The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1182: 1 all are conspiracies

Faced with inquiries from the United States, Israel can only tell the truth.

But the response that Israel got was that the United States did not believe it at all.

Because the North Sur Freight Station is still under construction and has not been completely completed.

This matter only needs to be investigated to get an accurate answer.

And there was no train approaching Suhl yesterday, because the railway has not yet opened.

As for the missing agent, in the eyes of the Americans, it was entirely an excuse made by the Israelis themselves.

What's more, the Americans who have been dealing with Israel all the time know very well that it is impossible for Mossad to make such a low-level mistake, dispatch a fighter jet, and make a mistake in intelligence for such an important matter. It is impossible to look at it. , Let alone appear in Israel.

Even the United States does not believe it, let alone the outside world to believe it.

World media reports on this matter, without anyone controlling it, all preconceived that this matter was linked to the contradiction between Israel and the Future Technology Group.

All the contradictions all point to the future technology group, the target of this air strike.

As the biggest incident since Cai Ruichen took office, there are still five workers from the Future Technology Group who died. In public or private, Cai Ruichen must stand up.

Cai Ruichen stood in front of the media as the highest leader of the Syrian-Israeli Federation for the first time, and said calmly: "I need Israel to give a reasonable explanation for this matter, hand over all the perpetrators of this airstrike, and hand over the pilots to the Supreme Court of the Syrian and Islamic Federation. , Accepting legal sanctions for the crime of intentional murder, Israel must provide adequate compensation to all the dead and injured in this air strike."

Just like an ultimatum, it simply tells what Israel should do. As for the consequences of failing to do it or not doing it, this matter is not mentioned at all.

And Cai Ruichen did not express any regrets or mourning. A simple sentence, he left without even a minute.

A group of reporters who were surprised at the scene were left behind.

It was the first time that they had met a head of state like Cai Ruichen. They thought it would be a routine condemnation, or the beginning of condolences.

In the end, it ended simply. The reporter who recorded didn't even type a word, and then found out that he could leave.

However, the effect of Cai Ruichen's remarks immediately made all the reporters beaten up.

This kind of news material, although it has no head or tail, is best for analysis.

With Cai Ruichen's words, it is completely enough.

Before they could report, Cai Ruichen, who left the press conference hall, walked directly into the conference room of the Supreme Command.

In the meeting room, all the senior generals of the Red Police Corps have gathered here.

It has been prepared for a year and a half, and the action against Israel is about to begin.

Cai Ruichen no longer wants to wait any longer. In this matter, Israel is destined to be unable to give a reason that can be understood by the whole world.

Telling the truth is more like a disguise of oneself, and no one will believe it.

At the same time, all the conditions he put forward were not something Israel could agree to. It was completely impossible to hand over the pilot.

Otherwise, how will the Israeli pilots execute orders in the future, not to mention the people in Israel will not agree.

So Cai Ruichen mentioned a condition that Israel could not agree to. He didn't give a reasonable explanation and didn't mean to apologize at all, so there was nothing to say.

Even if it is taking the initiative to launch military operations against Israel and occupying a high moral point, it is the Islamic Federation.

What's more, this time Israel's air strikes on Lebanon are itself an act of war.

After a year and a half of preparation, all the plans are in place, and now we are waiting for the troops to leave.

However, it has not caused unnecessary trouble before, and the troops have always performed as usual, and there has been no large-scale mobilization.

Therefore, even if it is a move on Israel, it will take some time to move troops.

As the saying goes, before the soldiers and horses move the food and grass, some preparations are still necessary.

After all, the plan is still a plan, and it is impossible to take everything into consideration.


Cai Ruichen waved his hand and walked towards the main seat of the conference room. After being seated, everyone followed suit.

"Five and a half years of development, today's results are hard-won, and we have a more distant future. Therefore, we can only succeed in this battle. Otherwise, if development stagnates, it will be no different from destruction."

Cai Ruichen stood up, opened his head briefly, and continued: "This time the battle against Israel has only one purpose, to erase Israel's existence."

In the conference room, every general was shocked. This was the first real battle since the development of the Red Police Corps.

The opponent is still a military power like Israel, and many things are unaware that Cai Ruichen repeats. The true factor of everyone's enthusiasm is restless.

"General Lingliang, you repeat the combat plan and assign combat orders."

Cai Ruichen sat down slowly and said to Ling Liang on the right.

Ling Liang nodded, stood up and said, "Master Malin and Master Tikrit started to leave tonight in the name of drills and drills. They boarded the train from the nearest train station and went to..."

After listening to Ling Liang's orders and combat requirements, Cai Ruichen was not here.

The battle plan has been drawn up long ago, and he doesn't need to worry about it. What he really considers is how this battle should bring the surrounding countries into the water.

Once this war breaks it can be called the sixth Middle East war.

At the beginning of the war, it is good to say that once Israel is destroyed, the pressure faced by the Islamic Federation at that time will also be unprecedented.

It is not surprising that World War III was even triggered.

While Cai Ruichen was pondering, Ling Liang had already announced the battle plan and orders, and said to him: "Commander, I have finished talking."

"Then let the arrangements go on separately. All the special forces can stay on standby. There is nothing for you at the beginning of the war." Cai Ruichen nodded and added.

In the meeting room, Yang Wu and others all nodded helplessly. Although they were reluctant, they didn't say anything. Orders are orders.

After Cai Ruichen saw that no one had any objections, he continued: "All preparations for action are work and must be completed within three days. After three days, I will issue war orders at any time. I don’t want any troops yet. get ready."

(To be continued~^~)

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