The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1237: Israeli armaments

Israel’s Sixth Army has the most powerful armament system in the Middle East, which is larger than the combined armaments of the Islamic Federation and even the current Middle East coalition forces. Bayi Chinese≯>≧<﹤≤<<≤≤<≦≦<≦

Among them, there are more than 4,000 main battle tanks, more than 10,000 various armored vehicles and armored transport vehicles, including more than 6,000 armored vehicles for direct combat, and four to five thousand various half-track armored vehicles.

In terms of artillery, Israel also has the most powerful artillery force in the Middle East. Among them, there are more than 500 towed artillery pieces, more than 1,000 self-propelled artillery pieces, and three to four hundred rocket artillery pieces of various calibers.

There are as many as five to six thousand 6o mortars used in infantry operations. Other mortars of various calibers add up to one to two thousand. Some of these mortars are self-propelled mortars and are installed in armor. On the assault car.

There are more rocket launchers. There is only one type of rocket launcher in the Israeli army, the 82mm B-3oo rocket launcher.

There are hundreds of recoilless guns, and the remaining individual rocket launchers are all in the thousands.

And until the war, Israel still has a large number of anti-aircraft guns all hidden.

Israel has thousands of anti-aircraft guns with a variety of 2o mm calibers. There are also hundreds of air defense systems combined with small shells and guns. There are also nearly 2,000 sets of individual low-altitude missiles from stinger, red eye, and small tree .

There are also many anti-tank missiles, ranging from American pottery, dragon, fire-resistant, Mapac, and gill-type anti-tank missiles to more than 2,000.

With such a huge armament, even when all the main iron dome systems on the ground are destroyed, the Israeli ground forces still have a strong battlefield air defense capability.

Especially for offensive helicopter troops, the threat level on the battlefield is extremely high.

The Israeli air force has not been completely destroyed. Of course, it does not mean that there are fighter jets capable of taking off in Israel, but armed helicopters and other helicopter types equipped by Israel's Sixth Army.

In the past few years, Israel has been strengthening the combat effectiveness of ground forces, especially greatly enhancing the assault capability of the battlefield.

Therefore, the number of helicopters in Israel has been greatly increased in the past few years.

Israel has various types of armed helicopters, from Hughes to Cobras to Cobras, Apaches and Longbow Apaches. The total number is nearly 500.

Five years ago, there were only forty-eight longbow Apaches. In the past few years, Israel bought more than one hundred longbow Apaches from the United States.

The most powerful combat helicopters of the U.S. 6 Army were all delivered before the war.

However, during the full-scale bombing of Israeli territory, the Red Police Corps was quite sure that it did not destroy many Israeli helicopters.

A large number of helicopters were all hidden before the war, and even directly hidden in these air defense projects.

In fact, this is not surprising. Israel is very clear that in the face of the strong air force advantage of the Syrian-Israel Federation, it is difficult to guarantee air supremacy in its own hands.

In addition, Israel has no defense depth. Once it loses its air superiority, every piece of land will be shrouded in enemy air strikes.

Therefore, how to retain the combat power now possessed has become the key.

The civil air defense project is the best choice for the Israeli army. Of course, not all troops can enter the air defense project and wait for the order of the counterattack.

Therefore, a considerable part of the army was put on the front, preparing to attack the enemy, fighting in advance, bravely defeating the enemy's spirit, and preparing for the subsequent counterattack.

Many of Israel’s powerful armaments are hidden in these air defense projects.

Save the most powerful combat capability and wait for the counterattack to come.

These are all issues that Cai Ruichen has to consider. He cannot let Israel's wishful thinking succeed.

If in the middle or late stage of the war, Israel’s elite troops, armed with the will to counterattack, suddenly counterattacked in various cities, it would be a huge disaster for the Red Police Corps, and it may even cause immeasurable consequences. Loss, which led to the defeat of the war.

After all, it only occupied the air superiority, and the Israeli army has the advantages of land and people. Relatively good and bad, the Israeli side is also fully capable of counterattack.

Although everything seems to be going well in the current combat situation, from the analysis of various situations on the battlefield, the main force of the Israeli ground forces did not directly participate in the battle.

A large number of advanced weapons and equipment have never been seen.

This has almost become a heart disease of Cai Ruichen, if this problem is not solved, it will be like a man on his back.

No one knows when Israel’s elite ground troops will launch a surprise attack.

In addition, Israel still has many powerful arms, including four elite paratrooper brigades, which have never been seen.

Cai Ruichen had to doubt that these Israeli paratroopers had already made preparations for a parachute attack at a secret airport in Israel.

This is entirely possible. After all, the Air Force is not omnipotent. As long as the other party plans well, it can completely avoid surveillance.

For example, civil aviation airliners, or other aircraft, may become paratroopers.

In the base command center, there are also continuous discussions around follow-up issues in Israel. The most discussed topic is this civil air defense project.

There are tens of thousands of concealed exits for more than a thousand kilometers of civil air defense projects, and every place may have an exit for air defense projects.

Even if you find a part of the exit and let the troops enter the battle, in this well-connected place, even if you enter a group army, you cannot control every place inside.

But no matter what, the war will continue, not to mention that the Red Police Corps is not really without a solution.

"Commander, this is the latest battle report. The battle in the old city is coming to an end. So far, there is no Israeli reinforcement from a civil air defense project."

In the headquarters of the First Army, Cai Ruichen listened to Al Yeser’s report and nodded and said: “It’s still not careless. The Old City is the only commanding height in Jerusalem. It controls this commanding height and can overlook most of the city’s battlefields. With multiple routes, both offensive and defensive, it is impossible for Israel to give up easily in this place."

"We understand that the current geological inspection troops have begun geological surveys in the old city, and it can be determined that there are very complicated civil air defense projects under the old city, but how many troops are hidden inside it is still uncertain." (To be continued.)

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