The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1273: Individual armor exposure

In the exclusive suite of the Future Hotel in Washington, when Cai Ruichen just got up, Natasha walked in with the breakfast cart. ><<<≤

In her hands, there are the various media newspapers that were just published today.

"Natasha, is the second rebuilder ready?" Cai Ruichen asked Natasha just as he sat on the dining table.

The second heavy equipment division is the second main heavy equipment army specially mobilized by Cai Ruichen from the wasteland world, fully loaded with 22,000 people.

This is also the most elite ground combat force among the Red Police Corps ground forces, in addition to the Malin Division.

The Second Heavy Equipment Division used the base's space-time teleportation array to arrive in the world, and its main combat mission was to fully occupy Israel's coastal line from Tel Aviv, and control most of Israel's densely populated areas and economic cities.

Therefore, the combat mission of the Second Heavy Equipment Division is very heavy, and it is difficult for ordinary troops to handle such a large linear combat area.

Because the Israeli army may carry out counter-offensives at any time, it is required that the occupying forces in every place have extremely strong offensive and defensive conversion capabilities and combat effectiveness.

"The second heavy equipment division will go to Tartus today and is expected to be able to board all 6 Tel Aviv the day after tomorrow." Natasha replied.

"What's the current situation in Tel Aviv?" Cai Ruichen asked again.

"The situation in Tel Aviv is fairly stable. Our engineers are repairing electrical equipment. It is estimated that it will take at least five days to provide electricity for a certain period of time. At the same time, we have also transported a large amount of living materials to Tel Aviv to ensure that civilians can Normal life." Natasha said.

"Tel Aviv cannot be chaotic. It only takes three days. After the base has completed the occupation assessment, there will be no suspense in this war. Therefore, in these three days, we must strengthen the defense of the city and be careful of the Israeli special forces. This is especially important for the penetration and destruction of the disease.” Cai Ruichen emphasized.

The base has begun to evaluate the results of the occupation of Tel Aviv. The evaluation will take three days. During these three days, if there is a certain scale of enemy or sabotage activities in Tel Aviv, it means that the occupation has failed and the evaluation will end. , Wait for it to stabilize before continuing.

Cai Ruichen didn't want to keep repeating this matter. If Tel Aviv can be controlled and the Level Weapon Mind Controller can start to function, then Tel Aviv and the surrounding nearly two million Israelis will begin to reverse their minds.

At present, the 20 months required by the base, there are only three months left, so Cai Ruichen has not much time left.

It only takes one month to complete the occupation, and this war is expected to end within two months.

Otherwise, this war, even without the participation of the United States, will be difficult to end in a short time.

Unless it can kill the Israeli army quickly, the Israeli strategic reserve has always been hidden in the air defense fortifications, and it does not give him a chance to fight.

Moreover, casual offensives without certain intelligence support will also bring unnecessary casualties to the troops.

To defeat a country, military warfare is the most inferior means, and there is no alternative.

The real best policy is to control the people's minds of the enemy country and take them for their own use. This is more effective than any political and military means.

"The assault battalion led by Zhang Xuchen has carried out strict control around Tel Aviv. It has also used a large number of military dogs to completely blockade the city and prohibit any vehicles and personnel from entering or exiting." Natasha said.

Hearing the total blockade, Cai Ruichen frowned slightly and said, "Will the Israelis then protest?"

"We are only carrying out a temporary blockade, which has been notified. It has only been blocked for three days. Therefore, the current Israelis in Tel Aviv are relatively stable and believe that normal life will soon recover." Natasha said.

"Remember, the troops are required not to disturb the people as much as possible, and the control of the city should not be too strict. You only need to make sure that there are no enemies in the city at present." Cai Ruichen ordered.

"I will convey what you mean." Natasha put the newspaper in her hands in front of Cai Ruichen as she spoke, and said: "The heavy infantry was exposed. In the battle in Tel Aviv, there were many foreign media reporters. We all captured our heavy infantry."

"Reporters have always been pervasive, but it doesn't matter. Reloading infantry on the battlefield is naturally ready to be exposed." Cai Ruichen picked up the newspaper and said indifferently.

In the newspaper I picked up, the front page headline was a high-definition picture of the battlefield. On the battlefield, among a class of combat troops, the tall body of the heavy infantry was very prominent.

The newspaper also gave a big headline "Individual armor appeared on the Israeli battlefield, is it the new weapon technology of the Future Technology Group? 》

Below the article, there are a lot of detailed analysis, and the reporter who took the photo described the battle scene of this heavy infantry in the battlefield.

Individual armor has always only appeared in sci-fi movies, and although heavy infantry is not the first appearance on the battlefield, the outside world still knows for the second time that the army of the Iraqi-Syrian Federation actually already has such advanced individual equipment.

However, under this New York Times there is also an analysis of a special military expert:

"This kind of individual armor is not as invincible as in science fiction movies. In fact, various countries have studied individual armor as early as the last century, but research has proved that this kind of individual armor cannot adapt to modern high-intensity warfare. .

In this modern battlefield with surplus firepower, the defense of the main battle tank is still unable to protect itself, and this kind of individual armor is even less survivable.

From the photo, the height of this individual armor is nearly three meters. This height is the most obvious target on the battlefield. Whether it is an anti-material sniper rifle or a bazooka, an armor-piercing projectile worth less than twenty dollars or a A rocket with only tens of dollars can make it lose its combat effectiveness.

Such a high price/performance ratio is a complete waste on the battlefield. Although I do not know why the Future Technology Group made such a mistake, I believe that when the Iraqi-Syrian Federation encounters a war opponent, such a big iron shell , Can't survive even a minute on the battlefield. "

Seeing the similarities in this analysis, Cai Ruichen nodded with deep approval. The military commentator's conclusion is indeed very relevant, but... (to be continued.)

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