The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1184: Intelligence War of War

In the face of Mossad’s penetration, a part of it was announced by the Future Technology Group a few years ago. At that time, Mossad suffered a loss, but the loss was not great, and the loss was all peripheral personnel.

But the information released this time is all Mossad’s deadliest information. The tens of thousands of Mossad agents around the world, without exception, all have good identities, successful businessmen, professors, experts, and senior technicians. , There are even a large number of politicians from various countries who have been bought off.

This time, although all Mossad's agents had not been dealt with in one go, in the face of such a huge loss, Mossad could no longer make any waves.

As the second time I encountered such a situation, all countries in the world responded extremely quickly.

A large number of Jews were arrested for espionage, and their crimes, as well as all personally identifiable information, were all published.

Even the United States is the same. Although the relationship between the United States and Israel is really good, after facing the shocking information released by the Syrian Federation, the United States was in a row of uproar.

On that day, eight congressmen were arrested by the security agency, because all eight people were on the list.

Even how many houses and assets these eight congressmen have, and which models and celebrities they raised outside are all very detailed.

When all this information is circulated up and down in the United States, even if the president is on it, it will inevitably be very unlucky.

However, in fact, none of the above information is fabricated, and every piece of information appears to the outside world to be true.

Follow the picture to find out, but none of them ran.

The whole world was carrying out a large-scale cleansing that day. A total of more than 100,000 people were arrested, and all kinds of advanced and valuable objects were confiscated.

Today, every country in the world can be said to be making a lot of money.

Although not every country can say thank you to the Islamic Federation, their attitude towards the Islamic Federation is much better.

After capturing all the personnel involved in the intelligence, the US intelligence department also concluded that none of the intelligence released by the Future Technology Group is false.

In the information released, it was also pointed out that these information came from the information center of the Mossad headquarters, and all the information was true and reliable.

Israel has no power to change anything at this moment. In the face of countless evidence, even if Israel says anything, the outside world will not believe it.

But for one thing, Israel immediately explained it, that is, the missiles in Yemen were not provided by Israel at all.

Although the information on the intelligence is extremely complete, and it can even be said that Israel has no denial, Israel still insists that this matter has nothing to do with Israel.

Israel stated that this information was entirely Cai Ruichen’s framing of Israel, and even the missiles provided to the Houthi armed forces were Cai Ruichen’s work. Cai Ruichen tried to blame this incident on Israel in order to unite the Middle East world. Retaliation against Israel.

There may be some truth in Israel's response, but at this time, no one believes Israel's current response.

Because in the previous intelligence, Mossad's massive penetration of Middle Eastern countries, especially the intelligence penetration of the three major powers in the Middle East, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran, has even reached the point of pervasiveness.

The buying and assassination of many people in the Middle East also included these three countries.

The entire Middle East world has long been extremely indignant. Even if Israel speaks out a flower, it is a pale cover for the entire Middle East world.

The intelligence evidence clearly pointed to Mossad and also pointed to Israel.

The high-level Mossad who happened to have had contact with the arms dealer was arrested in Saudi Arabia.

After several hours of secret interrogation, Saudi Arabia also got the information they wanted.

When Saudi Arabia was about to launch a disaster, the United States stepped up to help Israel, saying that this matter was indeed suspicious. After all, how Israel produces these missiles and how to transport these missiles to Yemen, the intelligence mentioned above is all somewhat reluctant.

As soon as the American explanation came out, the whole world was booed almost, according to the internal agreement of intelligence.

In fact, Israel has always wanted to weaken its increasingly powerful Saudi Arabia, but because of the long-standing relationship between Saudi Arabia and the United States, coupled with the relationship with Iran, Israel has not done anything.

Israel already had the ability to produce tactical missiles decades ago, and it also has Jericho ballistic missiles, which is fully capable of replicating and producing missiles similar to Scuds.

There is also an industry in Yemen that produces SCUD missiles. Mossad’s experts have simply modified the SCUD missiles, equipped with Israeli-made guidance systems, and secretly produced them in Yemen.

So these missiles eventually reached Houthi's hands, but he did not expect that the purpose of destroying the oil fields and all equipment in Saudi Arabia was to blame Iran.

At that time, Saudi Arabia and Iran severed diplomatic relations, and the relationship between Israel and Saudi Arabia was so good that no one could doubt Israel's head.

What's more, no one knew about the missiles secretly produced by Mossad at that time, so Israel caused a disaster.

The hatred of Saudi Arabia is fully grafted on Iran, hoping to trigger a war between the two sides, and it is best to attract the United States to take action against Iran.

And this information also lists large pieces of information and data. UU reading is completely evidence-based. Even Cai Ruichen himself, if he doesn’t really know it, it’s nothing like the Israelis. He couldn't help but believe the dime relationship.

As for the US explanation, it is not to make Israel too ugly, but also to prevent Saudi Arabia from participating in this matter.

In essence, the United States did not doubt the authenticity of this incident. After the missile incident in Yemen that year, the United States has been investigating this incident.

But I have never had a clue, and I can avoid all the eyes and ears of the CIA. In the eyes of the Americans, I am afraid that only Mossad of Israel has this ability.

And through the above intelligence and information, the CIA has also analyzed it, which is exactly what Mossad did.

But even if Mossad did it, it cannot be admitted, otherwise all the allies of the United States in the Middle East will be messed up.

For this reason, the United States also urgently contacted Saudi Arabia, hoping that Saudi Arabia can calm down. This matter needs careful investigation.

(To be continued~^~)

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