The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1144: The fleet enters the Persian Gulf

The three major fleets of the home navy drew elite warships to form a huge ocean-going squadron. Entering the Indian Ocean must have profound meaning.

But for this deep meaning, the whole Asia is full of speculation, and even the large number of citizens in the hometown are very curious.

The Indian side is the most active. In the face of the huge home fleet, the Indian Navy has hurriedly dispatched reconnaissance warships and reconnaissance aircraft to monitor the whereabouts of the home fleet across the Indian Ocean and take pictures at close range.

On the other hand, the U.S. warships in the Indian Ocean are all moving towards their home fleet.

No matter what their home fleet does in the Indian Ocean, they cannot stop it. After all, the high seas have the right to sail freely.

Even if the United States has not yet joined the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, it still cannot stop the legal navigation of warships of other countries on the high seas.

After three days of hurried sailing, this huge fleet was really training on the road, but when it entered the middle of the Indian Ocean, the home fleet turned straight north and headed towards Pakistan. .

At this moment, my hometown also officially announced that the fleet will dock at Pakistan and the port jointly built by my hometown for resupply rest. At the same time, we will conduct a three-day friendly visit to the Pakistani iron brothers, during which the navies of the two sides will also have in-depth exchanges. , The two navies will also conduct exercises in the Arabian Sea.

Pakistan has been very calm recently. From the outside world's view, this behavior in my hometown is completely creating an atmosphere of tension in the region. I haven't seen all the protests in India.

But my hometown did not explain this. After all, my hometown and Pakistan are both sovereign countries, and the exercises are not aimed at third parties.

Moreover, the exercises in the Arabian Sea are not in Indian territorial waters and exclusive economic zones.

Protest against India. Although my hometown looked ignorant, he also gave an explanation.

However, for the Western world. The purpose of sending such a large fleet from home is definitely not against Pakistan. Even more is not to compete with India, because it is totally impossible.

Three days quickly passed. After leaving Pakistan’s home navy, he did not return to the Far East. Instead, he moved directly along the coastline of the Middle East towards the Persian Gulf.

Could it be...

When I saw my hometown heading in the direction of the Persian Gulf, all countries also understood the purpose of this trip to my hometown. It was heading for the Persian Gulf.

This makes every country quite surprised, and it can even be said that it does not understand.

Since the founding of the country, no warship has officially entered the Persian Gulf. This is definitely the first time it has arrived in the Persian Gulf.

And since it has been such a huge fleet group, the entire Middle East has a feeling of rain.

However, some people showed great enthusiasm for the arrival of their hometown. The Iranian Navy sent warships to the Arabian Sea to welcome the arrival of the home fleet and greet the home fleet through the Strait of Hormuz in the Persian Gulf.

Just come over this way. The various U.S. aircraft and intelligence ships approaching for investigation hardly stopped.

Faced with such a situation, the home fleet seems to have no feeling at all. Enter into the Persian Gulf steadily.

The small Persian Gulf, not as big as a washbasin for the earth, has brought together the U.S. Navy’s Fifth Fleet and the larger ocean-going training fleet at home.

More than twenty modern main combat ships have entered the Persian Gulf with great force, and the entire Middle East world has also seen the powerful navy style of their hometown.

In particular, the aircraft carrier is equipped with more than 30 carrier-based aircraft, which has exceeded the total number of active fighters in most countries in the Middle East.

When the fleet slowly docked in Iran's military port. Immediately attracted a large number of rounds.

For the country, any action has its meaning in it. From the perspective of the world in the Middle East, this move of my hometown. It is entirely to cheer for Iran.

But because of this, the entire Middle East world is completely incomprehensible. From the eyes of the whole world, the hometown is famous and muddy, and it has always been innocent on both sides.

He has never intervened in regional conflicts and has no interest in intervening, but such behavior clearly offends the oil kingdoms in the Middle East.

Doesn't my hometown need the oil of these countries anymore?

You know, no matter how good the relationship between the hometown and Iran is, Iran still accepts UN sanctions. Before the comprehensive sanctions are lifted, even if Iran has more natural gas and oil, it will not be able to send it to the hometown.

After all, my hometown also signed the United Nations sanctions agreement. Before the sanctions were lifted, they were not allowed to provide any technology or import any products to Iran.

This is also the reason why the Western world is most confused. At this moment, no one knows what the meaning of this move in my hometown is.

If it's just to get closer to Iran, it's not so obvious. I don't know if the relationship can get closer, but one thing is certain. Joining is really the purpose, and the result is that it will offend more people.

The friendship that my hometown finally got in the Middle East is very likely to be completely lost.

Of course, at this point, the whole world also understands.

However, the whole world thinks that the navy at home will definitely have an exchange or exercise with the Iranian navy.

But the next day, the huge fleet in his hometown left Iran's naval port, and this time it headed straight toward the inner bend of the Persian Gulf.

Everyone thought that the purpose of their hometown must be Saudi Arabia this time, but the result was once again beyond the expectations of the world.

The target is not any port that Saudi Arabia has rebuilt but Iraq.

Before the fleet entered Iraq's territorial waters, the Iraqi Defense Navy sent two multi-function destroyers to greet them, and all guesses were answered.

The only thing that puzzles everyone is that in the past few years, the relationship between my hometown and Iraq is very ordinary, and there is no economic cooperation and exchanges.

Coupled with the relationship with the United States, it seems that Iraq is not very welcome to see his hometown.

When did the Iraqi navy communicate with the navy at home?

At this moment, whether it is the Middle Eastern countries or the United States, they all feel an unusual atmosphere.

The US ambassador to Iraq went to the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs as soon as possible, and wanted to ask what is going on?

It’s just that I haven’t waited for the ambassador’s car to arrive at the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The home fleet, including a destroyer and two frigates, has moved along the waterways of Iraq towards the Umm Qasr naval port, a port owned by the Future Technology Group. go with.

(To be continued.)

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