The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1281: Identify the target

ps: I am extremely grateful for the 5oooo starting point rewarded by the book friend "the wandering nerd", who has become the head of the book, and the next chapter will add more for him!


In Haifa, near the industrial ruins near the bay, an old passenger car was parked on the side of the ruins. Inside the car, many members of the Ghost Special Commando had got off the car and checked the situation around. ≧≧<

Inside the car, the command team is watching the picture sent by the Wasp drone. On the edge of this area that has been blown into ruins, a woman is moving among the ruins. On top of her head, a small wasp, Tracking.

The whereabouts of this woman are completely under the control of the Ghost Special Commando. It has only been tracked for nearly half an hour. This woman is still wandering in the ruins, and her behavior is also very normal.

But for Xiang Ge and others, the pictures they saw in the past half hour were abnormal enough.

In such a war situation, although many Israeli civilians in Haifa started to move in the city, a woman who walked in this ruins for more than half an hour did not seem to be looking for anything at all.

On the contrary, it is estimated that he is going around in circles. Such behavior is already very suspicious.

So everyone waited patiently, hoping to find a breakthrough in this woman.

According to the spy’s intelligence, there is indeed a very hidden naval submarine base here in Haifa. This submarine base was built in a certain place and was modified from an underwater natural cave. The entrance and exit are tens of meters deep. Below, there is a concealed passage for the submarine to enter and exit.

In addition, this entrance and exit is also covered by camouflage. It is difficult to find the base unless it is located.

And Israel's submarines are all capable of submarine-launched nuclear cruise missiles. Therefore, intelligence analysis shows that in this secret submarine base, there must be a secret stock of Israeli nuclear weapons.

However, this secret submarine base does not have relevant access information, so it can only be searched in the city like a needle in a haystack.

The secret nuclear weapons arsenal of the Israeli Navy is highly classified. Except for those who can touch nuclear weapons, everything else is unknown.

Although the spies of the Red Police infiltrated Israel for several years, they only obtained some simple intelligence and could not determine the location of the secret submarine base in Haifa.

At present, the only way is through search, and it is not a simple search method. For Israel's carefully hidden submarine base, even if the coastal line of Haifa is dug up, it may be difficult to find out.

According to what we know so far, this secret naval base is hidden under the water tens of meters deep, and on the coast, this depth may be hundreds of meters.

Such a secret military base, whether it is to transport supplies or other necessary equipment, cannot be carried out from under the sea, so there must be a secret exit on the ground.

This exit is very concealed. In the past two years, the spies in Haifa have not found this exit, but several years of hard work has not been ineffective at all. After several years of search and analysis, Three more likely areas are also delineated.

These three places are all densely populated areas in Haifa Port, where there are a large number of warehouses.

If you want to transport materials to a secret submarine base that is 100 meters underground, you must have sufficient camouflage. This is almost the truth.

There are more people coming and going, and transporting a lot of them may come to these warehouses, which can avoid attracting too much attention.

There are many kinds of goods in these warehouses, and it is difficult to see how many changes.

After the Ghost Special Commando entered Haifa, it came directly to the No. 1 target area.

I also met a woman who behaved too normal here, which immediately aroused their interest.

In this matter, the nearby warehouses were all destroyed in the air raid. The materials in the warehouses were basically empty, and the main buildings of many warehouses were all dilapidated.

"Captain, this woman really has a problem." The girl with a bow and arrow controlling the Wasp drone suddenly said with excitement.

The woman under surveillance suddenly walked into an abandoned warehouse after a few laps.

In such a place, a woman entering an empty warehouse is inherently problematic.

From the very beginning, this woman appeared here, which was the biggest problem. This area was a warehouse area, far away from people living, and there were no cities or rural areas nearby. In such a turbulent time, a woman actually walked there. Such a place.

This is also the strange thing that Brother Xiang and the four Lebanese soldiers felt before.

The Wasp drone quickly followed, and the woman who walked into the warehouse had already reached the center of the warehouse. The Wasp stopped on the high broken window of the warehouse and scanned the situation inside.

In the car, everyone was engrossed in the footage captured by the Wasp drone. In the warehouse, a woman stopped at the center of the warehouse. There were a lot of discarded machinery in the warehouse.

After this woman stopped for three minutes, she remained motionless all the time, which made Brother Xiang and the others a little confused.

But soon, the answer appeared. On the abandoned machinery in the distance, the light of the cluster flashlight flashed twice.

The woman nodded immediately and continued to walk towards the warehouse. The Wasp drone followed again.

"It really means Crouching Tiger, Hidden This woman is probably the key to our goal." Brother Xiang took a deep breath and said with some joy.

"During the war, the role of women is often ignored. I believe the reason why she is active outside is to check the current situation outside." Xiao Xiaoxiao said.

As the wasp's lens zoomed in, he flew around the outside of the warehouse, only to lose sight of the woman.

"What's happening here?"

Brother Xiang frowned, and a woman suddenly disappeared from the drone's sight. In the warehouse, there seemed to be no strange traces on the surface.

Nor did I see any cameras or detection devices, only a sniper lurking on the commanding heights inside the warehouse.

"There must be a secret passage inside, inform all the other teams, and wait until the night to start their actions." Brother Xiang thought for a while and continued to order: "Send two more drones to monitor all corners of the warehouse in real time. Everyone waited for the night to come, and informed the logistics team that at 7:30 in the evening, the reloading team would also come to meet." (To be continued.)

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