The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1208: The hidden army of Israel

Throughout human history, all morals and justice are shaped by the principle of survival. Zhang San of tribe A grabbed the winter food from tribe B, but tribe A survived and tribe B starved to death. Zhang San is definitely a national hero to the A tribe, but is a genocide sinner to the B tribe! For thousands of years, human society has continued to develop, and the scale of "tribes" has continued to grow, but the principles of morality and justice still cannot escape the framework of standardism-military and military.

War is not an exercise. There is no well-established environment and background for war. Wars are always full of uncertainty and randomness.

On the periphery of Jerusalem, the Israeli Defense Forces have formulated a national defense strategy during the war and launched a homeland defense operation.

One of them is Jerusalem in the West Bank of the Jordan River, the holy city of Jews, which is naturally the key target of the Israel Defense Forces.

With Israel’s highest standards for formulating national defense strategies, Israel can be lost anywhere, but this holy city in the eyes of the Jews must not be lost.

Therefore, the defense of Jerusalem is the core focus of the entire national defense strategy, and all the elite troops of Israel are also entrenched on the edge of this city.

According to the standards of modern warfare, in order to achieve the extension of political goals, the political and military strategic benefits of occupying the capital of an enemy country are immeasurable.

Israel’s capital, Jerusalem, hangs alone, and on the other side is the place where the Jordanian and Palestinian guerrillas are located. The offensive of the Islamic Federation must start from here.

Therefore, the defense of Jerusalem is the key to this war. The Israelis understand that all military strategists all over the world are very clear.

At this moment, the fighter jets of the Syrian-Israel Federation, after quickly seizing Israeli air supremacy, immediately carried out air strikes on all valuable targets in Israel, including all Israeli troops near the Jerusalem area.

But because the Israeli army is all hidden and created a large number of false targets, the air force is really hard to distinguish.

In addition, there are high-density guards on the periphery of all real military garrisons, and tight defenses are scattered on the periphery of the real forces, in order to prevent the detection of the ground special forces of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

Because once the real military garrison is determined and discovered, the air force of the Isy-syrian Federation can carry out targeted clearance.

With only two fighters, all combat weapons in a synthetic armored battalion can be easily broken into scrap.

However, it is impossible for soldiers alone to occupy a possible advantage in the next real ground confrontation.

The Israel Defense Forces knows this incomparably. All military stations of a certain size can be called a real five-step, one-post, ten-step and one guard, as well as sophisticated field monitoring equipment, infrared detection equipment, and special forces of any country. It's hard to get close, spying on the reality.

Therefore, for the Red Police Special Forces currently operating in Israel, these are difficulties that require customer service.

The total attack time will not change. At this point in time, how many targets can be determined, and how much pressure can be reduced after the total attack starts.

As long as there is a chance to kill all these elite troops in Israel, it will be much easier even if it is a war of all people.

After all, those regular troops under high-intensity training, coupled with fully armed, are the real troublesome targets.

However, the Israeli side is not all passively defending. Although the Homeland Defense Command was destroyed, the Israeli army has a complete command mechanism and a complete command structure. The troops at all levels have also begun to deploy defenses based on various previous plans.

In modern warfare, beheading operations are common, and wars are not exercises. It is impossible that the command headquarters will be killed, and other troops will not know how to fight.

Unable to contact the highest command, all levels of troops immediately established a temporary coordinated command organization based on the plan.

At the same time, based on the defensive strategy that has been formulated, the special forces of the enemy forces that may exist nearby have been eliminated.

All the false targets were not attacked, and every place that was attacked by the air fell precisely on the real troops.

The Israelis could not be so stupid that they could not even think of this. Without the guidance of ground personnel, it would be impossible for the Air Force to make such a precise attack through its own reconnaissance.

The various reports of airstrikes from various places also illustrate a very serious situation, that is, there are a large number of Islamic and Syrian federal special forces operating in Israel.

Before the general offensive began, the ground war between the two sides also began to compete.

Scouts under the various divisions and brigade-level units of the Israeli regular army have all begun to spread out.

The training intensity of the Israel Defense Forces is among the best in the world, and the scouts under the regular army have reached the level of special forces in many countries.

After all, special forces are also special combat arms derived from scouts, and the selection of special forces is all carefully selected from the elite of those scouts.

In fact, in addition to the advanced level of equipment and the lack of mastery of some skills, the quality of outstanding scouts has reached the requirements of qualified special forces.

Using scouts to deal with special forces, there is no need for scouts to fully confront the special forces. They only need to find the opponent, and then pass the information to the troops, and the troops will naturally encircle and suppress.

Large-scale operations armored forces and armed helicopters will be the nightmare of special forces.

However, due to the destruction of the highest command system of the Homeland Defense Command, the current overall coordinated command of the Israel Defense Forces still has a big plus the comprehensive electromagnetic suppression that always covers Israel, making the Israeli army A lot of radio communication is not available at all.

Even if you use the radio, there is a risk of being deciphered. After all, no one can guarantee that there is no newest secret code in the hands of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

Even if there is no secret code, the signal of the radio station may be tracked at any time, and the price of tracking is the air strike that follows.

Therefore, the Israel Defense Forces dare not use radio and wireless communication indiscriminately. Even if the radio communication resumes occasionally, they dare not easily expose the radio signal and keep the radio silent at all times.

Therefore, the current contacts between the Israeli military are all very careful, the distance is a little closer, and all the contacts are made by personnel.

Outside Jerusalem, the Ghost Special Commando, which has been deployed next to an Israel Defense Forces anti-tank armored brigade, has been deployed, and intelligence spying is underway. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )

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