The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1131: Billion tons of nuclear warheads

The Babylonian bomb, the equivalent of 100 million tons*, this nuclear bomb was a gift from the first nuclear bomb silo.

It can almost be said to be a last resort used by the Red Police Corps to die with the enemy.

Because this super hydrogen bomb is really detonated, it is enough to travel a small nuclear winter, and most of the earth will be affected.

Once detonated in Europe, the Middle East will also be affected, and if detonated in the United States, it can also affect South America and Alaska.

Just like the final reminder of a nuclear bomb silo, it is best not to use nuclear weapons, because once this thing is really used on the battlefield, humans will really be extinct.

Therefore, when he had this nuclear bomb, Cai Ruichen had already determined to seal up the nuclear bomb, because this thing was really terrifying.

However, this does not mean that Cai Ruichen is really willing to give up the use of nuclear weapons. It is just that he has not been so cold-blooded for something that really hurts both sides.

Just as all countries in the world restrict the use of nuclear weapons, take the United States as an example.

According to the U.S. Constitution, if the opponent does not use nuclear weapons, the U.S. can only be captured by more than one-third of the U.S., and there is no army in the U.S. that can retake this land, the U.S. President can authorize the use of nuclear weapons Fight back.

Another situation is that if an opponent uses nuclear weapons, if it is discovered that a country that is at war with the United States has launched a missile with a range of more than 6,000 kilometers and the target is the United States, the President of the United States can authorize a nuclear counterattack.

Because nuclear warheads simply cannot use satellite and missile early warning methods to detect whether there are nuclear bombs on them, there is a unified international standard that depends on the range of the missile.

As long as the missile comes from an enemy country with nuclear weapons. Regardless of whether the missile is launched from a local area or from a sea-based submarine platform, as long as the target is a local area and the ballistic height reaches a range of 6,000 kilometers. Then a nuclear counterattack can be carried out.

Although this rule currently only applies to the five gangsters, as long as there is one country with nuclear weapons. The missile can have a range of more than 6,000 kilometers, so this rule is also suitable.

Of course, this rule also depends on the target. For countries like North Korea, the longest missile range is more than 3,000 kilometers. Once a missile launched from North Korea has a range of more than 3,000 kilometers, the target is the US military in the Pacific. The Guam base on board or Lien mainland. The United States will also initiate a nuclear counterattack program.

Of course, what the United States is really wary of is that those nuclear missiles that can hit the United States, the world's top five rogues have such capabilities.

There is no doubt about this, otherwise there would be no title of the five big hooligans, because the five big hooligans all have the ability to destroy the other's homeland, and under the condition of mutual restraint and strategic deterrence, they are invincible.

For other nuclear-weapon countries, India’s Agni missiles have a farthest range of more than 5,000 kilometers and are not eligible to join such a club.

not to mention. India's own nuclear submarine, capable of launching nuclear missiles, can strike at a distance of 700 kilometers. India boasts of joining the global nuclear weapons club, but in fact, it has not been recognized by the five gangsters. Of course, no one will recognize it.

This set of rules still exists, and each country has a clear public announcement of its own standards for the use of nuclear weapons.

But my hometown is completely different. My hometown promises not to be the first to use nuclear weapons. It literally means that even if the entire country is destroyed, if no one uses nuclear weapons. My hometown will not be the first to use nuclear weapons.

Of course, such a decision. In the eyes of many people, it is just a bargain.

In fact, in the intrigue of the international situation, it is impossible for anyone to truly believe in their hometown and implement this purpose.

After all, if the country is destroyed, everything will be over. What are you doing with nuclear weapons?

And now, the nuclear weapons possessed by the Red Police Corps, coupled with the capability of the v-3zj intercontinental ballistic missile, are completely capable of destroying the world.

There is no doubt about this.

But to make the whole world accept this, Cai Ruichen currently does not have a complete plan and idea.

Therefore, what we can do at present is to take one step at a time. If there is no other way, then we can only use nuclear deterrence to deter everyone. However, the future development of technology groups in the future will definitely be due to this. Blocked.

But for Cai Ruichen, it really doesn't matter at that time.

After all, by that time, Israel will definitely be almost destroyed, and the Western world will inevitably turn against Cai Ruichen, and the development of future technology groups will definitely be restricted.

Of course, if the whole world is really willing to completely turn the face with the Future Technology Group, then they should also be prepared to face huge losses, and it will inevitably be a situation where one thousand enemies will be killed and one thousand will be destroyed.

What's more, even if there is no Western market, he will be able to let go. The world's largest market is in his hometown. At that time, there will still be great opportunities for the development of technology groups in the future.

And maybe by that time, his ambitious universe mining plan is almost ready to proceed.

Even if it really faces a total blockade in the future, everything will be the same.

However, if it can be avoided, it must be avoided. After all, the money made by the technology group in the future is really essential for building the country.

Just like Iraq and Syria now, UU reading www.uukanshu. If com didn't have the huge global market of Future Technology Group and got huge money income every day, it would be impossible to repair and improve all the infrastructure in just over a year.

In the future, the Middle East will have more places to spend money. Even if it is a big sale of arms, this pit will not be filled.

And now, Cai Ruichen has nothing to worry about. A large number of plans are all ready to be completed, just waiting for the time to come.

The construction of the Red Police Corps is fundamental, and it is also a rhythm that cannot be stopped.

At this time, the Red Police Corps also began to prepare for war, and the amount of daily training began to target Israel.

The training of the Syrian and Iraqi garrison forces is also stepping up. Although they are positioned as garrison forces, the training intensity has always been moving towards the standards of world-class military forces.

All the soldiers of the garrison, except for sleeping, almost all spend all kinds of training and learning every day.

(To be continued.)

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