead. Can make it have a strong deterrent ability. The deep underground silo also provides good protection for the nuclear bombs inside. The perfect safety mechanism can also ensure that the nuclear bombs inside the silo will not be detonated after the silo is destroyed. And every nuclear bomb must be unlocked directly by the top commander of the base, and no one can handle it.

First construction price: 5 billion yuan; construction time: 15 days.

Special instructions for construction: After the first construction, the next nuclear bomb silo will be constructed at a cost of 50 million yuan, and it will automatically complete a built-in super intercontinental ballistic missile with a choice of multiple warheads or single warheads, which can hit targets up to 20,000 kilometers away.

Description: The nuclear bomb silo is a permanent unit. The first nuclear bomb silo is constructed. The base will open the Red Police Corps nuclear weapons permissions. After the permissions are opened, the commander can freely produce nuclear warheads and freely choose to produce ordinary nuclear bombs. , Hydrogen bomb, neutron bomb and other three-level nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons warheads can be loaded in vehicle-mounted v-3 missile systems, train-mobile ballistic missile systems, and ship-borne ballistic missile systems. The warheads range from 1,000 tons of neutron bombs to 100 million tons of super hydrogen bombs.

Special reminder: In addition to the available tactical nuclear weapons neutron bombs, other warheads do not want the commander to use them on the day.


The 5 billion capital, this figure, made Cai Ruichen who saw this price at first, deeply speechless.

The weather control instrument is also 5 billion construction funds. If it weren't for such an expensive cost, Cai Ruichen would have built both super weapons long ago.

And if it weren't for his crazy wealth and importing nearly 500 million tons of minerals this year, these two super units would probably not be built so quickly.

Weather controllers need time to accumulate electrical energy, while nuclear bomb silos are completely unnecessary.

So Cai Ruichen put the nuclear bomb silo behind for construction.

After all, there are still several months before starting hands with Israel. During this time, is completely sufficient to build nuclear weapons.

Now, the construction of the nuclear bomb silo has just been completed, and the base has officially added a nuclear weapons production page.

When Cai Ruichen opened the nuclear weapons production page, there were a dazzling array of super nuclear bombs.

There are tactical neutron bombs as small as a thousand tons, and super hydrogen bombs with an equivalent of 100 million tons*.

And the most powerful hydrogen bomb can completely wipe out the life of the entire Middle East region with only one, and its kill radius has reached an astonishing nearly two thousand kilometers.

If it detonates in Europe, all humans in Europe will be extinct.

Even if you did not die directly under the nuclear bomb, it will be difficult to escape the death caused by nuclear radiation in the future.

The intercontinental ballistic missile in the first nuclear bomb silo was loaded with a super hydrogen bomb of 100 million tons* equivalent-the Babylon bomb.

ps: There are two more chapters in the next, there are still ten more today! (To be continued.)

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