The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1194: State of total war

In the morning, the morning sun fell on the Middle East, and the Israeli government conducted a national broadcast.

Collect all the remaining electricity that can still be used, and use broadcasting to cover the whole country. On this national broadcasting, Netanyahu firmly stated to all Israelis that the war will be carried out to the end, and all citizens are required to do a good job with the country. Preparation for the fight to the end.

A large number of staff members of the Israeli government are all inspiring people everywhere, uniting the soul of the country, vowing to fight with the Islamic Federation to the last soldier, and shed the last drop of all Israel’s blood.

The Israelis, who were originally highly united to the outside world, did not show frustration due to the loss of electricity. All men and women of school age began to conduct restorative military training under the organization of the officers of the armed forces department of the local government.

Usually this kind of training is held once a year, but this time, all people from 35 to 45 years old in Israel, regardless of men and women, are gathered for long-term recovery training.

At the same time, Israel has officially entered a state of full-scale war. All the domestic economy, materials, and productivity will also be fully controlled by the state to serve the war.

In Israel, a large number of nationals from all over the world are also beginning to evacuate.

It's no use saying anything at this time. The war behavior of the Islamic Federation against Israel has shown that this war will not simply end.

The paralysis of electricity is only one part of the war, and the next battle may even break out in Israel.

This is because all countries have seen it. The Islamic Federation is steadily fighting, and at the same time, it is blocking all possible initiatives of Israel.

There is no rush to seize air supremacy, and the outside world does not naively think that the Syrian Federation dare not compete with Israel for air supremacy.

Instead, it will erode Israel’s current combat capabilities step by step while ensuring the security of war as much as possible.

In addition, the Israeli air force currently only conducts defensive operations over the air, and the two sides have little contact. This also shows that without a better Israeli homeland air defense capability, the Islamic Federation will not be anxious to deal with the Israeli air force. .

Therefore, all countries understand that now is the best time to evacuate their nationals.

And this is probably the time and opportunity given to all countries by the Islamic Federation.

Once the expatriates withdraw, the real offensive of the Islamic Federation will begin immediately.

Of course, this is just outside speculation.

Over Iraq, all the evacuation planes from various countries were able to land smoothly in Israel, and the air forces of both sides did not intend to intercept them at all.

After all, the evacuation of overseas Chinese cannot be prevented by either side of the war.

The embassies of various countries in Israel also quickly gathered all the diaspora in Israel.

The embassy will not be withdrawn, but the civilians can only leave.

When countries began to evacuate overseas Chinese, the Islamic Federation did not stop its attacks on Israel.

The long-range artillery units in the ground forces are all taking turns, and they never stop shelling targets in Israel.

And the shells in Israel also fell into Lebanon from time to time, and both sides also quickly escorted the residents on the border to the rear.

In the next few days, the shelling of the two sides has not stopped, and the evacuation of overseas Chinese is almost complete.

At this time, the Yi-Syrian Federation, which had stopped for several days without any movement, also began to make big moves.

A large number of missiles once again attacked a large number of military targets in Israel, all of which were mainly ground air defense firepower.

In the past few days, Israel has also pulled all sealed fighter jets from its arsenal.

Most of these fighters are all Cub fighters developed by Israel itself, which can be regarded as second and a half generation fighters.

It was also the first fighter independently developed by Israel, and the Lion fighter was also unblocked.

The Lion fighter is the third-generation air superiority super-mobile fighter developed by Israel itself, and it is also the first fighter in the world to use the canard-wing layout.

Only after the development of this fighter was completed, due to the relationship with the United States, this fighter was eventually sealed off, and Israel could only purchase American fighters.

There are not many Lion fighters in storage. When the development was about to be completed that year, Israel abandoned the project under pressure from the United States.

In the last two or three years, the production of Lion fighters has only been restarted. However, these Israeli domestic fighters have all fallen behind. They are used for ground attack missions after successfully seizing air supremacy. There is no problem. If you want Using these two fighter jets to conduct air combat is simply suicidal.

But now before the Israelis, it is still the issue of air supremacy.

The fighters of the Iraq-Syria Federation are all advanced fighters developed and produced by the Future Technology Group. Whether it is an invader or a Black Hawk, the Israelis have the most experience of the power of the two models.

The Israelis are also very clear that unless more of the American Lightning fighters can be delivered to their own hands, otherwise this war will not have the ability to seize air supremacy.

There is almost no doubt about this point. After all, the number of fighter jets in the Iraq-Syria Federation is about the same as the number of Israeli fighter jets.

In the face of opponents of the same quantity and better quality, Israel now has no confidence in seizing air supremacy a little bit.

Therefore, facing the not anxious, the Israeli Air Force did not have the courage to take the initiative.

If the air force does not move, the Israeli ground forces will naturally not be able to act on their own.

At present, the ground forces on both sides are all just actively preparing for battle. Whether it is offensive or defensive depends entirely on who is in charge of the sky.

In the absence of an overall advantage, the Israeli ground forces are fully in accordance with the homeland defense plan for echelon defense.

From Lebanon to the Syrian border, a cascade of defenses was launched, combining various complex landforms of cities and hills to form a line of defense.

This is also a choice Israel has no alternative, because no one knows what the opponent will do in the next second.

Since there is no ability to take the initiative to launch an offensive, and the troops can't be idle, the defense construction will naturally start as soon as possible.

In fact, Syrian and Syrian federal forces in Syria and Lebanon are also building ground defense lines with the Lebanese army. After all, the armored clusters of Israeli ground forces are also likely to rush over at any time. (To be continued~^~)

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