The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1193: Modern warfare mode

PS: Today's six changes, the code word is not easy, I hope you can support a lot.


Using graphite bombs to attack the enemy's power grid has great advantages.

It is very difficult to restore normal power supply to the power generation and power supply network that has suffered from graphite bombs, because it is extremely difficult to remove these carbon fiber graphite filaments, which requires huge manpower and material resources, and restarting the grid is vulnerable to residual carbon fiber. Short circuit again.

The cost of graphite bombs is relatively low. If the vehicle is not included, the comprehensive cost of a simple 250 kg graphite warhead is only a few hundred thousand federal dinars, but the damage to the enemy's power grid may exceed hundreds of millions or even billions. Loss of dollars.

More than two hundred missiles fell, almost all of which fell towards all of Israel’s power grids. In just a few minutes, more than 90% of Israel’s areas were powered off.

Large-scale blackouts have covered every city in Israel, all substations, and large tracts of lines are even burning.

Although the Israeli military’s power supply is independent, and military cables are all buried underground, it has lost a large number of power stations’ power supply, which also has a huge impact on the military.

The Israeli military's command organization can use generators to provide electricity, but the outside world has lost the power supply, and the entire command network also has problems.

The most important thing is that if you want to restore these grids damaged by graphite carbon fiber, you will not think about it in a few months.

In a few months, this war may be over, and within the next few months, the entire Israel will bid farewell to the days when there is electricity.

This is the third large-scale use of graphite carbon fiber in the history of the war. The United States used it in the previous two times. This time it was replaced by the Iraq-Syria Federation, and the target was Israel.

In fact, Israel also has weapons such as graphite carbon fiber, but such weapons require aerial vehicles for delivery.

Now let alone that there are no power targets to be attacked in the Syrian Federation. Even if there are, Israel has no way to drop such weapons into the territory of the Syrian Federation.

At this moment, the Israeli Air Force can only barely protect its airspace dominance, and if this war loses air dominance again.

When Israel loses power, it will also lose air and sea dominance. For Israel, this war has generally been lost.

In a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak, the best way to recover the disadvantages is to use street fighting to deal with the enemy.

It can almost be said that there is no alternative. The dominant army wants to avoid street fighting with large-scale enemies. However, street fighting is a problem that cannot be avoided in modern warfare.

After the missile corps completed its attack, the Red Police Corps had no new moves. All the troops and soldiers were all preparing to eat breakfast.

From the declaration of war to the present, only five or six hours have passed. For most of the soldiers in the Red Police Corps, these five or six hours are more about watching theaters, watching the air force, missile units, and air defense forces.

However, none of the soldiers were anxious, and the morning sun rose, and most of the infantry soldiers who had rested for a night also woke up.

For these soldiers, nothing happened to them today. They came here to attack more than defend.

It is not suitable for blind ground operations to deal with a powerful country like Israel without gaining certain advantages.

However, this is not to say that the ground forces really did nothing.

Conventional troops naturally have the tactics of conventional troops, and unconventional ground operations started silently before the war broke out.

Early in the morning, Cai Ruichen got up early, and after a brief wash, he walked directly to the command center of the Supreme Command.

The command of the war was fully in charge of Ling Liang. When he came over, the people in the command center were eating breakfast in batches.

Ling Liang was also in his command position, eating.

There was no sleep all night, and the situation of war was finally opened. The next time, there is no need for the real-time command of the Supreme Command.

Cai Ruichen walked over and said to Ling Liang who was eating: "After eating, go down and take a rest. I'll leave it here."

Ling Liang nodded, put down the lunch box in his hand, and reported to Cai Ruichenhui: "So far, the rhythm of the offense is in our grasp."

"I'm very relieved about this. Israel is capable of so much. In addition to nuclear weapons, it can't overcome any storms." Cai Ruichen didn't worry about the war at all.

Although Israel can be called a military power, it is also the top short man among the Middle East countries.

But Israel has one of the biggest problems, that is, there is no national defense in depth at all, and the country is so large.

Many things cannot be hidden, and the battlefield is limited to that small piece of land.

If there is no Cai Ruichen, then Israel is naturally quite safe facing the surrounding countries.

No one can threaten Israel’s air supremacy. It can even be said that no Middle Eastern country can invade Israel’s homeland.

So although Israel seems to be surrounded by enemies in the Middle East, in fact, Israel is quite safe.

At present, the security situation does not exist at all, and there is absolutely no urgency to deal with a country like Israel.

After all, there are hundreds of thousands of Israeli ground forces, thousands of main battle tanks ~ ~ more than 10,000 various ground combat armored vehicles.

Such a huge force can only tear apart Israel's defensive structure step by step, exposing the huge force to its sea and air superiority.

To put it bluntly, an anti-armor cluster attack bomb carried by an intruder fighter, and two 100-mm rocket launch nests, can destroy the organization of a heavy armored composite battalion in an instant.

And if the ground forces are allowed to compete with the Israeli armored forces, although the Red Police Corps can still win, it will take a lot of time and will also cost casualties.

Therefore, modern warfare is no longer an era of purely soldier-to-soldier. For an opponent that can be called a parallel force, the war cannot be anxious.

Even if the situation does not permit, the ground troops of the Red Police Corps will even need to rest for one to two months until they fully control Israel’s naval and air superiority, and have carried out at least ten operations on all military installations in Israel. After the round's attack, ground troops will also be directly dispatched.

And this is also the true mode of modern warfare. When the infantry comes on the field, it is often near the end of the war. (~^~)

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