The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1146: Tangled America

In the Umm Qasr military port, three flags are flying high on the flagpoles of the Welcome Port. The first is the Iraqi flag, which represents the sovereignty of this territory.

The second flag is the flag of the Future Technology Group, which represents the organization of this military port, and the third is the national flag of the hometown. The red flag is displayed under the sea breeze and hunts in the wind.

With the help of the tugboat, the three old warships that entered the port and stopped their power slowly approached the berth of the Yingbin Wharf.

On the dock, the Iraqi military bands lined up neatly. The Secretary of the Navy of the Future Security Company, Sha Yiqi, stood in front of a group of Iraqi navy generals. On the side was the Iraqi navy guard of honor.

Standing next to Sha Yiqi is the Iraqi admiral and Zhang Kaixin, who is also the commander-in-chief of the Iraqi navy.

With the arrival of the warships in the hometown, Iraq dispatched a dignified commander-in-chief of the navy to greet them, which shows the importance attached to this visit.

There is even Sha Yiqi, the true commander-in-chief of the Red Police Corps and the regular navy hero.

On the 052d destroyer in my hometown, the neat navy officers and soldiers, dressed in clean white navy uniforms, stood on both sides of the ship's side, looking quite majestic.

When the warship slowly berthed on the dock, the warship was fixed, and the escalator connected the warship to the red carpet on the dock.

An aboard a ship wearing a white 07-style navy uniform appeared on the warship. Under the national anthem played by the Iraqi military band, Admiral Wu Sheng brought three lieutenants, four major generals, and six or seven brigadier generals, slowly Walked down.

Sha Yiqi and Zhang Kaixin smiled slightly. They didn't need translation at all. The simple welcome ceremony was over soon.

On the dock, there are many representatives of companies and students from Iraq. Sha Yiqi gave Wu Sheng and others time to meet and shake hands with these Chinese one by one. Then, under the leadership of Wu Sheng and others, he boarded the ship to visit this latest 052d destroyer in his hometown.

Just when Sha Yiqi and others were welcoming the commander-in-chief of the navy in their hometown. Cai Ruichen is also in the port of Umm Qasr, but he is not on the dock. But in the base of the future shipbuilding industry.

Since the home fleet indicated that it is coming to Iraq, Cai Ruichen's ears have not been quiet in these three or four hours.

Of course, Iraq has never been quiet, after all, the arrival of the hometown is too abrupt and puzzling.

In this regard, Cai Ruichen did not explain to the outside world. It was only announced that the launch ceremony of the warship will be held at four this afternoon.

Just what warships are going to be launched, the commander-in-chief of China's navy will come, or come when the future science and technology group has a new warship to launch, this has to make everyone think about the relationship.

At this moment, as far away as Austria and Bama in the Philippines, after hearing about this, he hurriedly summoned all his staff to the conference room on Air Force One.

"You guys, I believe everyone has seen the latest news. This matter is eccentric. What is going on with the Future Technology Group?"

Austria and Bama threw a stack of safety reports in their hands on the table, and asked very solemnly.

The Chinese fleet went to the Persian Gulf. The scale is unprecedentedly powerful, and it can be called the most powerful Chinese fleet in history.

Such a huge fleet is actually going to the Future Technology Group. For the United States, it must not be underestimated, and it must even consider the various possibilities inside.

In fact, no matter how the home fleet is tossing in the Indian Ocean, even if it makes a few rounds in the Persian Gulf, the United States will not feel nervous.

Because of the relatively large navy of the United States. The fleet in my hometown is really not enough.

But there is one thing that the United States is most worried about, that is, the hometown and the Future Technology Group are walking together.

Actually for this possibility. It is also the place that the United States has been worrying about over the past few years. There are a large number of think tank companies in the United States. It has been analyzed more than once that once the Future Technology Group and their hometown get together, the disastrous consequences to the United States will be brought.

At first, the United States was not worried about anything, but then, after jumping off and off Israel, the United States really had some ideas.

But at this time, the Americans have discovered that the issue of the Future Technology Group is too difficult.

It is not that the United States does not see the harm that the Future Technology Group will grow up in the future, nor that it does not see the catastrophic consequences of the Future Technology Group’s break with the United States, let alone the inability to understand the various problems inside.

However, the senior management of the United States understands one point better, that is, the United States cannot take action against the Future Technology Group at all. Once the United States has taken action against the Future Technology Group, it is tantamount to pushing the Future Technology Group toward its hometown and Russia.

The most important thing is that the relationship between Future Technology Group and its hometown and Russia has not been very good. It can even be said that there is no closeness at all.

At this time, let alone the United States really needs a strong helper to stabilize the situation in the Middle East.

In this regard, the Future Technology Group is really doing very well. The United States can't say anything bad, and it has also made Israel quite convergent. The situation in the Middle East has calmed a lot, and it has guaranteed all the interests of the United States in the Middle East.

At this time, if the United States has any thoughts about the Future Technology Group, it is entirely an act of picking up a rock and hitting itself in the foot.

The increasingly powerful Future Technology Group has made the senior Americans feel like they are riding a tiger. They can only get as close as possible to the Future Technology Group to ensure that the Future Technology Group will not be with their hometown and Russia. Walk together.

In this regard, the United States can really be called very cautious.

If the United States still has the ability and determination to eat the Future Technology Group in one breath, then the United States will not worry about it.

But now, the Future Technology Group has rapidly grown into a giant, with a global turnover of nearly two trillion U.S. dollars in one year alone, making it the twelfth economy in the world.

In addition to the large number of cooperative companies of the Future Technology Group in the United States and the large investments made in various state governments, if the Future Technology Group completely divests its capital in the United States, those American companies that have lost their core technology will be completely closed down, and a large amount of loans will not be available. Recovered, the most tragic thing is that those state governments will also tore his president alive.

After all, the power of the President of the United States does not have jurisdiction over those places that are all dominated by the state government. This is also the national condition of the United States of America. The state government has a high degree of autonomy. The president of the United States is also in the world. Those are all democratically elected. Governors, many are not the so-called presidents at all. (To be continued.)

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