The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1142: The continuing crisis of mankind

Standing on the highest mountain in the future base, Cai Ruichen looked at several small towns in the distance that were no longer in sight, and he sighed.

The traces of human civilization are gradually disappearing from most corners of the earth. If it weren’t for this place to have its own existence, there would be a large number of survivors taking care of the city. Between extreme heat and extreme cold, the interior of the city’s cement buildings expanded. , The wind blows the seeds of the vegetation, with dust, taking root in the city.

Now the Mozabi County and the city of Erbil in the future base will inevitably be covered by vegetation, and then time will pass. A few years later, the tall buildings in the city that have not been maintained and taken care of will collapse one by one, and the city will fall in time. Turned into ruins, and then covered by dense vegetation, withered plants, and falling dust will eventually bury all the cities in decades.

As for those big cities, it may be able to hold on for a little longer, but decades later, they still cannot escape the fate of being completely destroyed by historical occasions.

There are not many human beings in the world. According to Cai Ruichen's idea, there are now millions of living people, which can really be called a miracle.

Just like these survivors gathered in the future base, if Cai Ruichen never showed up, and there was no base and Red Police Corps, then most of these survivors would not be able to live to this day.

Not to mention, now it seems to have returned to the era of peace, life has begun to become normal, and life is in order.

But this is only a superficial phenomenon after all. At least in the current environment, there is no childbirth, and the time that humans persist will not be much longer than these cities.

When the city disappears and the problem of reproduction cannot be solved, then humanity will inevitably end.

Just talk about the future base now. Despite the good life, the cold winter lasted for a year, and no one was hungry. No one was frozen to death.

However, the pressure of survival in the future is in the hearts of most survivors. No reduction at all.

Those young children have almost become the only hope for mankind in the future. The way to change the fate of mankind is not to wait for the rescue of the gods, but to rely on the wisdom that mankind has always survived.

As long as the problem of human reproduction is completely resolved, there will be hope for humans in the future.

Cai Ruichen also believes that not only the survivors in his own base, but most of the survivors in the world. They all have the same idea.

After more than six years of living in the wasteland, people who have survived until now have mature ideas. For most people, death is really not terrible at all.

Compared to those who have really suffered, living in the wasteland is more painful than the end of death.

As for whether there is still a large gathering area outside, or human civilization, Cai Ruichen is not good at this point.

But one thing is certain, Cai Ruichen will never give up all hope. Regardless of the outside world.

To this end, he will also rely on the combat laboratory to recruit a large number of experts in the field of biomedicine. Specially responsible for this aspect.

Among them, the superhero Wu Jie of Tyrannosaurus and the superhero Qin Chen of the mad orcs took the lead in researching this issue.

Even if it really involves the need to modify the current human genetic genes so that the conceived person will not be interfered by the virus during the growth of the fetal embryo, it can only be modified by finding a way.

Just want to modify the genetic genes, it is also very difficult for the technology that the base has, not to mention the direction of the modification. It's even more difficult.

And such research, with the deepening of research. It has also brought about the development of many other medical technologies, those drugs that treat cancer. It is also a result of this research project.

Improving human genes to make them have stronger immunity. Viruses in the air cannot be solved. It can be used to solve cancer and AIDS, which is also just right.

The research is still going on. In Qin Chen's words, even if it is 30 or 50 years of research, the offspring of current humans must be fully immune to viruses in the air.

In fact, among the research objects, Cai Ruichen also contributed his own efforts, because most of the research directions are based on his and the superhero serum as samples.

Neither Qin Chen nor Wu Jie were stingy with their genes and serum, and they all hoped to find a breakthrough from the veritable monsters among them.

It's just that the virus in the air is completely invisible, and countless viruses are all about the same mass and size as God's particles.

Under the current human technology, all detection devices cannot fully observe what this virus is.

The most frightening thing is that these viruses, although usually stable, are also evolving and mutating quietly.

This has also led to several years of research, but the answer to the big question of human reproduction is still zero.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen only hopes that Qin Chen and Wu Jie can make progress gradually, after all, he also owns another earth world.



On the top of the mountain, Cai Ruichen was looking at the sky and the earth in a daze, Al Yessel came over and awakened him from his thousands of thoughts.

"Are Qianhe still in Erbil?" Cai Ruichen nodded, and asked Al Yessel without looking back.

"Since Qianzuru came over from this world, she has stayed in Erbil, without leaving a single step." El Yessel said.

"Are there any changes in the mutants under Qianhe's command?" Cai Ruichen also felt a little strange about Qianhe's actions.

After returning from Jituyi Island Qianhe asked to return to the Wasteland World. Once back here, he stayed alone in the underground mall in the city center of Erbil.

Cai Ruichen asked the reason many times, but Qianhe didn't say anything.

After that, Cai Ruichen did not continue to inquire, and at the same time, he paid attention to Qianhe's whereabouts every day.

In fact, Cai Ruichen also guessed a little bit. On Jituyi Island, Qianhe lost all his abilities and fainted. He would soon recover from now on, but Qianhe's spirit has not been very good.

But Cai Ruichen didn't know and couldn't understand why this happened to Qianhe.

"Those mutants are very normal. They eat the mutant creatures we cloned every day. Most of them have evolved by one level, and a few have been promoted by two levels." El Yasser said.

"Continue to pay attention to Qianhe's situation and report anything to me at any time." Cai Ruichen ordered.

"Yes." (To be continued.)

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