The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1181: Chaos in the middle east

Southeast Asia quieted down, but the Middle East was in chaos. News of a shocking world spread rapidly throughout the world. The Israeli air force bombed the railway construction in Lebanon and killed several employees of the future railway company.

Future Technology Group is building a railway in Lebanon, and it has already been built to Sur, a key city in southern Lebanon.

The railway section that was hit by the Israeli airstrike this time was right next to the Sur North Station. The Future Technology Group Engineering Department, which was building the Sur North Freight Station, had three engineers and two workers who died under the air attack.

The Surbei Freight Station, which is about to be built, was also under air strikes, causing a large number of structural damages, and at the same time causing dozens of Lebanese civilians and workers casualties.

This is the first time in a year that there has been such a major attack in the Middle East, and Israel has regrouped and deployed its air force again after its defeat over the Mediterranean a year ago.

The purpose of this air strike is very clear, which is to destroy the railway lines in Lebanon.

Because these railways are all from Iraq and Syria to Lebanon, the investor of the railway is also the Future Technology Group.

Israel’s immediate targeting of Lebanon and the Syrian-Israel Federation also directly heated up the situation in the Middle East.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federation has just been established, Cai Ruichen has just taken office, and only two days have passed. Israel has produced such a moth, which is a complete provocation to Cai Ruichen.

Now, Israel seems to have the courage of the United States and the courage to compete with the future technology group again.

Because Lightning fighter jets have already been delivered to Israel, and Israel has been so impatient and has endured it long enough.

Since the railway of the Future Technology Group was built in Lebanon, the Lebanese border guerrillas and the 50,000 army have all received a lot of weapons and equipment.

Although these weapons and equipment do not have such heavy equipment as tanks and airplanes, their individual weapons and firepower have all been greatly enhanced.

In the past, the Lebanese army of nearly 20,000 guerrillas and 50,000 army had only a few dozen individual anti-tank missile launching tools. Now, the number of individual anti-tank missiles in the Lebanese army has increased to hundreds. It is even increasing.

There are not many man-portable anti-aircraft missiles supported by Future Technology Group. This time it has been well supplemented.

There is even surplus for the Lebanese army to conduct live-fire training, how does this allow Israel to continue to watch.

On the side of the couch, he allows others to sleep soundly. Lebanon has never been seen by Israel before, but he can’t watch the short man who is bullied by himself every day, getting stronger in front of his own eyes. How can he continue in the future? Bullying can move.

Moreover, Lebanon has been continuously ordering weapons and equipment from the Future Technology Group recently. Among the weapons and equipment ordered, there is also a long-range rocket launcher system. It has ordered hundreds of sets in one breath.

These hundreds of long-range rocket launchers can completely turn several large cities in Israel into a sea of ​​flames.

In addition, there are other long-range artillery. The small map of Israel is really unbearable. The weapons and equipment that can cover one's own city with these cannonballs are placed in the hands of a country that hates itself deeply.

Therefore, no matter how heavy the pressure is, the Israeli side will have to act. Even if a war with Lebanon breaks out again, it must destroy all possible threats to Lebanon.

It was just the result of the air raid that made the Israelis somewhat surprised. The news that Mossad had originally received was that the weapons had been delivered to the Sur North Freight Station, and that the North Freight Station had also been completed.

The several trains that arrived last night were all artillery and long-range rocket systems delivered by Future Technology Group to the Lebanese Army.

Therefore, the Israeli Air Force dispatched to destroy the Sur North Station, but when the results of the air strike appeared, the Israeli Air Force was completely stunned, and even some could not believe it.

The result of the facts is completely different from the intelligence, and it can even be said to be totally different.

There is no artillery or rocket launcher inside Surbei Station. Instead, there are people from the Future Technology Group, which is even a blank train station.

After the air raid, I did not see the train that entered the railway station last night, only the new railroad tracks and the ruins that were blown up.

When all these images appeared, Israel took the lead in action without waiting for what the outside world said. This kind of thing is definitely not accidental. Why is there such wrong information?

But when Israel's Mossad began to track the source of the intelligence, it was discovered that the agent who got the intelligence disappeared without a trace.

At this time, everyone in Israel smelled a strong scent of conspiracy.

In fact, the Israeli side is also beginning to prepare to contain the Islamic Federation, but now Israel is very clear that unless it is a deadly battle to the end, it is impossible for Israel to do anything to the Islamic Federation.

Therefore, unless it is a last resort, Israel will not provoke the Islamic Federation. After all, Israel is not the only opponent of the Islamic Federation in the Middle East. There is also a powerful Iran, along with Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine Restoration Organization.

If these were added to the Islamic Federation, Israel would not be able to deal with so many opponents at the same time.

In addition, the US Lightning fighters have not been delivered to Israel, and the first batch of Lightning fighters delivered for the first time was only twelve.

And these twelve Lightning fighters originally four were for Japan, four were for the United Kingdom, and the remaining four were for Israel. If it weren't for the relationship between the Islamic and Syrian federations, that is, Four were delivered to Israel as planned.

Now that the fighter jets have not yet arrived, it is naturally impossible for Israel to proactively provoke the Islamic Federation.

But the outside world doesn't think so, so the target of this attack is obviously going to the Future Technology Group.

Coupled with the conflicts that have always existed between the two sides before, even if the Israeli side explains it, few people believe it.

No, Lebanon and the Syrian-Israel Federation have not made any movement yet, and the United States has taken the lead in finding the door.

The United States' meaning is very simple, why is Israel so anxious, not all Lightning fighters have not been delivered to them.

In addition, the United States has just ended its alliance with the Future Technology Group. In the words of the United States, if you want Israel to move, you must first form the Lightning fighter into combat effectiveness!

(To be continued~^~)

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