The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1209: Enemy waiting

The south and east of Jerusalem are barren Gobi and desert, but to the west of Jerusalem, between the city of Beit Shemesh in the east of Israel, there are large winding mountain forests.

This mountain forest is connected to the holy mountain in Jerusalem. The forest is covered with a complete road network. The mountains are high and densely forested, forming deep valleys. Many key Israeli industries are located in this mountain area. At the same time, there are a large number of towns and cities. In these valleys.

In the valley, there are winding roads connecting Jerusalem to other Israeli cities. Therefore, although this place looks like a high mountain and dense forest, it is a relatively densely populated place.

This is also the only place in Israel where a large number of troops can be hidden. This mountain forest has a huge area. It is 30 to 40 kilometers long from north to south, and more than 20 kilometers wide from east to west. It contains tall dense forests and dense canopies. , Even if it is hidden hundreds of thousands of troops, all of them are extremely difficult to be discovered.

Coupled with the necessary camouflage means, even the most advanced surveillance satellites in the world, using high-definition thermal imaging lenses, can hardly find the hidden army in it.

Air force reconnaissance is also helpless. In addition, there are various villages and small towns everywhere in the east, west, north, south, and hundreds of thousands of troops can be hidden for a few years without any problems.

At this moment, Israel’s national united front, those situations are actually defending its own army in every way, it can be said that the Israeli army’s eyes are everywhere.

The Ghost Special Commando lurked in this mountain area, and it took a lot of effort.

During this period, it is necessary to avoid not only the reconnaissance forces patrolling everywhere, but also the sight of Israeli civilians, and at the same time avoid those mountain roads to avoid being caught by cameras.

Such infiltration is latent, and the process is no less than a high-intensity war.

This time, the target of the Ghost Special Commando was hidden in this mountain area, but what made them helpless was that when they entered this mountain forest, they found that things were far worse than they thought.

In this mountain area, there are at least two mountain combat division-sized troops in action, and there are also a large number of armored units hidden, and a large number of false targets have been set up on the side of the road.

In the mountain forest of more than 1,000 square kilometers, there are patrolling scouts everywhere. There are a large number of secret guards and monitoring equipment in the forest. There are also various alarms. In many inaccessible places, there are advanced existences such as booby traps.

With such a large-scale arrangement, even if two paratrooper divisions are airborne, they will be eaten up immediately.

There are at least more than 80,000 troops in it, and the number of troops is still growing. There are many Israeli soldiers assembled here, all of whom have just put down their work and regained their weapons.

At this moment, in a small mountain stream, the ghost special commando's temporary stronghold.

"The situation of the anti-tank brigade has been detected, but this place is a hornet's nest. Once it is stabbed, we will find at least seven to eighty thousand troops to encircle and suppress. What's more, this place, people are fighting at home. Every tree is very familiar to everyone." Xiao Xiaoxiao summed up all the information he found, and said to Brother Xiang a little heavy.

"Before I came, I knew that this place must be the nest of the Israeli army, but I didn't expect that they prepared a large number of armored troops in the West Bank. Jerusalem is also heavily armed, and in this mountain forest, it is even more powerful." Brother Xiang said unexpectedly.

"Around Jerusalem, there are at least two hundred and fifty thousand elite Israeli defense forces. That is half of their strength at this time. Compared with the estimate of the Supreme Command, it is more than fifty thousand. I suggest that no matter what happens next To act, we must first transmit this information." Xiao Xiaoxiao suggested.

"Don’t mess around, wait for our electronic warfare troops to block radio communications in this place again, and then we will pass on the information. Otherwise, once we send out a message, the other party will be able to lock on our external signal immediately, and we will all run away. Nope." Brother Xiang said.

"Then why now?" Xiao Xiaoxiao frowned and asked.

"Follow the original plan." Xiang Ge took a deep breath and said, pointing to the marked target on the electronic map.

"Don't call the Air Force to deal with it? Let's fish in troubled waters again." Xiao Xiaoxiao asked.

"I have a feeling that the wild boy is also in this jungle. Our primary goal is only the wild boy, so we still need to draw them out." Xiang Ge said seriously.

"That's dangerous." Xiao Xiaoxiao had nothing to say, only a reminder.

"Call everyone here, I have something to say." Brother Xiang did not respond to Xiao Xiaoxiao's words, but gave an order.

Soon all the team members came over and surrounded the temporary stronghold. Everyone formed a circle. Brother Xiang glanced across everyone’s faces and said solemnly: "Brothers, the plan remains the same, and the situation here, everyone It is also very clear that it is possible that all of us will stay here forever. Are you afraid."

"With the total death!"

The answer to Brother Xiang was the concerted commitment of each team member.

"Okay, let us live and die together." Brother Xiang nodded and stretched out his fist into the crowd. Soon the other nineteen fists all gathered in the crowd. Every team member, together Voice: "Life and death together!"

"Start action." Withdrawing his fist, Brother Xiang decisively ordered Everyone immediately started to take their own equipment, put their backpacks in the temporary stronghold, and then quietly left the stronghold in batches .

Finally, Brother Xiang also took the command team and left the temporary stronghold. There was not one left in the temporary stronghold.

In the dense forest, along the road that has been investigated, each team member is coated with a gas that can mask the body odor. The smell of this gas is the same as the smell of the rotten leaves in the woods over the years, which can confuse military dogs. Nose.

The team members wearing heavy auspicious uniforms have their body temperatures well covered, avoiding patrolling scouts and military dogs, bypassing the cameras that have been detected, and advancing directly on a mountain road near the target.

Soon, all the team members lurked on the side of the road. Under the road, there was a large valley. There were many residential houses in the valley. On the side was their goal this time, a fully organized anti-tank armored brigade. ’S resident.

If you want to solve this armored brigade silently, you can't expose yourself in the process. For them, who have only twenty people, under normal circumstances, it is an impossible task. (To be continued.)

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