The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1138: Thunder and rain

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Domineering naked running, ak" rewarded 10,000 starting currency, this chapter added more for him.


On the edge of the field, all the Iraqis saw Cai Ruichen getting out of the car, one by one, they hurriedly stepped forward and put their right hands on their chests, bowing deeply to Cai Ruichen.

Regarding Cai Ruichen's arrival, every Iraqi hotter seemed to be particularly excited. There were even a few faces that trembled with excitement.

Cai Ruichen was also very polite to meet them. He saw the seeds prepared under the awning with a slight smile on his face and said, "It seems that you are all well prepared too, not bad."

Hearing what Cai Ruichen said, all the people around him talked verbally, but this time no one said anything about worrying about not raining.

The moment they saw Cai Ruichen, they deeply felt that there were no difficulties, and they had forgotten all their worries, and they were full of pride and honor.

Cai Ruichen, who got out of the car, didn't mean to move on. Instead, he entered the awning and chatted with these civilians at the grassroots level in Iraq.

The topic of discussion is nothing more than the simplest life situation.

Under the roadside, a long irrigation canal has been dug, and a long small bridge connects the farmland and the road.

The concrete road in the field is also very spacious, allowing two large agricultural machinery to walk side by side on it. Between the road and the field, there are also bridges in the city where agricultural machinery enters and exits at every interval.

It can allow tractors or other construction machinery to enter the fields to harvest or transport the harvested grain.

These constructions were all built by the Iraqi people and the construction team during this year. Just these agricultural infrastructure constructions also cost a lot of money.

And beside this huge agricultural base. An agricultural airport has been specially built, and the planes for transferring agricultural fertilizers are also fully equipped.

And these farmers. In fact, they are all professional farmers who have contracts with Future Agricultural Companies, and everyone has a fixed field. Responsible for farmland management, not only can get a part of the subsidy from the Future Technology Group, but also can use part of the harvested grain as a family.

The purpose of this is to allow Iraqi farmers to grow food with confidence, even if there is no harvest, they can still use the subsidies provided by Future Industrial Corporation. Meet the needs of life.

The most important thing is that this kind of cooperation can be regarded as half of the employees of the Future Technology Group, and there are many grassroots social benefits to enjoy. It is a job that every Iraqi wants to get a sharp head.

However, for the 50 million acres of farmland developed this time, the future agricultural company will also be assessed when recruiting farmers. Those who do not even understand how to farm or understand the plant diseases and insect pests will be eliminated immediately.

After all, Cai Ruichen had launched such a big battle, not to relieve the Iraqis. It is for the future national food strategy.

And if Iraq can do it here, then Syria will start similar farmland operations in the future.

In addition to the 50 million acres of farmland developed by the Future Technology Group, the Iraqi government has also allocated the remaining farmland to the real farmers. But they need to open up wasteland by themselves.

This is also to use all the domestic land as much as possible, and also to prevent another soil erosion.

Even Cai Ruichen initiated the desert grassland project. For several years, Cai Ruichen has conducted in-depth research on the tenacious vegetation in the wasteland.

Researching the genome of this kind of plant, although I still don't understand why that kind of plant absorbs viruses in the air to grow, but there are certain gains in other fields.

Years of research results have also made the scientists of the Red Police Corps. According to the research data, a kind of forage grass with strong drought resistance was developed. This pasture can grow in the desert as long as there is a little rain at first.

and so. When this heavy rain arrives, a large number of new pasture seeds will also be sprinkled throughout the desert areas of southern and western Iraq.

In just one month, large tracts of pasture will completely replace the yellow sand everywhere, and the yellow sand land will be transformed.

Of course, whether this improved drought-resistant pasture can really grow in the desert after the rain, and whether the data in the experiment can be brought to the present environment, Cai Ruichen is not good at this point.

Regardless of the result, it is natural to try it.

Success is naturally gratifying. If it fails, it can only be improved until the desert can be revived.

In the awning, Cai Ruichen had just sat down on the stool inside. He hadn't chatted with the surrounding Iraqis. In the east sky, heavy clouds slowly floated in.

At this time, an Iraqi was posting a photo of himself and Cai Ruichen on his social network, and then he immediately exclaimed, raising the real-time news on the future mobile phone, and excitedly said to friends around: "It's raining in the east. It’s so heavy rain, Baghdad hasn’t seen lightning and thunder for many years."

The others also hurriedly gathered around, watching the news on their phones, all with a look of excitement.

The news screen on the mobile phone is from the Future Media Company. Rain spread from the east of Iraq, and big raindrops have fallen on the city of Baghdad.

And half an hour over the city of Baghdad, where the sun was still shining brightly, at this moment, under the downpour and heavy clouds, it almost turned into night.

The street lights in the whole city are also bright.

From the news shot, you can also see a large number of Baghdad people cheering in the rain on the street.

Baghdad, I don’t know how many years it has not experienced such heavy precipitation, and the hot air has been swept away.

At this moment, news images quickly appeared in Marin City, and the heavy clouds in the sky almost reached the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, a kilometer high.

In the thick clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and there were even several sets of pictures, which happened to be shot by lightning hitting the lightning rod on the top of the central building of the Future Technology Group. The entire building of the Future Technology Group was instantly bright.

In the ultra-clear picture, with the light of lightning, the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, at this moment, seems to be connected to the world.

This kind of nature picture is very exciting and beautiful, and it looks even more gorgeous.

This is also a precious picture worthy of collection. It has been more than two years since the headquarters of Future Technology Group was built, and it was the first contact with the world. (To be continued.)

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