The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1143: Raptors crossing the ocean

After stopping briefly in the wasteland world, Cai Ruichen immediately returned to this world.

In the cold winter that lasted for a year, the next stage of development is still unchanging, and all the development work has been arranged, and he does not need to worry about it.

After all, the current wasteland future base has no power nearby that could threaten the base, and the survivors in other places have nothing to do with the future base.

Even those survivor bases that will gradually come into contact with the wasteland world in the future need to resolve Israel.

Cai Ruichen was really unwilling to distract her energy.

With the complete restoration of the current Iraqi agriculture, the control of the desert has also achieved comprehensive results. The 50 million mu of agricultural base, with golden and full grains, seems to be the harvest season.

Using the rice with the best yield at present, the yield per mu has reached one ton, 50 million mu of farmland, enough to harvest 50 million tons of rice.

With careful care, when the harvest season arrives, the achievements of Iraq’s agricultural development this year are enough to get rid of the previous situation of relying on imports.

A large number of harvesting machinery are all ready in the field, waiting for the most suitable harvest time.

In southern and western Iraq, a large number of deserts have been covered by dense pastures, and many weeds that could not survive have also emerged one by one.

Future Technology Group's ability to manage deserts has also begun to attract a lot of attention around the world, especially in other Middle Eastern countries and North Africa.

Even the United States has been frequently dismantling the Future Technology Group. After all, in the west of the United States, there is also a large Gobi.

If this area can become a grassland, it will definitely improve the overall environmental problems in the United States.

Just for this technology, the Future Technology Group has been in the past few months. It has always rejected the olive branches thrown by various desert and Gobi countries on the grounds that the technology is immature and cannot be widely promoted.

For this. In fact, countries can also understand, because Future Technology Group can explain it clearly. That is the improvement of the Iraqi desert, mainly because of the changes brought about by the rain a few months ago.

If there is not enough rainwater to be a bedding, it is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

It's just that many countries still don't give up. After all, the improvement of the desert can be done slowly. It doesn't have to be like Iraq, where all yellow becomes emerald overnight.

And their goal. Naturally, it is the seeds of the forage grass growing in the original desert, and there are even some people sneaking into Iraq to steal the forage grass.

In this regard, Iraqi officials will naturally not let go of those illegal immigrants, catching is fined and repatriated, and the Future Technology Group also immediately expressed the hope that all countries will not be in a hurry, and once it is thoroughly improved, it will be quickly promoted worldwide.

Regarding such small problems, Cai Ruichen is not very concerned. And when he was harvesting the grain, he really paid attention.

After the first season of grain harvesting, the next step is to plant other crops. For example, sweet potatoes or potatoes, and then the second season of rice.

This year’s Iraq’s high grain yield is already a certainty, and Cai Ruichen is also very happy.

For the next combat operations with Israel, with food, the troops are also waiting for it, and can be put into combat at any time with only an order.

And while the Iraqis are busy harvesting grain, the Far East is not very peaceful.

As the first home-made aircraft carrier in the true sense began to conduct sea trials, the original training ship Liaoning. Suddenly appeared in major newspapers around the world, and they all made headlines.

In major media and networks around the world. All are reports of the huge fleet entering the Indian Ocean from the Strait of Malacca.

This is the first time an aircraft carrier battle group has been sent across the Strait of Malacca, and it is the first time to enter the Indian Ocean.

The most interesting thing is. This time, the old home carrier battle group has reached an unprecedented scale. There are seven brand new 052d guided missile destroyers on a single carrier, and eight 054a frigates on the periphery, plus four ocean-going supply ships, and one A dock landing ship and even three attack nuclear submarines accompanied the operation.

At the same time, the outside world has also learned that the entire fleet is armed with live ammunition, and all fighters on the Liaoning are fully equipped. During the voyage, the formation of aircraft carrier groups spans nearly 300 kilometers.

Such a huge fleet is the first time for my hometown. At the same time, the pressure on Southeast Asia and India is unprecedented.

No one knows why, when there are no signs at all, what is going to be done with such a huge fleet in my hometown?

But one thing is certain, and that is to show off its strength. The fleet first set off from the northern naval port, passed through the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, and passed through the South Fujian Strait. It took a short rest and fuel supply at the southern navy port, and after all the other warships arrived. , Start again.

The huge fleet group passes directly through the middle of the southern waters, and at the edge of the fleet, it was even close to the periphery of the exclusive economic zones of the Philippines and Vietnam.

With such a large fleet operating together, other countries in the world cannot be formed except the United States, Japan, and Russia.

This alone has indeed brought a tremendous deterrent effect to Southeast Asian countries.

At the beginning, I just thought that my hometown had formed such a large fleet to cheer on the already-stretched combat effectiveness of the Liaoning.

But the result was once again beyond the expectations of all When the fleet approached Singapore, it formed a formation that passed through the strait. Fighters took off from the aircraft carrier to **** the fleet through the strait.

The Japanese and American warships that have been following up close are all a little confused.

After all, the purpose of such a huge fleet is actually the Indian Ocean. How does this make Japan and the United States not confused.

No one can understand why such a large fleet is going to the Indian Ocean?

Is it just to **** the Gulf of Aden and fight the pirates in Somalia?

No one knows this purpose, and my hometown announced it to the outside world. This is just a routine fleet ocean-going comprehensive training. It is not aimed at any country in order to test the fleet's adaptation in different oceans.

But regardless of whether the United States and Japan are suspicious, the Indians can't sit still. India has always regarded its hometown as its biggest imaginary enemy, and the Indian Navy has always been a place where Indians feel that they can beat their hometown.

Knowing the arrival of the huge fleet in his hometown, India was suddenly jumping up and down. (To be continued.)

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