The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1168: Founding Day Military Parade

Cai Ruichen's so-called ideal is definitely not empty talk, because he has an extremely magical thing-the mind controller.

When he first got this super weapon, Cai Ruichen simply believed that this thing was used to unite people's hearts.

But since this thing was established in Iraq for a year, he has gradually developed another hidden ability of this super weapon. In other words, this is not hidden, but instinct is a manifestation of uniting people's hearts.

That is to educate the people.

In many people's eyes, the education of citizens is not the continuation of culture and knowledge, and the shaping of ideas from an early age.

However, this is not to educate the people, this function is very simple, and everything is within Cai Ruichen's thoughts.

Because every word he said, for the current Iraqis, is no less than a divine oracle.

In more than a year, the crime rate across Iraq was zero, but prisons all over Iraq were full.

This situation is unknown to the outside world, Cai Ruichen deliberately handled this kind of thing very low-key.

The reason is very simple. No one has committed a crime, and all those who have committed things before have gone to the police station to surrender.

Even the murderers all confessed to the police station. In some cases where more than ten or twenty years have passed, the perpetrators all surrendered to the police station.

This is the power of enlightenment, and this ability is making the structure of Iraqi society undergo a shocking reversal in nature.

And Syria has also begun to turn into a situation similar to that of Iraq. It can be said that the whole society can hardly fault it.

It was from that time that Cai Ruichen finally understood why the mysterious leader of the Wasteland was able to obtain such pious love from the entire Middle East in just over ten years.

Even the mysterious leader's influence on the Middle East took only a few years.

At this moment, only a word from Cai Ruichen is needed. There is no doubt that the whole of Iraq and Syria can promote Chinese 100%.

Because now, even though he didn't say anything, the Iraqi Ministry of Education has directly taught Chinese as the first language, and even Chinese has become the most important subject to learn.

And in every place in Iraq, there are places to learn Chinese spontaneously, and some are even open-air schools. These places are places where adults learn Chinese.

These are not the achievements of education, but the learning goals that the Iraqis have chosen spontaneously, because Cai Ruichen has become the object of learning and worship for everyone in their minds, and contains no impurities.

And this result is also the result of Cai Ruichen's ambition being further catalyzed. With the mind controller, many seemingly magical and impossible things are really not difficult to achieve.

The world overlord seems to be the final goal, but in fact, it is the beginning of the future star journey.

The reason why Cai Ruichen has such a seemingly absurd ideal is also stimulated by the wasteland.

A good world becomes like that, he really doesn't want to repeat the mistakes of the wasteland in this world.

Cai Ruichen has ambitions, but the ultimate goal of ambition is for all mankind. In a modern word, it is full of positive energy.


The national anthem and the national flag, waving in the wind, the mighty army, stepping in order, began to walk from the Kaixuan Avenue.

The orderly guard of honor of the three services, striding forward, with a neat rhythm throwing a sound, under the sonorous and powerful footsteps, the earth seems to be trembling in accordance with the rhythm of the forward step.

Under the passionate military music, there was no narration, only a neat and consistent sound of landing.

The serious atmosphere immediately infected everyone.

Part of the troops participating in the parade were the original Iraqi Defense Forces and the Syrian Defense Forces, as well as the original garrisons of the two principalities.

All the Syrian troops I visited were airlifted from Syria yesterday. There was no rehearsal, and they were lined up and marching forward. They were all the results of the usual hard training.

For Cai Ruichen, a neat military appearance does not require training at all. For every soldier, such a military appearance should be a military style deep in the bones of the soldiers.

Of course, in order to ensure that they can cooperate and coordinate, the troops that are transferred are all transferred together as a whole company. Normally, each company is trained in a neat lineup.

At this moment, the uniform military appearances displayed, one after another like cubes of tofu, the parade, despite the different heights of the soldiers, but the rhythm seems to be one person.

This is the strong individual quality of the Red Police Corps, a highly united group with extremely high personal qualities.

A total of 18 squadrons, from the police to the military official squad, to the cadet squadron, cover every branch.

The garrison composed of Iraqi and Syrians is not as neat as the Red Police Corps, but on the whole, it is also remarkable and an excellent combat force.

However, what is really interesting is the equipment square behind the infantry square.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation was originally dependent on Cai Ruichen to start, and all the weapons and equipment were provided by Cai Ruichen.

For the whole world, the advanced weapons and equipment owned by the Future Technology Group have become familiar to every military fan.

With the beginning of the military parade, everyone is really concerned about what this new federation will produce on the day of its establishment.

The answer came quickly.

The ground equipment team that came out first left and right the first team, and naturally it needs a strong force to show.

The first team, six horizontal and ten vertical, a total of sixty apocalypse main battle tanks, in front of the unmanned turret, the pilot and co-pilot, the upper body are all standing in the cockpit canopy, the tanks are all in the autopilot state, and the tanks The government drivers in the car, like the previous infantry team, saluted Cai Ruichen in the center of the square, and also saluted every federal citizen present, facing the camera, and saluting every federal citizen who actually watched the live broadcast.

For the sixty main battle tanks, I could not see the black smoke of the tanks, nor did I hear any rumbling engine noises, or even the creaking noises from time to time when the tracks were turning.

Behind the tank, there was no exhaust gas from the engine, but the exhaust pipe could be seen. Upon closer inspection, only a faint white gas wafting out.

The noise reduction of the engine, its reduced noise, is completely as if it is powered by electricity, as if there is no sound at all.

And the dual-tube Apocalypse tank, as the world's second fourth-generation main battle tank, is also neatly displayed in front of the world for the first time.

(To be continued.)

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