The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1167: Ultimate dream

The simple and passionate inaugural speech came to an end, but what was left to the world was a shock from the heart.

At this moment, almost everyone can deeply feel that Cai Ruichen is a real nationalist.

From between the lines of his words, it can be seen that pure democracy seems to have penetrated into the words.

When his last word was finalized, he was greeted by the hiss of hundreds of thousands of citizens of the Isyrian Federation on the scene:

"Long live the Federation, long live the leader, long live the nation..."

At the beginning of the flag-raising ceremony that followed, the Western world had already received reports, almost all of them branded Cai Ruichen with extreme nationalist sentiments, and even some media directly linked him to the Nazis.

But for the third world countries, some of Cai Ruichen's words are completely in the hearts of the third world countries.

The inaugural speech is not just standing up and humming. In the traditional view of the Western world, the inaugural speech is of great significance. It is the time to express the feelings and opinions of a new leader.

The importance of this kind of inaugural speech is like uttering the emperor's words. Once it is changed or the style is inconsistent, it will inevitably be criticized by countless people and will be a great blow to the image.

In the minds of the people, it will also bring great negative effects.

Although such ceremonies seem to be routine, in many people's minds, such inaugural speeches are like the announcement of national policies, which are of great significance.

This time, Cai Ruichen formally rescued the leader of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, and again said such a generous and democratic speech, which sent the world a lot of signals.

The turmoil in the Middle East has been going on for so many years. It is gratifying to be able to return to peace, but the most important thing is to cherish peace, otherwise all efforts for peace will be wiped out.

Cai Ruichen knows this point better than anyone else, and he also knows very well the consequences and impacts of what he said after he said it.

But he doesn't have time to take his time, he has many gentle methods, and it only takes longer to achieve the same effect.

But what Cai Ruichen does not have right now is time. He doesn't like wars and **** conflicts, but he is even more unwilling to see more killings unending.

He needs the spirit of the same hatred and hatred of the Middle East world, and he wants to amplify this spirit and affect everyone in the Middle East world.

Stopping the war by fighting is the only way Cai Ruichen can think of at present, and the only way without time.

Although more people will die in a short period of time, in the long run, it will be able to avoid the damage of war in the coming decades or even hundreds of years.

Cai Ruichen is also willing to choose the path of long-term pain rather than short-term pain. If he really becomes a sinner because of this, then he will not regret the decision he made.

No ethnic group is qualified to defraud another ethnic group, let alone slaughter another ethnic group.

But the hustle and bustle of the world is for the benefit...

Why should the eagle argue about the size of the sky with the frog at the bottom of the well? To get the approval of ten people, you only need to do the same as everyone else, but if you want to be admired by thousands of people, then you must be different, and you want to keep your name. , Let all mankind remember, you have to fight the whole old world.

At this moment, standing in the center of the square, looking at the flag slowly rising in front of him, Cai Ruichen flashed countless firm thoughts, and these thoughts ultimately pointed to only one: “To build a world of unity, then you need to The world is completely subverted, and a truly unified world is reshaped."

This is Cai Ruichen's final ideal world. At this moment, he said whether it was ambition or the greatest ideal goal in life. He had good thoughts and was extremely firm.

In this world, no matter what dynasty, no matter where it is, no matter war or peace, there will be all kinds of contradictions among human beings.

An ancient person once said that if everyone in the world is a modest gentleman, neither stealing nor robbing, not jealous or jealous, not dirty or dirty, not corrupt or corrupt, not guilty or evil, not lazy or lazy, then heaven would Contrast is also hell.

This is the ultimate yearning of all those who love life and peace, a society of zero crime, no place to hide dirt, no oppression and harm, and a world where everyone works hard to make progress.

But such a world, even if it is a paradise in rumors, is just so, and I am afraid that it is not even as good as such an ideal world.

And such a world, for the always existing inferiority of mankind, it is impossible to exist. Cai Ruichen knows this very well, even better than anyone else.

But this is also his ideal, a noble ideal.

He has ambitions and great ambitions, and the final form of ambition is to create a real paradise on earth, because his eyes have been placed outside the earth.

The Star Journey is the place that mankind should yearn for, not for this one-third of an acre of land, on the already scarred earth, it will kill you.

But if such an ideal is placed on a person who is practicing mouth, it is a ridiculous ideal, because such an ideal cannot be realized at all.

Even if he has great influence and can affect most people in the world, he will only purify the water industry in the end.

The world is dominated by greedy generations. The game of great powers is originally a **** and sinful deal, which is the greatest tragedy of mankind.

Just like the point of view stated in the book "The Tragedy of Great Power Politics" by the well-known American writer John The game between great powers is really full of cups on the coffee table.

It is impossible for an idealist to realize this kind of world. If we do not get the benefit of this kind of social structure that has become an inevitable social structure for human development, then this kind of ideal will always be in the mirror, or in other words, it is impossible to even look at it.

For a long time, Cai Ruichen has felt that human beings cannot obey the laws and regulations like animals. Human beings have sound thinking, have their own thoughts and emotions, and cannot continue to be barbaric among the same race.

The universe is so vast, even if it gives mankind 10 billion years, it is impossible to reach every corner of the universe.

The rise and fall of a country over a century, compared with the continuation of mankind in the next tens of billions of years, is really like a dust in the universe, extremely small.

And this is Cai Ruichen's ambition to lead mankind to the universe. To achieve all of this, what he needs to do is to completely change and subvert the current world order.

Therefore, he is bound to face all the pressure of the entire human society, although tens of thousands of people are still going.

(To be continued.)

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