The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1134: cure cancer

Facing thousands of curious eyes and more than a hundred shots, Cai Ruichen nodded calmly to everyone.

I also nodded to the scholar who asked the question. This person Cai Ruichen knows, is the guest invited by Cai Ruichen personally at this press conference, the professor of the Department of Biology at Harvard University, and the main expert of the US "Cancer Landing on the Moon" program principal.

This person has made many outstanding contributions in the field of cancer research.

He has also won the Nobel Prize in Medicine and is well-known in the city and also.

In fact, in the past years, the medical profession has made considerable progress in genomics, cancer immunotherapy, virus therapy, and combination therapy. But cancer, for humans, before Cai Ruichen said this. , Is still an insurmountable mountain.

"The cancer therapies used by biomedical technology in the future are not the three commonly used therapies at present, but a new type of treatment based on the body's own immune function.

Regarding immunotherapy, I believe that a large number of cancer research institutions in the United States and Europe are quite clear, which is also known as a means to effectively treat cancer in the future.

This view is highly recognized by me and all my scientific research teams, and the focus of research is also immunotherapy.

After four years of unremitting efforts and invested more than three billion US dollars in research expenses in this area, this therapy has finally been improved and breakthrough.

Use healthy drugs to transform the body's immune cells, and then use the immune cells in the body to treat cancer.

We call this drug "anti-red blood cell". Even patients with terminal cancer, taking this drug, can achieve a 95% cure probability and restore a healthy human body.

In the early stage of cancer detection, only one course of treatment is required. Almighty can completely prevent cell canceration, so that cancer cells are eliminated by the body's immune function before they are formed. "

All experts in the field of biomedicine on site. When Cai Ruichen was talking about immunotherapy, they all couldn't help nodding.

This is indeed the key research partner of the world in the field of biomedicine. I just didn't expect that Future Technology Group has already achieved results first.

At present, research on immunotherapy in global human science and technology is still in its infancy.

Many people are still skeptical about whether it is really effective.

After all, they are all real experts in this field. They are not those who are silly bricks. They have their own unique insights into this field and they are very clear about the current level of human technology.

Suddenly heard the news. Naturally, doubt is needed.

It is undeniable that the science and technology of Future Technology Group in various fields is indeed something that everyone in the world looks at with admiration.

But cancer has plagued humans for too long after all, and it is normal to suspect.

Cai Ruichen can naturally understand the thoughts of these people, and without them having to say anything about clinical manifestations and data, he directly continued:

"I believe everyone is a bit unbelievable about what I said. In fact, after I saw the report submitted by Biomedical Technology, I am the same as everyone.

For the sake of human health. We will not rush to launch such a drug, we must have detailed clinical data to verify the feasibility of the drug.

For this reason, Future Technology Group is in all future hospitals around the world. We will provide immunotherapy for ten cancer patients free of charge, and the whole course of treatment will be announced and open to the world. Whether there is any effect, whether there are side effects, everything will be known in three months.

If all can be cured, the future biomedical technology will also launch this new drug to the world within half a year, and after three months, it will also fully accept all cancer patients' data requirements. The specific cost will be announced at that time, and the purpose of the future technology group will not change. As for you to improve the quality of human life and the safety of life.

Those patients who are worried about excessive expenses do not need to worry at all. If it really cannot afford the cost, the bank will also provide an interest-free loan for cancer treatment in the future, dedicated to saving all cancer patients in the world and giving them a new life.

After half a year, the group will also officially withdraw from the nursery for enhancing immunity for cancer treatment. All men and women under the age of 12 can be injected with the nursery. Cancer will disappear from humans in the future. "

As soon as Cai Ruichen's voice fell, thunderous applause rang out from the entire venue.

Just hearing that the cancer will disappear completely, once this news spreads, it will cause a great shock, probably no less than the arrival of the Third World War.

There is no one who is not afraid of death. Cancer has always been a terminal disease that humans talk about. Cancer kills millions of lives every year.

In my hometown, tens of thousands of people are diagnosed with cancer every day. Every five minutes in my hometown, one person dies of cancer.

And the whole world is even more. If three months later, anti-red blood cells can really be as Cai Ruichen said, it will be the most significant news in human history, and the most meaningful and valuable medical result in human history.

Cai Ruichen was quiet for a while, and a reporter from Japan's Asahi Shimbun asked Cai Ruichen:

"Excuse me, Dr. Cai, once the immunotherapy really achieves the effect, will the Future Technology Group be willing to share the technology in it, so that all mankind can really benefit from it?"

"For this question, I can only say that it is not that we are stingy, nor is it to monopolize the global business opportunities in it, but the anti-red blood cell drug ingredients are all very rare, and the production process is also very technical. Even if we are willing to publish it, no one will be able to produce it within ten years.

Moreover, the Future Technology Group is a commercial group, not a charity organization. Our large amount of research needs countless money to support, and for charity and benefiting human life, I believe I have done everything I can give.

Of course, if Japan is also willing to disclose all its medical technology to the public, then the group will not lag behind and is willing to disclose all the technical details. "

Hearing Cai Ruichen's words, all the experts and many reporters present at the scene looked at the Asahi Shimbun reporter, and their faces were not as if they were looking at an idiot, or disgusted.

Because Japan's technology in the biomedical field is also the world's top, but it has always been confidential in all aspects. Now it is actually raising this question.

It's simply ridiculous.

The billions of dollars and human and material resources invested by the Future Technology Group, how can it be possible to share such technology, in any country and any company, is impossible. (To be continued.)

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