The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1137: Agricultural development preparation

ps: Thanks for the 10,000 starting coin rewarded by the book friend "A Lie in the Wind", this chapter adds more for him.


The annual new product launch conference of the Future Technology Group is over, and Cai Ruichen does not relax because of this.

Another major problem that plagues Iraq, Syria and even the entire Middle East is the climate problem.

In fact, from North Africa to West Asia, there are the same problems. At the beginning of the development of human civilization, a large number of felling trees and a large number of animal husbandry developments, and also because of climate change, made the Middle East and North Africa become the world The largest desert area.

At the beginning of the Arab civilization, it was not a camel, but a goat. With more and more deserts, camels became the main animal husbandry.

In Iraq and Syria at this time, a large amount of food is also dependent on the import of Future Technology Group. The supply of local food is simply not enough to meet the basic food needs of the people of the two countries.

The war, the economy, and the logistics are also fighting. If a country cannot even supply its own domestic food, then the war will become extremely difficult.

Just like Japan during World War II, when faced with the US naval blockade, it was not only steel and crude oil that could not be shipped to Japan, but also the grain.

This made Japan's domestic food supply often appear in the middle of the second stage of World War II. Hungry was also a common memory of the Japanese at that time.

Although Cai Ruichen is not worried about the blockade of food sources during future wars, he cannot rely on the outside world for everything.

In the future, he will have more territory than Syria and Iraq. Therefore, it is bound to solve domestic food self-sufficiency.

After all, imported food has also greatly increased the cost of living of domestic people. There is no doubt about this.

And all Iraqis. It is impossible to all participate in the development of industry.

In the past, the proportion of agriculture in Iraq was also extremely high. The well-known candied dates in Iraq used to be a large amount of export revenue of the Iraqi government.

And the development of animal husbandry. Agriculture is also needed to assist. Cai Ruichen had no alternative in the past. Just don't think about it.

But with the increasing temperature and the shrinking agricultural development, Cai Ruichen is also quite anxious.

If it was said that it was difficult for clever women to cook without rice, now the biggest opportunities for agricultural development in Iraq and Syria are coming.

Outside of Marin Town, the southern and western areas, and the wilderness, all because there is no running water for irrigation. It can only be deserted farmland, and then gradually eroded by wind and sand, turning into a deserted Gobi.

At present, not much agriculture in Iraq is concentrated in even one river basin. This place where the Middle East civilization was born, has also reserved a little agricultural foundation for Iraq.

And since a year ago, a large number of Iraqi farmers have all been concentrated and started to manage the abandoned farmland.

Although there is not much rain in the sky, Future Technology Group has already stated. Water will be drawn from Lake Celsar to irrigate all nearby farmland.

In one year, nearly 50 million acres of abandoned farmland have also been developed. For this reason, Future Technology Group has also prepared a large number of excellent seeds.

A large amount of seeds were also distributed to the farmers. But what puzzles everyone is that the Future Technology Group does not seem to have started the construction of water diversion projects.

With 50 million mu of farmland and more than 30,000 square kilometers of land, almost all the deserted Gobi in Iraq has been developed.

Equivalent to one-fourteenth of Iraq’s land area, this utilization rate has reached an astonishing level.

Once there is sufficient rainwater for irrigation, combined with unified fertilization and high-yield seeds from the Future Science and Technology Group, it only takes one season of harvest to achieve a minimum of 50 million tons of grain output, which can satisfy a population of only 30 or 40 million. Iraqi. Three years required.

And with the development of agriculture, the development of animal husbandry is bound to usher in better development. Both are also complementary.

To this end, Future Technology Group has also prepared a large number of agricultural machinery and equipment. In order to meet the future demand of 50 million mu of farmland.

It's just that, one year later, the grain has not been planted, because the dry land cannot be used for planting.

It is just the Agricultural Development Company of the Future Technology Group that has been guiding all Iraqi farmers to build engineering facilities for agricultural water storage.

In every square kilometer of the world, there are ponds dug to store water. These ponds can directly irrigate farmland and can also be used to breed freshwater fish.

The area of ​​the pond is large enough and the depth is sufficient. It even leads directly to the underground river in Iraq. Only rain has been moisturized. In the future, even if there is no rain for several months, there will be water in the pond.

When all these projects are completed, the 5,000 mu of farmland will be ready for nearly a year.

Recently, all registered farmers have also received seeds based on their own land.

Although there is still no drinking water project in sight, the Future Technology Group stated that there will be a lot of rain this year, so even if there is no drinking water project, it can be used to grow food.

The dubious farmers also started to observe the weather according to the weather forecast of Future Technology Group.

However, several days passed, and the climate was simply dry and hot, and there was no such feeling of dry heat as before the rain.

At this time, and just in these two days, the weather forecast on the Iraqi national television station also began to show reports that rain will begin the day after tomorrow.

The report claimed that the weather forecasting team using the new phased array weather radar technology can basically determine that the rain will arrive in two days.

The Iraqis, who didn't know much at all, chose to believe it.

Today the sky is still shining brightly, and it seems that there is no sign of rain at all.

This made all the farmers who took the seeds to the paddy field to prepare, all a little anxious. Inside the awning of the field, the farmers in the nearby fields gathered in twos and threes, and all of them were a little anxious.

"It's not that it's raining, it's midday, and you can't even see a cloud in the sky."

"That said, it's been a long time since it rained, and there was a heavy rain, which is a bit unreliable."

"I believe Mr. Cai will not deceive people. He always said that there is rain. Let's wait."

Hearing one of them talked about Cai Ruichen, everyone's inner anxiety was somewhat calmed down.

When everyone was anxiously waiting for the heavy rain, an off-road vehicle suddenly appeared on this field, and the car slowly stopped by the side of the awning on the concrete road.

Under the curious eyes of those nearby Iraqis, Cai Ruichen opened the car door and walked down. (To be continued.)

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