The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1185: Buckle up a **** to Israel

In fact, Saudi Arabia is really calm, even terribly calm.

The Saudi royal family has few dead. The country’s financial losses cannot be calculated. So far, Saudi Arabia has not recovered from that missile attack.

How could Saudi Arabia really calm down at this time? The information released by the Iraqi-Syrian Federation also allowed Saudi Arabia to find the righteous.

Facing the persuasion of the United States, the Saudi king even hung up the phone calls of Austria and Bama directly because they had already interrogated the information they wanted.

The one who was caught by the top of Mossad and explained the whole incident one to one hundred, it was already certain that it was 100% of Mossad's work.

Only now did the Saudi side understand why Israel also carried out air strikes on Yemen's Houthi, but the Israeli fighter jets were not attacked at all.

Those missiles have never hit Israeli fighter jets, and the Israeli Air Force is even more passive and only dispatched once every two or three days.

It turns out that the root of all this is here. Saudi Arabia, who wants to understand, can almost be said to be the country's anger.

Originally, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Israel was very ordinary. It was a belligerent country back then. If it were not for the relationship between the United States, the current relationship between the two sides is the same as that between Jordan and Israel.

At this moment, let alone the United States to persuade it, it is useless even if the whole world comes to persuade it.

This hatred is too deep and too deep. Let alone Israel, a country that has no favorable impressions, even if it is replaced by the United States, Saudi Arabia will dare to turn its face at this time.

However, Saudi Arabia has no impulse. After all, the Islamic Federation is now on the opposite side of Israel.

However, this does not mean that Saudi Arabia is willing to watch. That night, the Saudi king could not sit still. He contacted all the royal families in the Middle East on the same day. Then the Saudi country took a special plane to the Islamic Federation in the middle of the night and asked for See Cai Ruichen's request.

Cai Ruichen also arranged for the second visit of the Saudi King in a hurry.

Seeing this, the United States also knew that things were really bad, and kept contacting Saudi Arabia, but the United States could not even see the Saudi ambassador to the United States.

Saudi Arabia now doesn't want to hear any voices that help Israel. After more than a year of hatred, everything is a cloud in front of the real murderer.

At this time, the United States has no better way except jumping and scolding the Israeli pig teammate.

Although Israel has repeatedly explained that this matter has nothing to do with Israel, the United States has never been able to believe Israel's explanation, and it is even more talked about by other countries.

Therefore, Israel did not bother to continue to explain, anyway, there are more lice and it is not tickling, and most of Mossad's intelligence agencies in the world have been destroyed.

This time, Mossad didn't have a few decades, so he didn't want to regain his strength.

At this moment, Israel's hatred towards Cai Ruichen has reached the point of exhaustion.

Faced with the active main battle posture of the Syrian-Israel Federation, Israel can only choose to prepare for real war.

It's useless to say anything now, even if you can put this matter off yourself, it won't be right now.

As long as Cai Ruichen can be killed, everything can be saved.

That night, Netanyahu also signed a national mobilization order.

At noon, the order for the conversion of reserve service to active service was signed, and as a result, an order for nationwide deployment was signed. Two completely different orders appeared on the same day, which also revealed the two mental journeys of Israel today.

The noon order may be in response to the menacing Iraq-Syrian Federation and the declaration of war by the Islamic-Syrian Federation.

And the order at night is really to fight the Islamic Federation, because Israel is very clear that apart from defeating the Islamic Federation, Israel has no second way to go.

If you don't stand a fight at this time, there will be no chance again.

That night, in the middle of the night, Cai Ruichen met with the Saudi king who couldn't wait to see him. In the territory of the Syrian Federation, the Red Police Corps was waiting for the countdown to the attack.

After the first line of defense guarded by the Lebanese border guerrillas and the second line of defense guarded by the Lebanese Army, rows of heavy trucks began to gather from various cities in Lebanon.

These trucks all seem to be ordinary vans. The pictures, logos and advertisements on the trucks look like trucks running around without any difference.

But now these trucks, all with military license plates, gathered towards the same place.

The assembly work began four hours ago, behind the Lebanon Mountains less than 60 kilometers from the Israeli border.

This is a huge open area, and the number of van trucks gathered here has exceeded 300, and there are a steady stream of trucks coming.

The fronts of these trucks were aimed at the territory of Israel, and each truck was separated by 50 meters, and then lined up, showing a long horizontal line aimed at Israel.

In the sky, a large number of fighters all warned of the Israeli side's possible sneak attack.

On the front line of the Lebanese army, the two air defense brigades of the Red Police Corps and eight regional air defense missile battalions are all deployed. All active and passive radars are turned on. As long as Israeli fighters dare to come, they are guaranteed to have a huge surprise.

In terms of traffic, all the first-class highways in Lebanon have paid attention to traffic. Lebanese security forces are guarding every traffic artery. The dense marching teams are interspersed in Lebanon's domestic and all are facing the same. A front line advances.

On the border between Damascus in Syria and Syria, a large number of troops are being assembled reasonably.

Lebanon jumped the front line, and it was also an important battlefield in southern Syria and the border line that Israel handed over.

In front of Damascus and behind the border guarded by the Syrian garrison, a fully formed long-range rocket artillery force has also been assembled here.

In front of the troops on the front line, the border is full of steel like forests. For the two parties who have declared war, fierce war may break out at any time.

It's just that compared with the Red Police Corps, which has been prepared almost the same, the Israeli side is now in a state of desperation, and the troops are not all ready yet, and the preparations are not yet complete.

The United States was the first to spot the long-range rocket launcher unit that was quietly gathering, but it was about to remind Israel that the order to attack had reached every soldier's ears at the same time.

Lieutenant General Yi Minhao, the missile commander of the Red Police Corps, was the first to issue an attack order to the missile unit. (To be continued~^~)

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