The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1239: War situation

In Israel, Beit Shemesh is located 15 kilometers west of Jerusalem. The two cities are separated by a mountain range and belong to a medium-sized industrialized city. Eight ≥ one Chinese ≧≦≦﹤≦<≤≦≤

The Israeli army came out from here, occupied Jerusalem, and became the capital of Israel.

At this moment, in the Beit Shemesh underground air defense project, Netanyahu, who is full of white, is listening to the report of the situation by Lieberman, deputy commander-in-chief of Israel's Supreme Military Council.

Netanyahu has escaped the airstrike when he left the Supreme National Defense Council since the last time the lightning strike failed.

The Prime Minister’s Office was also completely destroyed, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation completely seized air supremacy, and Netanyahu immediately transferred all command institutions to the civil air defense project.

At the same time, he also launched the most advanced emergency response plan, and all the command institutions and important government departments were transferred.

The civil air defense project has excellent air defense capabilities and does not worry about air strikes by fighter jets from the Iraqi-Syrian Federation.

But hiding in the dark underground like a mouse, this is definitely not what everyone wants.

For Netanyahu, this is a great shame and the biggest shame since the founding of Israel.

The construction of these civil air defense projects is just for emergencies, but no matter which Israeli prime minister is, he is unwilling to see the day when these air defense projects are used.

Even high-level Israeli officials have always believed that these civil air defense projects will never be used any day, and the fate of these carefully designed and constructed air defense projects will eventually be transformed into civilian facilities, just like civil air defense projects in other countries. Subway or underground ghost city, shopping mall, building in parking lot.

But I didn't expect that the time to use these civil air defense projects would come. Netanyahu had not even prepared for this before.

When he saw that the headquarters of all Israeli authorities were destroyed by air strikes, he really realized that he was going to be a rat.

However, Netanyahu does not have much shameful thoughts now, because Israel, which is now fully engaged in war, gives him time to consider these personal feelings.

His most dependent nephew has already died on the battlefield. The pride of a Netanyahu family was successfully cut by the enemy at the beginning of the war.

He could not avenge his nephew, he could not let himself be blinded by hatred.

He has been calming himself down, leaving behind all those things that shouldn't be there.

"Prime Minister, the current situation is not optimistic. Less than twenty-four hours have passed since the ground battle. According to the news from multiple battlefields, the combat effectiveness of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard completely exceeded our previous expectations."

Having said this, Lieberman took a careful look at Netanyahu, and after seeing that the Prime Minister was not angry, he continued: "We previously estimated that even the most elite combat unit of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guard could not be established in Iraq. In two years, although the training intensity was good, there was no opportunity for actual combat. Even with very advanced weapons and equipment, the combat effectiveness should not be considered top-notch.

But judging from the current situation, we are completely wrong on this point. Our army can be said to be a world-class army. To put it mildly, even if it is against the army of any country in the world, we will not Inferior.

Used to deal with the army of the Syrian Federation, it has a good advantage, but we were wrong, and we were wrong.

Facing the offensive of the Iraqi-Syrian Federal Guards, our soldiers were almost suppressed in terms of equipment or individual combat literacy, as well as the coordination of arms.

Especially in the battlefield of Jerusalem, we are facing the most elite First Army of the Syrian-Israel Federation, known as the trump card troop in the trump card troop. The line of defense has been repeatedly broken through..."

Hearing this, Netanyahu waved his hand a little impatiently. Although he also saw the battle report and knew that Lieberman was telling the truth, he really didn't want to listen to this kind of ambition to destroy his prestige. .

"How about the other three aspects of the battlefield?"

Lieberman saw the impatient look on Netanyahu’s face and hurriedly replied: “There is no latest battle report, but the situation is better. The Second Army of the Isy-syrian Federation is currently moving towards us. The Haifa line of defense is advancing, and it is expected to be officially engaged tomorrow.

On the northeast front line, the fighting in Shemona city is still going on. Most of the 3rd Army of the Syrian-Israel Federation we are facing is only the Syrian garrison. The combat effectiveness can only be said to be average, so the pressure is not very great.

In the battle of Etra in the south, the Fourth Front Army of the coalition encountered..."

Netanyahu listened carefully to the current situation in various parts of the country, and asked: "Are there any new moves by the Isyrian Federation's navy?"

"According to our current intelligence, the navy of the Syrian-Israel Federation is still training in the Indian Ocean, and all capital ships have no intention of participating in the war."

When Lieberman said this, he paused and continued: "The naval exhibition of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation has not been displayed for a year, and the combat effectiveness has not yet formed."

"On the edge of the Mediterranean Sea, in the industrial zone of the Future Technology Group, there is also the Shipbuilding Industrial Base of the Future Technology Group. Among those enclosed docks, will there be warships that the other party has always hidden in them?" Netani Yahu asked suspiciously.

"Although this possibility is not ruled out, but even if there is, I believe that the Iraqi-Syrian Federation will not be able to launch immediately and send warships to the war." Lieberman said.

In fact, in Lieberman's view, Netanyahu's concern is completely unnecessary, because such a situation is also impossible.

"Hopefully not." Netanyahu also understands this ~ ~ but there is always a little worry.

"Notify all front-line combat headquarters, continue to fight steadily, all strategic reserve forces, without my order, can not be exposed." Netanyahu ordered.


Netanyahu's strategic reserve forces are those hidden in the air defense project. These forces are currently the only conventional forces that Netanyahu can carry out a strategic counterattack.

Before the time for a full counterattack arrives, if the deployment is exposed in advance, it is very likely that the counterattack will fail.

Therefore, the concealment of all strategic counterattack forces is also the current focus of the Israeli military, and it is directly related to the outcome of the war.

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