The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1135: Future technology products

ps: Thank you for the 20000 starting currency rewarded by the leader of the "Dunbi Giant Panda". This chapter adds more for him.


The future biomedical technology conference is continuing. After Cai Ruichen subsequently announced the treatment of AIDS, the conference officially ended.

The effect of Mirae Technology Group's AIDS treatment drugs is similar to that of immunotherapy, and the launch time is between three months and six months, and the development of seedlings will start in six months.

At this point in time, it is natural to be particular about it. Otherwise, Cai Ruichen can promote these drugs casually, and the future technology group can quickly earn a large amount of real money.

And there will be a large number of activities to invite these experts who have made outstanding contributions in the medical field around the world. Cai Ruichen also arranged for the Red Police Corps' biomedical scientists headed by Qin Chen to hold medical treatment sessions with these invited experts and scholars. Field discussion forum.

These are not experts who come to Marin Town to play with famous names. After hearing the news announced by Cai Ruichen, all of them are shocked, and they are even more looking forward to the next forum.

On the official website of Future Technology Group, the complete video of the entire press conference also appeared on the homepage. On the global Internet, it attracted thousands of clicks every second.

Because the title above is really shocking.

The content is equally shocking. Simply start with a direct in-depth topic, but the video of less than ten minutes, in just half an hour, attracted more than hundreds of millions of clicks.

Although most of them cannot hear the techniques and treatments mentioned by Cai Ruichen, nor can they understand the professional medical knowledge, they can all hear that cancer and AIDS will be completely cured.

Although there are currently no public clinical drug trials. But for all human beings in the world, the news that Cai Ruichen personally announced, the result must be similar.

After all, as a person like Cai Ruichen. It is impossible to tell a false news to attract everyone's attention.

not to mention. Cai Ruichen is not the kind of grandstander, and for Cai Ruichen nowadays, he doesn't need to use such methods to gain attention, because the result will only make him crazy.

Almost everyone who saw the video believed in Cai Ruichen, which also shows the weight of Cai Ruichen in the eyes of the world.

At the same time, the clinical treatment results in the next three months will inevitably attract more attention.

Just when the video appeared on the Internet. Future hospitals in major cities around the world have also officially launched invitations to all cancer patients treated in hospitals, including the ten most serious patients.

The next thing to tell them is the good news, and at the same time, all their previous and subsequent treatment costs are eliminated. The only thing that patients need to pay is that they may need to meet the attention of the outside world and the necessary medical examinations during the process of acceptance. , And their medical information. It also needs to be announced to the outside world.

Paying the price of this is not a problem at all for every cancer patient who is almost there. All the lucky ones who accepted the invitation also decisively agreed and signed the agreement.

The efficiency of the Future Technology Group has also been thoroughly demonstrated. In just one hour, Future Hospitals around the world have officially announced a list of ten patients. This list contains detailed conditions and information of the patients, with pictures and Accurate condition report of the entire treatment process.

When someone looking at most of the patients, they all found these patients. All are patients with terminal cancer, and some have even issued death notices.

this matter. It also quickly attracted more widespread attention from the global media. Future Technology Group has been immersed for more than half a year. Once again attracted countless eyeballs from all over the world.

At the same time, almost all media in the world have just begun to report on the results and progress of future biomedical technology.

And Cai Ruichen's gratitude to those who provided their health information at the press conference also resonated with many people.

The machine housekeeper, a life housekeeper that has been almost universalized all over the world, has a function to check the health of the owner. When binding the machine housekeeper, there will be a reminder whether you are willing to upload your physical condition to the database. Many people all chose to agree.

Thanks to Cai Ruichen's gratitude, they also learned that the original physical health data uploaded were used for disease research.

At the subsequent official launch of the Future Technology Group’s new product launch, Future Technology Group also officially launched the second-generation Robot Manager. The Robot Manager II has the ability to detect human cancer and can analyze the body’s two sets of genes. The detailed changes in the health of the body are more advanced than the first-generation machine housekeeper.

Once there is Robot Butler No. 2, it can almost be said that people who have Robot Butler No. 2 will be able to know the health changes of their body in advance, combined with a healthy diet, can completely prevent any disease from happening.

And the machine housekeeper No. 2 has already begun mass production. When the press conference began, it was officially sold globally. It is also divided into three grades and the price is exactly the same as the first , Future Technology Group also released a portable safety terminal, this terminal can also initially judge and analyze the safety of the human body. Although the effect is not as powerful as the machine housekeeper No. 2, it is also much more advanced than the same type of tools in the world.

At the press conference, the Future Technology Group also officially announced that the future hospital will begin to update new medical equipment and data, which can accurately analyze the condition of each individual according to the physical condition of each person, so as to achieve the right medicine in the true sense.

Such medical devices will also be sold to all medical institutions in the world. At the same time, Future Technology Group will also donate 100 portable precision medical testing institutions to the Global Humanitarian Medical Association to provide them with Faster means of diagnosis and treatment.

At the end of this year's Future Technology Group's product launch conference, the shocking effect caused was no less than the first product launch conference of Future Technology Group, and this time it was a product theme closely related to all humans in the world.

Also announced to the public is today’s Future Technology Group’s annual financial report. This year, Future Technology Group’s global sales reached a staggering US$18 trillion, which is 300 billion more than the estimated 1.5 trillion. Dollar. (To be continued.)

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