The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1240: Against the entire Jewish world

In the Sixth Middle East War, the pace of the Arab coalition's offensive was not very fast, which did not exceed everyone's expectations. <≦<﹤≦≤≦

After all, the Israeli army is superior to the troops of other countries except the Syrian Federation in terms of combat literacy and other aspects.

Even in the case of losing air supremacy, he can continue to fight tenaciously in his own city.

This can be expected. In multiple battlefields, the Israeli army has always maintained a defensive posture. Its ultimate goal is to consume the aggressiveness of the attackers and keep the enemy's war costs rising.

If such a tactic is simply to face the Arab coalition forces, Israel can be said to be very successful, dragging the enemy into the quagmire of the war, and forcing the other side to withdraw from the war helplessly under the constant high military expenditure.

At the same time, all Israel's strategic counterattack forces will decisively attack and carry out a comprehensive counterattack against the attacker, transforming from the role of the attacked to the attacker.

This is the tactic used by Israel, and it is also a very reasonable tactic. After all, compared with other countries in the Middle East, Israel has entered a state of total war. With the help of the global Jewish group, if there is really no help from Cai Ruichen, even if it is all. The nations of the Middle East united, and the ultimate result was that they could not afford the cost of the war, which led to the failure of the war.

But with Cai Ruichen’s support, everything is completely different. All the consumption of weapons and ammunition in various countries is borne by the Future Technology Group, and the low-cost characteristics of the base-produced weapons and ammunition have reduced the cost of war to an extremely low level. Degree.

Even the conventional military expenditures, such as soldiers’ allowances, war subsidies and pensions, are nothing short of the current finances of the Future Technology Group.

With the current supply of seedlings in a certain range of the future technology group in the world, its huge income can easily support this war.

If only Israel and Cai Ruichen collide, then Israel is not an opponent at all. What really supports this war is the wealth of most of the Jewish people in the world.

And this war is not so much a military contest between the two sides as it is an overall confrontation between the Jewish world and the Arab coalition.

This kind of confrontation is omni-directional, from economic to military, plus political influence.

Modern military warfare is no longer a simple military contest, and it will simply not work if there is no corresponding overall strength.

History has given sufficient lessons on this point. The Soviet Union is the best example. Without the corresponding overall national strength, what is the use of a strong army?

A powerful army without national power is called militant military force. The end result is that countless Soviet weapons and equipment have all become waste products on the side of the road.

The war between the Arab coalition and Israel, unconsciously, has been going on for several days.

The slowdown in the offensive that many countries expected did not occur. The entire coalition still maintains a high combat effectiveness, because every day there is a steady stream of supplies that are delivered to every unit participating in the war.

With adequate supplies of weapons and ammunition, all units of the entire coalition can be free to fight.

In this war, the Future Technology Group played a full role as the transportation captain, stably providing sufficient weapons, ammunition and supplies to every unit participating in the war.

Adequate logistical support is the first guarantee of the military's combat capability. At this point, Cai Ruichen has done impeccable after his commitment to all participating countries.

All the countries participating in the war also felt relieved.

Cai Ruichen, who has been busy for several days with the setting sun and the lights first, also has some leisure time.

In the few days when the total war started, he had been coordinating the supplementary arrangements for each coalition force, plus other things, it was really too busy to stop.

And in terms of global business, the Future Technology Group is not without action.

In this war, all companies from various countries supporting Israel were blocked by the Future Technology Group.

At present, there are approximately 130 million Jews in the world, over 50,000 in Israel, and approximately 60,000 in the United States. Jews are often seen in important positions in the U.S. government, such as former Secretary of State Kissinger and Albright, as well as famous hawks in the Bush administration and Wolfowitz, known as the "Godfather of the Iraq War."

Austria, Bama's new White House Chief of Staff Emanuel, the current Federal Reserve Chairman Bernanke, and the White House National Economic Council Chairman Summers, etc.

Over the past 30 years, the United States has vetoed at least 32 UN Security Council resolutions that are not conducive to Israel, more than the sum of all other Security Council members' veto powers.

The intelligence department of the Red Police Corps also conducted investigations on all Jewish forces in the United States. One of the statistics gave Cai Ruichen a headache.

In this survey, it is very clear that Jews, who occupy only 3% of the total population of the United States, control 70% of the wealth of the United States.

And this figure has been exchanged for nearly 15 trillion US dollars of wealth. Although the United States is now the mainstay and has nearly 40 trillion debts, many of them are brought by the US national credit card and debt.

The wealth controlled by the Jews has a huge amount of gold. Cai Ruichen is very reluctant to see this, but he can't help but believe it.

An hour later, Cai Ruichen will go to the United States for the third time. This is a deliberate decision he made.

This time he went to the United States, his main goal was to deal with all Jewish consortia in the United States.

In fact, Ruichen there is no way, otherwise the war will not end within the scheduled time.

Airstrikes on Israeli port materials can only block some foreign aid, and political aid cannot be ignored either.

And all Jewish consortia in the United States, although not everyone is supporting Israel, but a considerable part of them are all powerful supporters behind Israel.

At present, the Future Technology Group can unite most of the non-Jewish consortia in the United States. However, under the protectionism of the United States, the United States, which tends to be Israel, is on the side. It is impossible for the Future Technology Group to confront the United States and Jewish consortia.

Cai Ruichen has also thought about it a long time ago that he must go to the United States. The most important thing is, and this time, he will not keep a low profile. What he needs is the strength of the Raptors to cross the river.

"Natasha, Yuriko, let's go out."

Under Hua Meixue's watch, Cai Ruichen took Natasha and Yuriko into the special car to the airport.

Half an hour later, the special plane left and flew to the American casino Las Vegas. (To be continued.)

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