The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1282: Bow name air kill

ps: I am extremely grateful for the 5oooo starting point rewarded by the book friend "the wandering nerd", who has become the head of the book, and the next chapter will add more for him!


As night falls on Haifa, the ghost special commando team is also ready to take action after replenishing its energy. Eight ≥>One Chinese≯<≦﹤<≤<≤≦﹤﹤≦

"The sniper in the warehouse must be the first to kill, and from the outside there is no shooting angle, we cannot avoid the opponent's sniper sight in any of our actions." Xiao Xiaoxiao pointed to the sniper in the warehouse and said.

"This sniper was handed over to the drone to handle it. The drone attacked on time at 7:30. The assault group approached from the rear of the warehouse. As long as the drone succeeds, it will immediately enter the control warehouse. Other teams will act together with the command team. "Brother Xiang ordered.

Everyone took their orders, and all the members of the Ghost Special Assault Team had all put on their own equipment, waiting for the battle to come.

To capture a secret submarine base, it is still difficult for the Ghost Special Commando.

After all, how many enemies are there in this secret base? Is there any destruction device?

These are all unknowns, so the action must be swift, so Brother Xiang did not ask Peng Yaohong for assistance from regular troops.

It is conceivable that if the bottom is really where the secret submarine base is located, the space there may not be very large, but it will be inconvenient for people to move.

However, Brother Xiang also notified Peng Yaohong and asked him to prepare for support. If there are too many enemies below and they successfully invade the submarine base, the large forces also need immediate support.

Now, the support troops have been waiting from a distance, and they have not come here to prevent the other party from having an alarm device, so as not to start an early warning.

The time was punctual at 7:30 in the evening, and the wasp drone in the warehouse slowly crawled from the top of the warehouse to the snipers below.

Because of the dynamics caused by the flight, the UAV does not adopt a flying attitude, otherwise the sound will be very obvious in a quiet warehouse.

The sniper below was delicately camouflaged on the discarded mechanical equipment, covered with a greasy-looking rag, making it intact and camouflaged with the surrounding environment.

The Wasp drone, clinging to the top of the warehouse, quietly came to the sniper's head, and the shooting device at the tail of the drone also aimed directly at the sniper below.

In the remote command team, the archer girl pressed the button to shoot the poison needle. At the same time, the wasp drone in the warehouse aimed at the sniper below and shot a hidden weapon as small as an embroidery needle.

The concealed weapon penetrated the camouflage cloth on the sniper very smoothly and pierced his camouflage uniform. The sniper didn't feel much at all, but suddenly felt that his back was bitten by a mosquito, and it seemed to be rubbed to a certain degree. There was a very slight sting at the place where the thread was installed.

At first, the sniper didn't care, his eyes were still watching the surroundings of the warehouse very vigilantly.

But unfortunately, the sniper felt that there were some troops in the matter. Suddenly, his whole body was weak, and his eyelids were extremely heavy.

When he felt that he had indeed been conspired, the whole person had passed out.

At the same time, the assault team lurking in the warehouse also entered the warehouse in the twilight.

Immediately he found the sniper's position and easily controlled the completely unconscious sniper.

Bind the sniper, opened the collar of his camouflage uniform, and found the rank hidden in the collar, Lieutenant, and also found the code name of his unit, 262 Assault Battalion.

This is the sniper of the wild boy special forces. If it weren't for the detection of the Wasp drone, it would be difficult to avoid this guy's sneak attack.

The assault team succeeded, and Brother Xiang immediately joined the other teams to the warehouse.

Occupying the warehouse smoothly, and when it was repeatedly determined that there was no monitoring equipment in it, everyone began to look carefully in the warehouse.

After a few minutes, the search had results.

"I found it. There are traces of air raids on this wall. There are small gaps in the wall. It is a hidden door."

After the intelligence report went out, everyone gathered, and soon on the wall, they were locked by a delicate mechanism. After opening, there was a very complicated cipher inside.

The Ghost Special Commando did not act in a hurry, but conducted a systematic analysis of this very advanced code lock.

Israel's technological level is not low, and the technology of electronic systems is also one of the best in the world.

This place, with such a tight layout, it is always right to be careful.

Everyone warned that their guns were aimed at this hidden secret door. Xiao Xiaoxiao stepped forward and walked in front of the code lock, took out something similar to a card reader, inserted it into the chip interface on the code lock, and used his personal terminal, and This combination lock establishes a connection.

About thirty seconds passed. After seeing the results of the personal terminal analysis, Xiao Xiaoxiao's brows were slowly furrowed. When the brother Xiang next to him saw it, he immediately asked, "What's wrong."

"The password has been unlocked, but there is an alarm system in it, which is a single-line siren. Regardless of whether the password is entered correctly, it needs to be confirmed by the other side before the door can be opened. Once we enter any password, the other party can know us. There is no way to enter quietly." Xiao Xiaoxiao said with a frown.

"Can you cut off this single-wire siren?" Brother Xiang also wrinkled his brows slightly and asked.

"You can try it, but it may arouse the other's alertness." Xiao Xiaoxiao said.

"No matter, no matter what, you need to try it." After weighing the left and right in his heart, Brother Xiang couldn't think of other ways to enter, so he said simply.

Xiao Xiaoxiao nodded and began to enter the electronic lock system, trying to modify the circuit of the single-wire alarm.

Everyone was not in a hurry They all waited quietly for Xiao Xiaoxiao's actions.

At the same time, under the night outside, four tall figures, with the help of the cover of night, led by two assaultmen, also brought them into the warehouse.

The heavy equipment team got together on time, which made everyone present more confident.

At this moment, in the warehouse, all the members of the Ghost Special Commando were all ready for the battle. All insurances for firearms were opened, and all their bags and backpacks were also put down.

At the scene, the four archer girls finally opened the long box behind their backs. Inside was a folded longbow. The bow and arrows were as black as ink, and there was a faint blue arc on it.

The longbow is called an air kill. The bowstring is as sharp as a knife, and the two ends of the longbow bend like a sickle. The whole longbow has a length of nearly 1.5 meters. There are multiple function buttons on the grip position.

The long rucksack behind the archer girl was also completely untied. There was a flat square quiver behind, and there was also an alloy quiver on the right leg of the archer girl. (To be continued.)

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