The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1238: Hidden Israeli main force

The reason why the Old City of Jerusalem has become the focus of the battle for Jerusalem is because of its highest terrain. ﹤﹤≤≤﹤

Once this commanding height is lost, the other Israeli forces in the city will be fully exposed to the coalition ground offensive.

Just relying on city buildings to stick to the battle will also lose most of the initiative.

Therefore, in this place, Cai Ruichen believes that the Israeli military cannot easily give up.

"Think about it in another way. If you were the Israeli commander at this time, what kind of decision would you make?" Cai Ruichen asked Al Yeser.

Al Yessel thought briefly and said directly: "If I were the commander of the Israeli army on the battlefield in Jerusalem, then I would not be anxious to send out hidden troops to counterattack, but wait for the enemy to begin to feel that I am standing firm. When attacking other parts of the city, the old city is going forward. When attacking other parts of the city, it will counterattack unexpectedly, disrupt the enemy's position, cut off the connection between the offensive troops and the rear, and at the same time dispatch hidden reinforcements in other parts of the city to fight to divide and eliminate the attack. Enemy."

Cai Ruichen nodded when he heard the words. This idea coincided with him. When the enemy has air superiority, the best way is to get entangled with the enemy.

Up to the present position, the Red Police Corps has never dispatched paratroopers to airborne Jerusalem, nor has it dispatched air assault troops, blooming around the city, and fighting at fixed points in order to avoid being entangled by the Israeli army.

This makes it difficult for air forces to achieve air support, and air superiority will be difficult to display.

After all, the opponent facing this time is an army that can fully contend with the Red Police Corps head-on. Air-head assault and fixed-point combat are prone to uncontrollable changes.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the Red Police Corps chose the tactics of step by step, and proceeded steadily without being greedy for merit or adventurous advancement. All units must cooperate to avoid being lured by the enemy to deepen and be surrounded by heavy troops.

What needs to be done is that the number of Israeli troops in Jerusalem is more than the number of offensive troops.

The enemy is few, even if it is an advantage, the situation on the battlefield may change unpredictably at any time.

No commander can anticipate every change on the battlefield, and no matter how many plans it is, it is difficult to keep up with the pace of change.

"If this is the case, then I am not worried. After all, as long as we make timely preparations for the tactical actions that can be expected, we can cope with it. What I am worried about is that Israel will make decisions that are beyond our expectations." Cai Ruichen said.

"If you can use a self-detonating truck in this world, you can save a lot of trouble." Al Yeser said with some regret.

Cai Ruichen shook his head. If the self-destructed truck can be used casually, there is so much trouble.

What's more, he will not blow up the entire Jerusalem, not only is there a large number of Israeli civilians, war is a matter of professional soldiers, not a massacre.

If he could, it would be impossible for him to raise a butcher knife to civilians without weapons. This is his moral bottom line.

And if a person doesn't even have a bottom line of morality, he is no different from a lunatic.

Moreover, the city of Jerusalem is not only the capital of Israel, but also the capital of the Palestinians. If the city is really razed, it will not be easy to explain to the Palestinians.

Otherwise, under the power of a self-detonating truck, even a civil air defense project hidden under the city would not be safe.

Of course, if he is fighting in the field, as long as he has the opportunity, it is naturally impossible for Cai Ruichen to let go of the opportunity to destroy the Israeli army as much as possible.

As for whether it will be misunderstood by the outside world, Cai Ruichen doesn't care. The self-detonated truck has zero radiation and does not worry about any bad consequences if it does not accidentally injure civilians.

"Don't think about the self-destructed truck. If it can be used, I will naturally use it, but there is no room for use at all." Cai Ruichen shook his head and continued:

"At present, the main combat direction of the First Army needs to be adjusted, as far as possible to find out those civil air defense projects."

Al Yeser nodded with mud, then asked: "If you find an exit, do you want to organize an attack?"

Cai Ruichen shook his head again and said: "These civil air defense projects, under the operation of the Israeli army, we don't know what is inside, and we don't know the line conditions inside. There may even be agencies or traps, blindly sending troops in. It's too dangerous."

"Do you want to block the exit?" Al Yeser continued to ask for instructions.

"No, I always feel that the Israeli side will not easily dispatch the troops in the civil air defense project." Cai Ruichen thought for a while and rejected Al Yeser's proposal.

Before he came to the headquarters of the First Army, he had talked with the engineer hero Qiu Mingxu for a long time. Qiu Mingxu also analyzed the possible civil air defense construction structure based on the situation of Jerusalem and the surrounding terrain.

All the underground kingdoms below the base came from Qiu Mingxu's hands, and Qiu Mingxu was also a well-deserved top master in this regard.

The air defense project with a length of more than 1,200 kilometers is a huge underground network.

The same underground network is also very complicated, coupled with the level of secrecy that Israel has always maintained when building civil air defense projects, there will inevitably be a large number of hidden entrances and exits that are difficult to distinguish.

This kind of exit may appear in every place in the city or it may appear outside the city, or even connect to other cities.

This connection is like a subway line between cities, just like the underground railway transportation network between Marin and all nearby cities.

It's just that none of these underground transportation networks in Israel are open to the outside world, and the Islamic Federation, like other countries, these subways are open to the outside world.

In fact, the civil air defense project is by everyone's side, and the subway is a civil air defense project in wartime.

The subways in some cities were built on the basis of civil air defense projects, just like the city where Cai Ruichen lived in his hometown. In the small Lu Island, all the mountains are actually empty, and they are all civil air defense projects. Many of these civil air defense projects are now used as urban transportation lines.

However, Israel is completely different from all other countries in that it has never opened any civil air defense projects to the outside world.

This is also the most troublesome place. Even Israel's mechanized forces may appear anywhere on the battlefield.

(To be continued.)

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