The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1207: Ghost Special Commando

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On the deserted Gobi 20 kilometers south of Jerusalem, under the sand eroded rock wall of the Gobi, a camouflage net was pulled up to cover all the space under the rock wall. Between the camouflage nets, there is a layer of insulation for heat sources. Special fabric.

In the distant Gobi, on the yellow rocky mound, under a single-soldier camouflage net, a sniper team is acting as a guard post for this temporary stronghold, and is observing everything nearby.

At this time, two seemingly lonely figures came in the distance, it was Brother Xiang and Xiao Xiaoxiao.

At this time, the two of them had already put on the prepared combat equipment. They were wearing khaki auspicious suits. On the dense yellow lines on their bodies, there were stone-like objects wrapped around the lines and yellow on the ground. The land is exactly the same.

The two people who came by made a simple gesture and walked directly towards the disguise point.

When approaching the temporary stronghold, he nodded to the sniper team hidden on the sand dunes, turned and walked into the temporary stronghold.

Establish temporary strongholds and military newspaper strongholds, which are the special forces of special forces.

The two people didn't discover the hidden stronghold here until they got very close. If the drone or reconnaissance aircraft passed by here, they would not be able to find the hidden personnel and stronghold below.

Even a helicopter passing by at low altitude is hard to find.

Don’t watch TV, those special forces wearing auspicious uniforms seem to be easily spotted in front of the camera. That’s because the camera is zoomed in and the picture is so big. If you put it in reality, it’s probably even at your feet. , There is no need for light factors, and it is difficult to find without experience.

Not to mention looking at the past from afar, even the most experienced special forces can't find a hidden opponent from afar.

When the two walked in, there were already sixteen players inside, of which the deputy command team was watching the map, and the other fourteen players were resting with their eyes closed.

The Ghost Special Commando is the name of this squad. It is directly managed by Boris. It is also the most elite commando in the Red Police Corps. The leader is Brother Xiang, and there are absolute elites drawn from other special forces.

Everyone in this has the ability to approach the hero wirelessly. Even if it is a single contest, there is no guarantee that it will be everyone's opponent here, even if it is in the field of special operations, each of them will Can defeat Al Yessel.

After all, El Yessel is not good at special operations, but good at battle command, which belongs to the commander's ability.

Zhang Xuchen and Tang Zuwang, the two are naturally the real masters of special operations, but both of them need to command special operations, and they rarely have the opportunity to personally lead the battle.

Therefore, the gold content of this team is naturally extraordinary, and Cai Ruichen himself was awarded the title of ghost.

The ghost special commando is the special forces in the special forces, the super king of the soldiers.

The entire ghost special commando team has a command team, and the deputy command team also serves as the fire support for the entire team.

The other is divided into one group and two groups, each with eight people, a two-person sniper team, and a four-person assault team, plus a support team composed of medical and blasters.

Although there are only twenty people in the entire ghost, as long as they are given a chance, the combat capability that bursts out will be extremely terrifying.

At present, the purpose of the Ghost Special Commando is to find opportunities to kill the Israeli wild kid special forces. Of course, other special operations teams will cooperate in this process.

The arrival of Brother Xiang and Xiao Xiaoxiao also brought everyone up from a resting state.

"Now let’s implement the next stage of combat objectives, find the Israeli wild boy, and kill the wild boy." As soon as Brother Xiang came in, he changed his smile from the hippie face, sitting on the ammunition box with a golden sword and said to everyone .

"Captain, if it is a normal search, we will never find a wild boy in Israel. At best, it will be like a headless fly."

"So we need to let the wild boy come to us. Although this is a bit risky, it is the only way at the moment. After all, this is Israel, and it is the world of the wild boy special forces. If they hide and mix in the crowd, give us I won't find them in a hundred years." Brother Xiang nodded and said.

"If you want them to move, you have to make them hurt first, and the best way is to convey our meaning."

"Yes, I have carefully thought about this issue on my way here. Given the current environment, I decided to do a few big deals near Jerusalem. I believe that the wild boy will also be active near Jerusalem." Xiang Ge said.

"No, didn't they go to drill into the virgin forests of the mountains of southern Lebanon?"

"Our intelligence personnel have discovered many Israeli reconnaissance teams operating near Lebanon and Syria, but it is certain that there are no wild boys among them. Therefore, the special operations command center analyzed that the wild boys have not been dispatched yet, or that , They originally planned to fight on their own land and conduct special operations against our troops." Xiang Ge said.

"What does the above mean?" Xiao Xiaoxiao said at this time.

"The time is not mentioned above, but there are less than three days before the total attack time, so we also have to give ourselves a bottom line, that is, within three days, kill the wild boy." Brother Xiang said very firmly. .

"What about the goal? To lead the snake out of the The movement can't be small."

When it comes to starting to take action, all the team members are excited one by one. After all, this is their first battle since they have been lurking here for more than ten days.

When special forces conduct pre-war penetration, in addition to conducting intelligence investigations, when necessary, they must also create better opportunities for attacking troops.

"I know everyone's thoughts and goals are already there, but we can't be careless. After all, we want to attract wild boys, not the armored divisions of the Israel Defense Forces. That group of iron kings is not something we can deal with. "

Speaking of this, Xiangge paused and said: "So our next target should be moderate, because our best target is an armored brigade 30 kilometers away."

"Armored brigade, isn't it a little pediatric?" a young team member mumbled.

Brother Xiang patted the boy's helmet and said: "People are not small, don't be too arrogant. Our opponent is not a militia, but one of the best troops in the world." (To be continued~^~)

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