The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1140: The real benefits of base cars

ps: ps: Thanks to the book friend "Eternal 11" for the reward of 10,000 starting coins, this chapter adds more for him.

Today’s eighth watch, I hope everyone will give Hualien a lot of support.


The base’s super weapons are divided into unique properties and single properties. Single properties refer to super weapons such as mind controllers.

Because no matter how many special base vehicles you have, you can only build one mind controller, not more.

This is not because the mind controller is the extracted relationship, even if it appears normally in the future, it can only be built.

The only property is that in terms of the number of base vehicles, the main base vehicle is regarded as a base vehicle, and those special base vehicles are naturally regarded as a base vehicle.

Super weapons like weather controllers are unique in nature, which refers to the uniqueness of each base vehicle.

The main base vehicle can build a weather control instrument, and the other three special base vehicles currently owned by Cai Ruichen can also build a second weather control instrument and even a fourth weather control instrument.

The control and command of other weather control instruments must be carried out in the command center of the special base vehicle.

The main base vehicle can only control the weather control instrument of the main base vehicle, and cannot control the weather control instrument of other special base vehicles, but such control can be completely coordinated.

From this point of view, there is no problem at all. In the future, even if all weather control instruments can be combined at the same time and work together, the impact and effect will be even more terrifying.

It's just that Cai Ruichen currently only has the ability to build one of the weather controllers. After all, five billion yuan is enough to build ten heavy aircraft carrier battle groups. It is too expensive.

But there is no way it is expensive. Once funds are available, Cai Ruichen will inevitably also build a second weather control instrument.

As for the French base car awarded for this mission, he is also bound to win.

With the gradual possession of future super weapons. If those powerful super weapons can be built in the majority, the strength will be improved. In many cases, I am afraid it will surpass hundreds of thousands of lions.

What's more, Cai Ruichen has no reason to reject those special base vehicles. Once a French base vehicle is owned, it will also bring new development efficiency improvements.

As long as the Red Police Corps is stronger, he will be more confident after facing the enemy in the future.

At this moment, Cai Ruichen was standing under the awning, watching the Iraqis around him watching the coming clouds. Cheering.

His mood also began to become more cheerful. This time the rainfall was incredible for both the Iraqis and the whole world.

As early as several days ago, a large number of meteorological satellites discovered abrupt changes in weather from the Indian Ocean to the Arabian Sea and even the entire Middle East.

But no one has found the reason, because the air currents and trade winds on the sea have also changed accordingly. Until the reason for the change is found, no one knows why.

As for such climate change, it is not surprising, after all, the global climate is abnormal. It's not once or twice, and it's all commonplace.

It's just that for every climate anomaly, the cause must always be investigated. Many experts also classify this as ocean climate change.

But for India, it is not good news, but in front of nature, there is no way at all.

The world is no stranger to things like weather weapons, but no one can think of it before seeing or hearing it with their own eyes.

After all, all the weather weapons in the world can only be guided, and they cannot really change the weather. In other words, even if it changes. That is also extremely limited.

However, for the Iraqis. No matter how much it is, the heavy rain is brought by God and a gift from God.

And Cai Ruichen would not admit it or what he was doing. The outside world likes to guess, so let them guess. What he has to do is to do his own thing silently.

The downpour came soon, Cai Ruichen did not cheer in the rain with the Iraqis, but stood in the awning, watching the hazy rain curtain between the sky and the earth.

After nearly two hours of heavy rain, Cai Ruichen stood quietly under the awning, and in the chat with these Iraqis, he forgot the passage of time.

When the rainfall began to gradually decrease, the fields in front of them were filled with water.

The dry earth is still absorbing the rainwater on the surface at this moment, and a little rainwater was used to moisturize this long-exposed earth.

Now, almost all of the earth is filled with rainwater, and a large amount of stagnant water has begun to float on the earth. The irrigation canals on the roadside have also accumulated a lot of rainwater.

In just two hours, an uninterrupted torrential rain brought nearly 100 millimeters of precipitation, and in the next few days, there will be several consecutive light rains, just to make this dry land. , As much as possible to enjoy the full moisture of rain.

When the rain stopped, these Iraqis who were waiting for the rain did not care about being with Cai Ruichen. They took the tools to flatten the prepared nursery with the help of sufficient rain.

On the other hand, the brought seeds were soaked in rainwater in big wooden buckets. Soon these seeds could be sprinkled on the nursery, covered with plastic sheet to make them germinate and grow at a constant temperature, and then mechanical planting.

From planting to harvest, it only takes a hundred days. From now on, the rice will be harvested in four months.

On the other side where the rain has passed, a global transport plane is flying slowly over the desert just moistened by the rain at an altitude of four kilometers.

The rear door of the plane opened slowly, and the conveyor belt on the top of the cabin suspended the device for throwing seeds to the end of the cabin door, just facing the endless rainy desert below.

The seeds of the pasture were all soaked in water beforehand, in order to allow the seeds of the pasture to fully absorb the water. These soaked forage seeds fall like rain, and under the air and wind, they are also like dandelions. The same as the seeds, falling in the desert below.

This desert, as long as the pastures can grow, it will become the largest grassland in the entire Middle East. Pastures will also be able to multiply in this desert and bring sufficient forage food to the huge animal husbandry in the future.

As for the desert control work, Future Technology Group has also announced to the outside world. Many people around the world are also praying that Future Technology Group can also bring miracles this time.

After all, the problem of desertification is a common problem for mankind. If the future technology group can really solve the problem of desertification, it will also be a common gospel for mankind. (To be continued.)

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