The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1272: War with the United States

Did not get what he wanted in the United States, Cai Ruichen did not leave the United States according to the itinerary, but continued to stay. Bayi Chinese ≦≦≤≦﹤≤﹤﹤

He will then meet with a large number of important political personnel in the United States, including some members of Congress.

Therefore, he will stay in the United States for three more days. This is Cai Ruichen's final effort.

If after this trip is over, the United States still wants to participate in the war, then he will no longer make any efforts, but continue to prepare for a war that may involve the US military.

In fact, the Red Police Corps now has a part of its troops, and they are already preparing for a possible war with the US team.

Yi Minhao's missile force has all been prepared. Most of the conventional missiles of the missile force, except for some of them, are ready to support the Israeli battlefield at any time, and the rest are all aimed at all US military bases in the Middle East.

Especially the Bahrain naval base of the United States and all the airfields of the United States in Saudi Arabia.

Once the United States enters the war, Cai Ruichen will also make his own promise that all coalition member states will not participate in the war against the United States.

It is not that Cai Ruichen looks down on the power of these countries, but he knows very well that these countries can fight Israel with him, but it is absolutely impossible to fight the United States with him.

This is unquestionable, so he never thought from the beginning that these countries might join the war. It is very important to speak nicely and gain a good reputation.

Imagining a war against the United States, Cai Ruichen did not know how many simulations he carried out. In the virtual world, he simulated the current combat effectiveness of the US military and conducted hundreds of training sessions.

And every exercise, no matter how Cai Ruichen perfects his military strategic deployment during the exercise, there is only one result, and that is nuclear war.

And every time, Cai Ruichen was the first to use nuclear weapons, because the current Red Police Corps could not compete with the US military.

There is no doubt about this. The Air Force of the Red Police Corps has completely lost its air superiority in the face of the American superior fifth-generation fighter planes and the huge third-generation fighter fleet.

The U.S. Air Force only needs to pay one-third of the total air force loss to completely break through the air defense network of the base.

However, the United States will not be better, at least it will pay the loss of a thousand fighters, and more than half of the fifth-generation fighters will be shot down.

At the beginning of the war, all US military bases in the Middle East were also destroyed.

The U.S. military simulated by the base will use Turkey to carry out operations. Among them, more than 600,000 Turkish troops will be active in six armed forces, as well as naval and air forces.

The Japanese navy and the US Navy entered the Indian Ocean in large numbers. Cai Ruichen ordered the USS Baghdad aircraft carrier battle group in the Far East to attack the US naval base in Yokosuka, Japan, and then the fleet entered the Pacific Ocean to contain the US Navy's operations in the Pacific.

But in the end, the Baghdad aircraft carrier battle group will also be killed in battle because of its individual soldiers, facing the superior sea and air forces of the United States in the Pacific.

At sea in the Indian Ocean, with the firepower of an aircraft carrier battle group and an amphibious fleet, at most, it would damage an American aircraft carrier, and ultimately it would not escape the fate of being wiped out.

The combat power of only two aircraft carrier battle groups cannot compete with the power of the United States Navy and the Japanese Navy at sea, so in the end all naval battles will be handed over to the sea wolf group.

The Red Police Navy will completely lose its ability to dominate the seas with the United States. The only thing that sea wolf pack tactics can do is to sneak attacks on the US military's maritime transportation supply lines.

Then comes ground operations. After the US Air Force and missile forces have completely seized air supremacy, they can also strike at the depths of the Iraq-Syria Federation and major industries.

Cai Ruichen is not worried about such bombing, but the war will also lose all initiative.

The Red Police Corps turned the entire line into passive defense and chose the same tactical deployment as Israel currently chooses.

Although during the ground war, the Red Police Corps was able to use its own local combat advantages to cause heavy losses to the Turkish and American forces.

But without air supremacy, ground operations will be very difficult.

In every deduction process, when the war arrives on the ground, the simulation time has often passed for several months.

And the longest of this ground battle was in the simulated world. It lasted for five years, even though the Red Police Corps had fully entered guerrilla warfare after the third year of the ground war.

Cai Ruichen also relied on a large amount of capital and mineral reserves, as well as ore refineries operating around the world to support this war.

But every day, we will rely on the continuous recruitment of soldiers, and then put the recruited soldiers on the battlefields of the country, and use the most effective means to kill and injure the enemy's vital forces.

In each simulation, the US team also suffered the largest casualties since World War II. The hundreds of thousands of the Red Police Corps, even if they lost air and sea dominance, can fight the same number of enemies one by one. .

Turkey’s six armies of hundreds of thousands have no one in ten, while the US’s six armies of more than four hundred thousand are also fully engaged in the war.

In the end, the remaining U.S. ground forces will be less than half of the original amount, and more than 200,000 casualties will be paid.

However, Cai Ruichen finally failed in the war. He was unable to regain the area occupied by the American and Turkish forces, and the enemy had completely controlled the city of Marin.

Cai Ruichen, who directly threatened the safety of the base, had no choice but to use nuclear war to end the simulated actual combat in the simulated world.

Level hydrogen bombs completely destroyed the United States. After detecting nuclear radiation in most parts of the country, the nuclear radiation detection system in the United States shot the Vengeance satellite as soon as possible. All nuclear weapons in the United States will be activated. The result is that the United States is finished, but the world is also finished.

This time the simulation results are similar, so when Cai Ruichen talked with Austria and Bama last night, he emphasized whether the United States has really done a good job in facing the unbearable cost of war.

Cai Ruichen believes in the results of the simulation, and the actual combat simulated by the base virtual reality technology makes Cai Ruichen unable to find the slightest problem. It can be said that it is almost indistinguishable from reality.

In the same war, the simulated result and the actual result, although there are some differences, the final result is similar.

In other words, if the United States does participate in the war, the end of the war will end with the destruction of mankind.

(To be continued.)

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