The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1136: US$1.8 trillion

ps: Thank you for the 20000 starting coin rewarded by the leader of the "Dunbi Panda". This chapter continues to add more for him.


Last year, Future Technology Group's annual global financial report for the whole year showed that its global sales were only 800 billion U.S. dollars, ranking second in the world after Wal-Mart.

But from the beginning of today, the development momentum of the Future Technology Group is like riding on a rocket. In just six months, it has reached an astonishing US$1 trillion in global sales.

In the second half of the year, because there were no new products launched before the winter, sales performance declined. However, in the later period, cars began to go on the market, and the momentum was huge, easily exceeding the expected US$500 billion to reach US$800 billion.

As the world's first company with a turnover of more than US$1 trillion, the Future Technology Group has re-entered the annals of human history.

Although Wal-Mart, ranked second this year, is close to the $1 trillion mark, in fact, it is only half of the Future Technology Group.

And if it weren't for more products in the future technology space to be sold in Wal-Mart this year, Wal-Mart’s sales performance might not even have a chance to reach a trillion dollars.

In the coming next year, almost all economists will see a more terrifying future technology group.

The second-generation product of the Robot Manager has been launched, coupled with the gradual development of future automobiles, and breakthroughs in biomedicine.

Someone has already stated with certainty that the global sales of the Future Technology Group of tomorrow will definitely exceed US$25 trillion, even if it exceeds US$3 trillion, it is quite normal.

If this year’s Future Technology Group’s fiscal revenue is placed on the national level, sales of $1,800 billion will be enough to replace Australia. It has become the twelfth independent economy in the world.

If next year's future technology group's global sales can really exceed three trillion US dollars, it will replace France and become the world's fifth largest economy. Second to Germany.

If it continues to develop, it will probably surpass Germany. To become the fourth largest economy, it may surpass Japan in the future, ranking behind the United States and its hometown.

Of course, for the outside world, whether such an effect can be achieved is just a guess.

At the same time, as the sole owner of the Future Technology Group, Cai Ruichen will come out after this year's financial report. Because he has more than 200 billion U.S. dollars in deposits in the future bank, he has officially become the youngest rich man in the world.

And it is also the world's first super-rich with personal assets of more than 100 billion yuan, and his personal wealth is a little more than the sum of the last three global billionaires.

As an enterprise under the age of 23 and with assets of more than one trillion, coupled with personal assets of more than 200 billion, such a great achievement has been hailed as an unprecedented achievement.

It has even been praised by a large number of economists as an insurmountable miracle in human history.

This is mainly because Cai Ruichen is too young, maybe even in the next hundred years. After comparing the proportion of the global economy, no one can surpass Cai Ruichen at this age.

The scariest thing is. The future technology group will surely usher in a new level of development next year, and Cai Ruichen's personal wealth will naturally rise again.

Some people even say that if the future technology group goes public, the market value will probably increase by at least ten times in an instant.

This is not an exaggeration, because no one in the world is optimistic about the development of the future technology group. Once the future technology group is listed, the stock of the future technology group will inevitably reach the price of one thousand US dollars. Was looted.

of course. Future Technology Group has no intention to go public at all, and it has always been based on the real economy. Strong industrial and technological research and development capabilities, future prospects. It will also usher in more development opportunities.

Most of them are now wondering who will become the hostess of the Future Technology Group. At this point, there is some news about Cai Ruichen having a girlfriend.

But it has never been confirmed. Some people who know Hua Meixue are also tight-lipped. After all, they have not announced it, and they are not easy to talk nonsense.

The outside world only knows that the world's largest blue diamond has been given to his girlfriend by Cai Ruichen as a token of love.

There are also rumors that this girlfriend is a very beautiful oriental woman who once followed Cai Ruichen to the United States and her hometown.

It's just that for this girlfriend who makes almost all women in the world jealous, there is no outside picture.

In fact, this is the Intervention of Future Technology Group, and I don't want such news to appear in the global perspective as soon as possible.

In Cai Ruichen's words, even if he is willing to announce, it is his own business.

What's more, Cai Ruichen is not a celebrity, and his influence is not comparable to those celebrities, and he does not need any scandals.

If he wants, he can even make various headlines every day, and he doesn't know how many times he has been on the cover of American Time magazine, the cover of the person of the year, and he has also appeared twice.

Cai Ruichen is also indispensable on the cover of this year's Time Magazine Global Man.

And Cai Ruichen, who won the Nobel Prize in Science this year, and the Nobel Prize in Medicine next year, did not run.

Speaking of these gains, if Cai Ruichen was willing, his room would have been full of various certificates and honors.

Cai Ruichen's global popularity is no less obvious than anything else, and it has even reached a brand-new height, which is quite close to the height of the current three powerful men in the world.

Putong and Beijing The big bosses are Austria and Bama. He is approaching these three, and he is also the youngest among the world's most famous people.

It's just that Cai Ruichen has never cared about such a reputation. He hasn't even opened his Twitter for several months.

It is the base that helps him operate. In fact, he doesn't know how many fans he has on Twitter.

After all, Cai Ruichen is not relying on fame for food, nor is it relying on glamorous appearance to make money, but relying on hard power.

Unless one day comes, he can be hailed as one of the four most powerful men in the world, then he will be more or less excited. As for the current achievements, Cai Ruichen doesn't even have the idea of ​​being happy.

Of course, this is also a sign that Cai Ruichen is always growing. Maybe when he can become the world's four most powerful men, he will not feel excited.

Comparing the results, what really excites Cai Ruichen is the process of getting the results, just as the answer is not important, but the process of solving the problem is important. (To be continued.)

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