The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1241: Fenghua peerless heartthrob

When it comes to Las Vegas in the United States, all people can think of are casinos, bikini beauties, luxury hotels...

However, what is really impressive is the gambling and gambling industry in Las Vegas. After deducting the fictional gambling kings or gambling gods in movies or TV series, there is a veritable gambling king in the real world in the United States. , Controls most of the gaming and gambling industries in Las Vegas. ≯≤<≦

American gambling king Sheldon Adelson once appeared on the world's richest list, with personal assets of over 25 billion U.S. dollars.

He is currently the fifteenth person on the global rich list. When Cai Ruichen was on the rise, the gambling king Adelson had been hovering around tenth.

Adelson is a veritable Jew and a prominent figure in the American Jewish consortium.

Adelson’s main source of wealth is Sands, which controls more than half of the Las Vegas gambling industry.

Adelson is the executive officer of the group, a veritable top-level snake here in Las Vegas.

In Las Vegas, Adelson’s words work better than anyone else. It really resembles various gambling films in movies.

In the twilight, it is also Las Vegas where the lights are beginning to shine, and the true prosperity of the city that never sleeps is waking up.

Here, you can see all kinds of luxury cars everywhere. In the city under the lights, the charm of the city is being awakened by the bustle.

The largest casino owned by Sands Group is also the busiest place in Las Vegas.

In the twilight, one after another luxury cars came to the gate, and the waiter respectfully opened the door, always getting a huge tip.

Just when everything was as usual, a long line of convoy drove on the spacious road leading to it.

In the fleet, the price of each class sports car is a future class sports car with a price of more than 100 billion US dollars.

With the **** of the futuristic sports car occupying three lanes, the futuristic car in the middle of the team is very conspicuous.

Moreover, on the front of the special car, there was a national flag of foreign guests. When the waiter of Sands Casino saw the flag of the Iraqi-Syria Federation flying on the front of the special car, his face was repeated.

At this moment, the team is very domineering occupying the entire road to the Sands Casino. The semi-circular passage happens to be occupied by the head and tail of the team. The special car in the middle also steadily stops in the casino when the team stops. Doorway.

The waiter at the door was about to open the door. In the first class sports car, a whole hundred guards got out of the car in great harmony. Ralph, who got in and out of the car, directly intercepted the waiter and opened the door himself.

Cai Ruichen, who took Natasha's small hand and walked out of the special car, wore a very refreshing tank top shirt, a pair of wide beach pants on the lower body, and a slippers under her feet.

This dress immediately made all curious eyes quite speechless.

At least in such a place, they haven't seen anyone dressing so casually.

But no one dared to show any irony or other expressions, because it was Cai Ruichen who walked down, the most influential figure in the world.

On the other hand, Natasha on the side wore a gorgeous gown, matched with Cai Ruichen's vest and beach pants that looked like a stall, it was a world of difference, not in the same tone.

After getting out of the car, Natasha, holding Cai Ruichen's arm in both hands, not to mention the clothes, from the temperament of the two, the so-called high-ranking figures nearby, all looked at.

However, when the women nearby looked at Cai Ruichen, their eyes were completely different.

Cai Ruichen, who wears a tight-fitting vest, shows perfect muscles, and his masculine charm is undoubtedly revealed. Even without his identity, this figure alone is enough to make it difficult for these women who linger on such occasions all day to control.

At this time, all the men's eyes were focused on Natasha, graceful and luxurious, unparalleled charm...Most men didn't know what words to use to describe Natasha at this time.

Long like a waterfall, snowy skin is like fat, the corners of the mouth evoke an elegant smile, the crooked moonbrows and phoenix eyes evoke boundless charm, and the slightly raised pink jade lips are like fresh petals, making people just Just one glance, I lost my mind, and came like a tide...

Everywhere is exquisite and flawless, it can be called God's most perfect masterpiece! That charming, dreamlike and mysterious grace and beauty like a fairy is enough to make every man in the world crazy about it.

The exquisite dress is slightly tight on her body. It is pressed tightly on her proud chest, front, buttocks and hips. The crisp, crisp chest and buttocks are all ready to appear. A simple ribbon is gently **** at the waist. It outlines the slender waist like a willow, and the blood-boiling figure is revealed all over the body, showing an absolutely perfect S shape...

The men present all sighed that this is a woman with an amazing body. When you see her, you will know what a real plump fat, buttocks, and a devil's body are.

The chest and part are huge, and the clothes on the chest are held up high. The extent of the support makes people worry that the clothes will burst at any time. The hips and parts are round and straight, and the waist is so slender. The slightest inconsistency, on the contrary, releases a terrifying temptation to the heart.

Natasha's beauty has been around for a long time, but it's still second to show her full body charm to outsiders in such a costume.

Every so-called successful person present looked at Cai Ruichen's gaze, full of deep envy.

What they admire most is that such a perfect woman is not yet a vase... Charm and ability, so that all men in the world can't say the word rejection.

"Yuriko..." Natasha who took her arm slightly turned her head and whispered into the car.

When the sound reaches everyone's ears, it is like a warm spring and breeze, soft and charming, bringing up unquenchable ripples in the heart sea.

In the special car, a pair of small jade feet stretched out, Yuriko wearing a gorgeous princess costume also appeared in front of everyone.

Little Lolita seems to be different all the time, and the innocent look on her face seems to be really inexperienced, which makes her heart rippling.

Without waiting for everyone to recover from this extreme shock, under the **** of the guard, they walked directly towards the casino city.

At this moment, Clark had already walked towards the casino to redeem chips, came to the counter, took out a card, and said, "Exchange one million chips."

The people who watched Cai Ruichen coming in, heard Clark's words, almost thought they were bad at hearing, one million chips, which completely inconsistent with Cai Ruichen's identity.

And in the Sands Casino, one million chips is indeed a bit small. (To be continued.)

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