The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1284: Fierce battle underground base

ps: I am extremely grateful for the 5oooo starting point rewarded by the book friend "the wandering nerd", who has become the head of the book, and the next chapter will add more for him!


In the Israeli secret submarine base, the harsh sirens echoed in this almost completely enclosed space. ≯≤<≦

In the dense military, a large number of Israeli soldiers put down all their work, picked up their own weapons, and supported the past toward the warehouse.

However, what they were facing was that the two huge steel poles, and the strong defense of the heavy infantry, had the greatest expression in such an environment.

In the secret military base, all the Israeli soldiers are all assault rifles, with very few grenade launchers.

The two heavy infantrymen were like two walls, blocking all the bullets coming in from the attack, and gave the special forces of the first commando behind them a safe place to hide.

The two sides fired at each other in an underground warehouse with a height of only four meters, and the first commando team achieved its goal and established a safe line of defense.

In the elevator shaft, a large number of soldiers of the Ghost Special Commando descended quickly one by one.

The first to come down is the other two heavy infantry. Under such a distance and environment, the heavy infantry attack is simply a slaughter, and it is also the most effective means of attack.

Those Israeli soldiers who tried to avoid bullets with the help of pillars were eliminated one by one under the heavy-caliber weapons of the heavy infantry.

And the assault rifle in Brother Xiang's hand was even more abnormal, as if every bullet had the ability to track.

The assault rifles in his hands are only single, but each bullet can accurately hit the enemy in front.

As long as they dare to shoot, Brother Xiang's muzzle can lock onto the opponent for the first time. This ability has almost reached the level of strength of a hero of the Red Police Corps.

He can become the captain of the Ghost Special Commando, definitely not because of luck or relationship, but by relying on actual strength.

Under the cover of his superior firepower, as well as the arrival of the entire heavy infantry, the situation in the underground warehouse was soon firmly under control.

This underground warehouse is a closed space with only one door leading into it.

Therefore, even if the warehouse is controlled, the Ghost Special Commando has not yet reached the core of this secret base.

The soldiers who came to support from Israel quickly suffered huge casualties. As more and more members of the Ghost Special Commando descended, the commander of the secret submarine base also decisively gave an order to abandon the underground warehouse.

The Israeli soldiers who were about to support all stopped, and the Israeli soldiers in the underground warehouse also began to retreat.

"Catch up." Brother Xiang saw the enemy's retreat and hurriedly ordered.

The gate opposite to the underground warehouse was slowly closing. The two heavy gates were made of pure iron. If they were closed, it would be difficult to open.

If it is forced to explode, it is still unclear whether the door can explode Brother Xiang, but when the explosive blasts, the sky above the head is highly likely to collapse.

After all, it is sixty meters above the ground. Just relying on these pillars, under the huge movement of the explosion, I am afraid it will be difficult to support the heavy pressure on it.

If it really collapses at that time, the entire ghost special commando team will be buried in this place.

This shows that the Israelis were also fully prepared when designing this secret military base.

The code lock of the alarm circuit, the only elevator entrance, and now there is a second huge iron door device.

With such a tight defense and such a rigorous design, there must be something that Israel is extremely valued in.

At this point, there is almost no doubt now.

Brother Xiang's thoughts turned, watching the Israeli soldiers evacuating while blocking him, and his heart began to become anxious.

"Reloading team, come forward, think of a way to stop the closed door."

After speaking, Brother Xiang had already flung the assault rifle in his hand behind him, drew out the pistol, and ran towards the warehouse door quickly.

While running, the route kept evading tactical movements, and the pistol in his hand kept firing.

In every attack, the muzzle was precisely aimed at the Israeli soldier on the opposite side. On the other hand, Israel could not catch up with him when Israel locked his shooting.

Combat sports shooting, this is a must-have skill for every special soldier of the Red Police Corps, and in the hands of a real master, this skill has become an art, an elegant art of killing.

All shooting and aiming rely on instinct, relying on the muscle memory of firing the gun, the target in the eye, the idea has not been determined to aim, the muscles of the arm have controlled the muzzle, and then the trigger is pulled.

Those who can do this are all true soldiers, and need a lot of training to create a veritable killing machine.

However, such behavior is also quite risky. Although the tactical evasion at the foot can avoid the opponent's aiming and shooting, the bullet does not have long eyes on the battlefield.

If it weren't for really anxious, Brother Xiang wouldn't choose such a risky assault.

When he rushed in alone, all the ghost special commandos behind him also covered fire for him.

Just in the blink of an eye, all the bullets in the pistol's magazine have been discharged. Brother Xiang didn't stop, nor did he hide behind the pillar beside him. The fingers holding the gun quickly pulled out of the magazine, and the other hand was already pulled out. The pistol magazine in the tactical vest was loaded into the pistol. When the magazine entered the pistol, the bullet that was still in the pistol was shot out, and the retraction machine just loaded it in. The bullet from the pistol magazine directly hit the barrel.

The empty gun of the pistol hangs The whole process went smoothly without any pause or sluggishness. Even the whole process, Brother Xiang didn't stop.

When he finished the second magazine, he had already rushed to the two doors that were about to be closed together. All the Israeli soldiers in the warehouse were shot in the head and fell into a pool of blood.

With every shot of Brother Xiang, the bullets ran towards the heads of the Israeli soldiers.

This is the most efficient way to kill the enemy, and it is also to ensure that the enemy is not capable of a second shot, and one less shot will give you a little more life.

Brother Xiang's adventurous actions caught the Israeli soldiers by surprise, and the assault of four heavy infantrymen created a safe environment.

When the two doors were about to close, the four heavy infantrymen finally arrived. They pulled a door and slowed the door to close.

"The door switch is not inside, the first commando will follow me." Brother Xiang quickly swept across the door that was about to close, before he had time to think, took the lead and rushed towards the door that was about to close.

(To be continued.)

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