The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1192: Paralyze Israel's national grid

Without waiting for the Israeli side to consider exactly what these missiles were trying to do, all the missiles avoided the military institutions that Israel focused on defense, and fell toward the wild and wild.

After seeing where the missiles fell, the Israeli side quickly realized the target of the Iraq-Syrian federation missile attack.

These missiles are not aimed at those military, political, and industrial purposes at all, but they are all aimed at the power sector.

Israel is a developed country. In the early days of the founding of the nation, the national power grid was already installed.

But today, all of Israel’s power grids are all open-air wires and substations.

Unlike the Iraq-Syrian Federation, in Iraq, there are no telegraph poles, no open-air electrical equipment, or substations.

This is because all the electricity supply in the Iraq-Syria Federation is connected by underground optical cables, located two or three nanometers deep underground, and all substations are highly protected.

But Israel has never had this threat, so the country's power grid and a large number of substations are all the same as before.

In addition, the cost of modifying the national power grid is too high. Although Israel is a developed country, its annual finances are all very tight.

When the missiles were all heading towards the power grids and substations in the suburbs, the faces of the Israeli military leaders changed drastically.

All the Israelis couldn't help but think of the pattern of attack that NATO allied forces cut off the Yugoslav national power grid.

The US-led NATO air strike on Yugoslavia Kosovo has entered its 40th day, but Yugoslavia’s prevention and control system has not been completely destroyed, and the Yugoslav people’s will to resist is still very strong.

At this time, in the night in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia, during the non-air raid control period, the lights were still bright, the supply of water, electricity, food and fuel was sufficient, and the citizens lived normally. Everyone was able to pass the inconvenience caused by the war with a little bit of life.

The United States believes that the first 40 rounds of air strikes against military targets should be changed.

From then on, the air raid entered a full-scale attack stage. Important political, military, economic, transportation, and civilian targets in the south were all listed as targets, and people's hearts were also bombed. As a result, a new concept of ammunition was used on a large scale, which led to a new electronic warfare method, namely "electric power confrontation operations."

Electricity is an indispensable resource for production and life in modern life. A city without electricity can cause unimaginable chaos to people's lives.

The United States tried to break the resistance of the Yugoslav people by attacking and paralyzing the power grid of Yugoslavia. In fact, the Americans did it.

NATO carried out the 40th round of air strikes against South Korea. In this air strike, the US military launched a new type of bomb from the F-117A stealth fighter-the graphite cluster bomb. Attacked the 5 largest power plants and power supply hubs in Serbia, including Belgrade, causing power outages in most areas.

In the graphite bomb, there is no explosive, but there is only graphite carbon fiber thinner than a human hair. This carbon fiber is only 0.023 mm, which is almost invisible to the naked eye.

The biggest function of this kind of graphite carbon fiber is to adhere to the electrical system, it will cause short circuit or fire, cause circuit interruption or electrical fire, and it is difficult to remove.

Most countries in the world are unable to produce carbon fiber, let alone graphite carbon fiber used in war weapons. At present, only five gangsters have truly mastered the production technology of this graphite carbon fiber.

At this moment, what Israel can think of is this kind of weapon, and no one doubts whether the future technology group has the ability to produce graphite carbon fiber.

The Americans also discovered the target of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation's missiles. Using the missiles to hit graphite carbon fiber bombs is a waste.

After all, if fighter jets are used to drop such bombs, the cost of war will be dozens of times lower.

But no one can stop the willful local tyrants, and now neither side has seized air supremacy.

The missile fell quickly, the missile unit and the warhead separated. The conical warhead rubbed against the air, and fell rapidly toward the wilderness of central Israel at a speed of more than five times the speed of sound. A large number of them were directly aimed at Israel. Of several large power stations.

At this moment, the few Israeli ground air defense forces that can intercept these missiles have all begun to intercept missiles.

However, without a complete interception system, facing a missile falling at five times the speed of sound, there is almost nothing to do.

Otherwise, ballistic missiles are such expensive weapons, and all countries in the world will not be rushed by them.

All the missile warheads that fell were opened at a height of 200 meters under the control of the radio altimetry fuze. The warhead of each missile released two hundred small bombs.

Each bomblet is the size of a beer bottle and contains fifty graphite carbon fibers. The bomblets rely on an airbag to stabilize their posture. After a short delay, the specially treated graphite carbon fiber strands are thrown out of the bomblets with projectile explosives. And spread and spread evenly in the air.

In the process of landing to the ground, the scattered carbon fiber threads of 0.023 mm thickness will be twisted into a net under the action of air and wind.

When these graphite carbon fiber nets land on high-voltage transmission lines and substation facilities, they will destroy the power system.

Each released graphite carbon fiber is thirty meters long For one such missile, all the released graphite carbon fibers can cover an area of ​​10,000 square meters. There are high voltage wires or lines in this area. , Will all be disturbed.

During the Iraq War, the U.S. military also equipped the warhead of the Tomahawk cruise missile with weapons similar to this type of carbon fiber. In just one day, it paralyzed 80% of Iraq's electricity.

The United States is also the first country in the world to apply this kind of weapon to war, and this kind of weapon was also developed by the Americans. Graphite carbon fiber is also a new weapon evolved from ordinary carbon fiber.

On the main transmission route of Israel's National Grid, a large number of carbon fiber tows were thrown out after the detonation of the cluster bomb, forming a cloud of carbon fiber, which fell down, and a large number of them were connected to the transmission line network.

If someone can stay near these power grids at this moment, they can clearly see the arcs and sparks flashing on the power grid lines in the dark, the entire main power transmission line, and even some places are starting to burn.

All nearby cities connected to the power grid were plunged into darkness in turn. (~^~)

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