The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1283: Successfully dived

ps: I am extremely grateful for the 5oooo starting point rewarded by the book friend "the wandering nerd", who has become the head of the book, and the next chapter will add more for him!


In the warehouse, Xiao Xiaoxiao was busy for almost two minutes, then turned around and nodded to everyone. Bayi Novel Network ≤﹤≦≦≤

Then turned around and entered the password that had been cracked before very carefully.

After pressing the confirmation button, Xiao Xiaoxiao's personal terminal also showed the same password button.

After entering the same password on the personal terminal, the door hidden on the wall on the side opened immediately.

Only inside the door after opening, there is a space that looks like a freight elevator. The thick metal rods constitute the main body of the elevator.

In the elevator, there are no buttons for selecting levels, only a green button, which is the only button inside.

Obviously, when this button is activated, the elevator will run and there is only one destination, so no other choices are needed.

Seeing the elevator in front of him, Brother Xiang was already 80% sure that the secret submarine base must be located below.

But it’s no joke to take the elevator down. People who are full will be able to detect when the elevator starts, and then they will be exposed.

"You can't take the elevator, we will go down directly." Brother Xiang thought for a while and said.

Xiao Xiaoxiao stepped forward and took a look at the bottom of the elevator. His eyes penetrated the gap between the thick steel frame. There was no light underneath, which means that the elevator exit below also had a door.

"Check the altitude and prepare to descend."

The minimum height of 100 meters is not a problem for these elites.

As a result of the inspection, there is not even a depth of 100 meters below, only 60 meters.

"According to the information collected, the depth is only 60 meters. I am afraid this secret submarine base is more complicated than we thought."

Having said that, Brother Xiang paused and continued: "I will lead the first assault team down first, and then Xiao Xiaoxiao will lead the others down together."

There is no objection. After all, no one knows the following situation, and Brother Xiang's skill is also the best in the whole team, so he is also the most suitable to go first.

When Xiang Ge gave the order, a heavily armed infantry entered the elevator and used the mechanical pliers on the individual armor to easily cut a large hole under the mechanical elevator.

The rope was lowered, and Brother Xiang was the first to descend.

The six members of the first assault team all went down in sequence.

At the bottom of the elevator shaft, Brother Xiang and all the commandos all brought night vision devices.

Carefully from the elevator shaft, the elevator door below pried open a small gap, and the light refracted in from the gap.

It can be seen through the gap that there is also a large warehouse inside, not very high. A large number of pillars support the rock and soil layer above the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, you can see many heavily armed Israeli soldiers gathering to eat.

On both sides of the elevator door, there are two soldiers standing guard on duty. Around the warehouse, there are many rooms, doors and windows, and some Israeli soldiers wearing Israeli navy uniforms can also be seen in the underground warehouse.

After taking a rough look at the layout of the underground warehouse, Brother Xiang also made sure that there was no automatic defense machine gun weapon above the warehouse before he closed the small gap.

After seeing Israeli soldiers wearing navy uniforms inside, it is 100% sure that this is the secret Israeli submarine base.

From the observation just now, Brother Xiang did not find a sign of nuclear weapons in the warehouse, but his line of sight was limited through the gap in the elevator door.

In the elevator shaft, Brother Xiang did not act immediately. Instead, he used his personal terminal to notify Xiao Xiaoxiao above to send two heavy infantry down.

Soon, a steel cable went down vertically, and two heavy infantrymen slid down the steel cable from above in turn. When they were about to touch the ground of the elevator shaft, the speed dropped to an extremely slow level, reducing the sound after landing.

"There are a large number of soldiers inside, there is no way to infiltrate silently, it can only be a storm."

Now there is no other way, Brother Xiang decisively ordered: "Preparing to fight, the moment the elevator door opens, it is directly suppressed by high-density firepower."

Taking two heavy infantry as an example, they completely occupied the position of the elevator shaft gate, and the revolver in the hands of the heavy infantry fireman turned gently.

The other soldiers were all squatting, using the height between the bottom of the elevator shaft and the elevator door as their own shelter, and their guns were all aimed at the elevator door that was about to open.

At this time, Brother Xiang also decisively pressed the emergency door opening device in the elevator, and the elevator door opened suddenly.

In the underground warehouse, a few Israeli soldiers approaching here heard the sound of the elevator door opening, and instinctively looked over. Before they could see what was going on, an extremely dense flame was ejected from the elevator. The gunshot resounded through the entire underground warehouse instantly.

Many Israeli soldiers who were eating in the warehouse had not had time to react, and the dense tongue of flame swept their bodies directly.

The revolver gun in the hands of the entire heavy infantry, the density of fire exploded, in just a few breaths, blood was already flowing in the underground warehouse.

The alarm sounded in the underground warehouse at the same time, and the power to the elevator was immediately cut off.

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who had originally planned to take the elevator to get off immediately, could only give up such behavior.

The reaction of the opponent when it was attacked was so swift, I'm afraid I don't know how many times the attack has been simulated.

The purpose of cutting off the power of the elevator is to prevent the enemy from attacking here, and to be able to take the elevator and come down in batches to support.

Then they just have to guard the only entrance to the elevator and it's almost as if they're going to be shut out.

But they did not expect that the people who attacked here did not choose to take the elevator directly from the beginning, and they dug a hole in the elevator beforehand to allow the soldiers to descend one by one.

The most important thing is that at the elevator entrance of the underground warehouse, they can't eliminate the enemies that have come down quickly.

After quickly killing most of the Israeli soldiers in the underground warehouse, the two heavy infantry quickly drilled out of the elevator shaft and immediately outside the elevator, using their bodies to arrange a complete line of defense.

Brother Xiang also quickly drilled out of the elevator shaft and knew to Xiao Xiaoxiao above: "We are establishing a temporary line of defense. All the team members will come down to support them. By the way, we will notify the support troops. We now need the help of the main force."


Xiao Xiaoxiao immediately signaled for help to the main force of the Second Army waiting in the rear.

(To be continued.)

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