The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1147: Helpless CIA

ps: Today is the seventh watch. I hope everyone can give a reward and support. The code word is not easy. Everyone will feel that the word "fortunately" is not enough to summarize the hardship.


The United States is an elected governor and an elected president. Almost every continent has a high degree of autonomy. The U.S. Congress and the President. The President controls the nation's military, the Congress controls the nation's finances, and the economy is controlled by the Federal Reserve.

Each state has its own high degree of autonomy, and can even formulate laws based on public opinion. It does not need to pass the president, Congress, or even anyone in Washington.

So this has also emerged. The conflict of laws between many continents in the United States, and the election and appointment of governors have nothing to do with the centralized government in Washington.

In the appointment of local officials in the continent, Washington does not have the right to intervene. Even if it breaks the law, it will be handled by the continent itself, without the intervention of Washington.

The President of the United States cannot control local administration, so the power of the President of the United States must be exercised globally.

This is why every US president has always been in charge of international affairs, and he has never heard of the administration of any place, and he has no such right at all.

The most is to formulate overall policies for the people's livelihood throughout the country. These local governments will be very supportive. After all, people's livelihood policies still require the Congress to approve and pay.

This type of government has continued to the present in the United States since World War II. After all, no one is Roosevelt with one hand and the other, and not everyone is Washington.

Such a form seems to be similar to India, but in fact, it is completely different.

India is a country that has not even unified the national taxation. Although the government has military power, the country’s finances are scattered and there is no agreed taxation.

This is also where the United States succeeds. Centralize power, control the army, finances and taxes. This is called centralization.

Otherwise, it will become a tragic situation of weak central and strong localities, and this situation is often the beginning of turmoil and the destruction of the king.

Of course, this is also a huge feature of the United States. Local government affairs do not need to be managed by the president. The president only needs international affairs to ensure that the United States enjoys the hegemony status. There are American people overseeing each state.

But what if the president's decision. As a result of the major economic and financial losses in the states, the President of the United States will have to face strong pressure from the union of states.

Cai Ruichen has also seen this formally. There are many investment projects with the US state governments, such as joint ventures to open hospitals or investment in industry. These have made the state’s finances significantly improved, and it will also bring benefits to the American people in each state. There are a lot of benefits, and the increase in employment rate is still a job with a good salary.

same. Many U.S. companies that cooperate with Future Technology Group have invested in technology approved by the state government. Enterprises borrowed from banks, then sold stocks, and continued to mortgage loans, forming a huge circulation of funds.

But if these companies have lost the core components of the Future Technology Group and are unable to produce a large number of products such as machine butlers, future mobile phones, personal terminals, etc., then it would be equivalent to the only source of economy and profit being cut off, how can the company repay loan?

The United States seems to be thriving because of the future technology group, and its annual fiscal growth is also looking gratifying. But in fact, many are economic bubbles. The huge finances are all leveraged.

Just like the 2008 credit crisis, after tens of millions of funds were leveraged ten times. That's not just enough to fill it up with a trillion dollars.

On this point, the United States itself knows better than anyone else, and the United States also knows better that the crises that the Jews are talking about every day are indeed possible.

But at this moment, the United States must not mess around, otherwise it is not clear whether it can kill the Future Technology Group in one go. It will inevitably lead to a huge internal crisis first. This is absolutely certain.

What reassures Americans is that the Future Technology Group, which currently has a large amount of funds in hand, has never caused any disturbances in the United States. Otherwise, the economic war between the two sides alone will cause the United States to be a little worried about its domestic swelling economy. , Can not withstand the economic impact of Future Technology Group.

Therefore, the Future Technology Group has too many things that Americans feel entangled, which is very contradictory.

Fortunately, everything was very quiet before. The United States has been trying its best to maintain and win over the Future Technology Group, even at the expense of allowing a large number of domestic companies such as Google to bear the powerful technology monopoly of the Future Technology Group.

But now, Obama and Bama feel that things are really beyond their own control. He can even think of what Congress’s members who have been supporting the Future Technology Group will look like after seeing this report. .

"Mr. President, is it still unclear what exactly is the warship that the Future Technology Group will launch this afternoon?" Inside Air Force One, an staff member asked Obama and Bama.

"I am very sorry to tell you that we have tried our best, but our intelligence work for the Future Technology Group has been almost zero for several years."

The intelligence adviser in Air Force One shook his head regretfully, and continued: "Not only us, intelligence personnel from any country in the world, do not want to enter the headquarters of the Future Technology Group, but have never seen any The intelligence organization has succeeded For those intelligence personnel who try to approach, the Future Technology Group seems to have a very powerful distinguishing system, no matter how good we pretend to be, or even wear a human skin mask, we cannot avoid Open the other party's investigation.

In the past three years, 13 groups of our personnel were caught by the security guards of the Future Technology Group before they got in, and sent back. Within these three years, intelligence personnel from Israel, Russia, and China have been arrested. Thirty-eight batches, and all were sentenced to imprisonment for the crime of stealing secrets. Although the intelligence personnel of other countries were released, they all suffered a lot, and even the situation of intelligence personnel rejecting such tasks has begun. . "

The intelligence department has not done anything. Everyone knows about this. Hearing that the top intelligence consultants around Obama and Bama looked bitter, even people who were not quite right with him did not take the opportunity to attack.

"How many shipyards are there?" Obama and Bama didn't mean to blame the intelligence department. Over the past year, the CIA has changed two directors, but nothing has changed. Obama and Bama understand the difficulties.

The intelligence consultant was very clear about what Austria and Bama meant, and hurriedly said: "Umm Qasrner, there are 20 shipyards that have never been opened." (To be continued.)

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