The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1141: Electromagnetic pulse covers the sky

In the wasteland world, above the gray and yellow sky, thick clouds still shroud every day.

Standing on the mountain outside the base of the mountain, Cai Ruichen raised his head and looked at the more gloomy sky above his head, his face covered with solemn color.

Wasteland, five years have passed, and the crisis of wasteland has erupted for more than six years now. The heavy clouds of gray and yellow in the sky have never disappeared for a moment.

And to Cai Ruichen, the cloud in the sky seems to be getting lower and lower.

But this is closely his illusion, and he also knows that it is not his eyes that brings the illusion, but the clouds above his head are really getting heavier.

It becomes a grayish-yellow cloud without any virus radiation, no positive and negative poles, no lightning, and there is not much water in the sky.

The biggest feature of this cloud layer is that it is full of super strong electromagnetic coincidence. The closer to the cloud layer, the stronger the interference.

It is as if there is a device specially used to release electromagnetic pulses in the clouds, which completely seals the entire earth under this electromagnetic pulse.

This has also led to the fact that Cai Ruichen has not launched any satellites into the sky at the current position.

It's not that he didn't have such an idea. If it were placed five years ago, when he first owned the base, there was still a connection between the earth and low-Earth orbit.

People on the ground can also contact satellites in space through equipment, but soon this connection is cut off by electromagnetic pulses in the sky.

Now even if the launched missile can be launched into the air, it can also penetrate the super-strong electromagnetic radiation cloud layer, and the satellites carried can also operate in earth orbit, but the connection between the ground and the ground will always be cut off.

What's more, actually under this super strong electromagnetic pulse. The launch vehicle simply cannot launch into the air, let alone launch satellites.

All aircraft can only operate in the airspace barely below one kilometer. Even the most advanced peacekeeping aircraft of the Red Police Corps can fly up to an altitude of 3,000 meters.

The Black Hawk fighter can barely fly to an altitude of two kilometers. The invader fighter can only stay in the airspace below one kilometer.

And every flight will cause damage to the electronic system of the aircraft, and it is necessary to replace some of the electronic devices on it that have been strongly interfered with once it takes off.

If it weren't for ground communication that could be used within and outside a certain range, otherwise, under such an environment, human combat effectiveness would really be more ruthlessly weakened.

Currently. Not only Cai Ruichen didn't know what was going on with this layer of cloud, but all the survivors in the future base also didn't know.

It's like the single stubborn vegetation on the ground, absorbing viruses in the air, it looks incredible.

But in five years, for Cai Ruichen, a lot of things have been ridiculous.

In the past five years, Cai Ruichen has lived in the wasteland. No outsiders have been found yet.

In fact. This can also be understood, for so many years, the survivors of the wasteland world. Even if they can survive, they usually stay warm in those survivors’ bases.

Coupled with the low temperature of nearly one hundred degrees in the cold winter, under normal circumstances, the survivors have no ability to move outside.

As for other than trespassing, it is even more suicidal. In the six years since the catastrophe, the city has almost been covered by vegetation, and it is impossible to find any food outside.

In addition, there are terrible mutants everywhere, and there are occasionally mutant creatures in the wild.

And although mutant people don't like water. But in the ocean, the existence of mutant marine life is terrible. The lake is quite safe, as long as it doesn't make noise. Just attract mutant people into the water.

In fact, at the beginning of the catastrophe, a large number of military and underwater creatures all over the world died completely with most of the plants.

At that time, the earth was full of corpses and dead fish floating on the lake.

For the plants and corpses that died of the virus, and the human beings who were not affected by the virus, they all avoided it.

But for the mutant, these things are the best food. When Cai Ruichen got the base car and came to the wasteland, the corpses in the wild and other places had all been scraped away by the mutant.

So he didn't feel it at all, but for every survivor of the wasteland, the pictures of corpses everywhere are still vivid.

The pets in the city, the birds in the sky, and the floating fish on the water, within a short period of one or two months, the heaven and the earth are all shrouded in a thick rancid smell.

Before the catastrophe, the countless creatures living in the wasteland world are now very few, not a few normal ones, and most of the survivors have also undergone mutation.

Even those microorganisms are mostly dead, which is also the source of human food cut off.

The vigorous seed will be cut off immediately when it germinates.

Now, no one can tell, where there are living people in the wasteland, there are no satellites in the sky, airplanes can't fly far, and the things they can understand are limited to the surrounding area.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that the base is still inseparable from him, Cai Ruichen would like to take some people and go outside to see this **** world.

At least with his current ability, with Yuriko and three bodyguards, he believes that the wasteland world is so big that he can go to most places.

Of course If this thick layer of electromagnetic pulse clouds in the sky can keep the aircraft flying in the sky for a long time, then the world has long been discovered by Cai Ruichen.

In fact, Cai Ruichen's desire to explore the world in the face of such difficulties is not very strong.

In addition, in reality, Israel's problems have caused him enough headaches.

Moreover, the year before the wasteland had been a cold winter, and under the cold winter, all actions could only be suspended.

It's just that under such extreme weather conditions, I am afraid that it will take less than 20 years. The cold contraction in the cold winter and the thermal expansion in the normal climate are enough to destroy the reinforced concrete buildings in most cities on the earth.

According to engineers' estimates, it will only take ten years for most cities in the world to disappear one after another. This world will really become a wasteland world.

After all, mutants can’t take care of buildings or maintain the city. Buildings that can survive must be inhabited or taken care of, otherwise it will be hard to escape. (To be continued.)

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