The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1183: Declare war on Israel

The employees of the Future Technology Group were killed by Israeli warplanes and dozens of civilians in Lebanon were killed and injured.

At the same time, in the face of solemn protests from the Islamic Federation and Lebanon, Israel seems to be still holding its own identity and has not given any explanation.

In fact, the Israeli side can't give any explanation, telling the truth, even his own people cannot believe it.

Instead of admitting a mistake, or admitting an oolong incident, it's better to default.

On the first day, Israel made no response.

All soldiers in the Iraq-Syria Federation cancelled their vacations and returned to their original homes to report immediately.

In the evening, the troops in the Syrian-Israel Federation quickly mobilized, taking various means of transportation, and immediately assembled towards the border between Syria and Lebanon.

By the morning of the next day, there were four armored divisions with more than 80,000 troops, all assembled on the Lebanese border.

The Iraqi-Syrian Federal Navy also quickly mobilized, and the two destroyer formations in the shipbuilding base of the industrial zone in Syria are also ready to sail at any time.

On the second day, the Israeli side did not make any response, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said it was a pity.

His tone was indifferent, as if only a few trivial ants were dead.

For a time, the entire Islamic Federation and Lebanon were filled with indignation. There were all voices condemning Israelis on the Internet, and even on the national website of the Islamic Federation, there were a large group of messages asking for war.

A large number of youths from the Isy-Syrian Federation left messages with real names on the personal website of the top leader of the Isy-Syrian Federation, asking for a lesson to the Israelis.

The entire Iraqi-Syrian Federation can almost be said to be new and old hatred towards Israel. With the propaganda and momentum of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation media, there is only one voice in the entire Iraq-Syria Federation—to Israel for a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood.

The same is true in Lebanon, which is a feud with Israel. Now Israel’s attitude is enough for a war to break out.

It is itself a shameless invasion by Israel, so there is nothing to say.

On the second day, more troops were mobilized. Above the border between Syria and Lebanon, the Syrian-Israeli Federation’s troops had assembled to the level of 200,000, with six heavy armored divisions, plus eighteen brigade-level independent operations. unit.

Within the Islamic Federation, a large number of fighter jets and early warning aircraft have almost blocked Lebanon and the entire Mediterranean.

At the same time, it was announced to the world that from Lebanon and Israel to the entire eastern Mediterranean, it will be designated as a no-fly zone, and all flights to Israel will be intercepted.

All Israeli non-civilian aircraft will all be landed.

The entire Israeli coastal line was blocked, and the first batch of Lightning fighter jets that the United States was about to send to Israel could not be delivered at all for a while.

Of course, the United States, which has always regarded itself as the boss, has not given up. The first batch of Lightning fighters are shipping from the United States. Even if they arrive in Israel, it will take a day or two.

The blockade has just begun. For the United States, there is still something that can be restored.

However, the Americans were too simple to think. By the third day, Israel had not apologized or punished the murderer.

The troops assembled in Syria began to enter Lebanon, united with the Lebanese Army, and advanced toward Israel.

Under such circumstances, Israel also felt that Cai Ruichen really did not intend to be kind.

The Israeli side also responded quickly. The means of response was not to be soft, nor to surrender or beg for mercy.

At noon on the third day, Netanyahu gave a national televised speech and ordered all reserve personnel to be transferred to active duty. The reserve weapons warehouse was opened and weapons were issued. Israel would fight to the death with all the enemies that came.

In just three days, the situation in the Middle East changed. Almost all countries in the world called for restraint from both sides and not let the Middle East world, which had finally been peacefully settled, fall into war again.

The Israeli reserve was turned into active service. At the same time, a large number of reserve personnel were recruited to join the army. A large number of weapons and ammunition were delivered to the soldiers, which was obviously the rhythm of a big fight.

In the face of Israel, which is expanding its military madly, or Israel, which faces the same tough military threat, the Islamic Federation’s approach is even more straightforward.

On the evening of the third day, Cai Ruichen held a federal televised speech for the first time. This speech also faced the whole world. The speech contained only a few words: "Israel and Syria are officially at war with Israel."

War was declared, and it was only the fifth day since the establishment of the Iraq-Syrian Federation. Five days after the establishment of the country, it declared war on a world power.

Of course, the reasons and procedures for declaring war are not as simple as those five words. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Federation has released a large number of Israel’s damage to Syria and Iraq over the years, and has also investigated Mossad’s intelligence throughout the Middle East. The work has also been announced.

The various assassinations of Mossad over the years have been presented to the world in all the intelligence networks in the Middle East and even the whole world.

The **** intelligence spying and assassinations above, coupled with the buying and trading of various money, caused an uproar in the world.

The various wars initiated by Israel in the Middle East have made the entire Middle East stunned.

And on this disclosed information there was an information that shocked the whole world. Yemeni missiles attacked Saudi missiles from a highly classified intelligence organization controlled by Mossad.

When this intelligence has a lot of evidence, there are even photos of arms dealers and Houthi trading that the whole world has been trying to find, as well as photos of arms dealers and a high-level secret street in Mossad, and long-term dense contacts. .

With tens of thousands of pieces of Mossad intelligence, all countries were shocked for a while.

Find out all the situation related to the country in the first time, according to the figure, quickly captured a large number of Mossad intelligence personnel.

After the tens of thousands of pieces of information released by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation, a large number of Mossad agents were shocked and all wanted to escape from their original strongholds or change communications, but their identities were all announced in detail. In terms of information, they were all captured quickly.

For a while, Mossad became the target of all countries in the world.

The war had not yet begun. The moment Cai Ruichen declared war, the intelligence battle began immediately. This made Israel too late to react. (To be continued~^~)

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