The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1285: Longbow Jiangong

ps: I am extremely grateful for the 5oooo starting point rewarded by the book friend "the wandering nerd", who has become the head of the book, and the next chapter will add more for him!


The force of the torque of the door closing switch pulled the four heavy infantry into the ground of the underground warehouse, pulling the ground out of eight trenches. ≥八≯一Fiction Net≤﹤<≦﹤≦﹤﹤﹤﹤≦≦

Although the individual armor on the heavy infantry has strong power, it still can't stop the door from closing. It just can stop the door from closing.

Brother Xiang didn't have time to think about it, yelled quickly, and rushed through the door.

Outside, there was a huge cave space. Brother Xiang who rushed in immediately smelled the salty and wet taste of sea water.

He didn't have time to look at it, and he stepped to the door for the first time. On the other side of the door, a large number of Israeli soldiers were surrounding this place.

In front of me is a long half-empty corridor, and below is the place where the submarine is moored.

At this moment, on the berth below, four Israeli submarines are preparing for an emergency sailing.

The Red Police Corps has always been looking for Israeli submarines, but they have focused on the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic and even the Indian Ocean.

But unexpectedly, the Israeli submarine has never left this secret military base.

Israel’s submarines are all conventional submarines, even without aIp submarines, so it is impossible to carry out long-term submarines at sea.

Therefore, the Israeli navy simply did the opposite. Not only did the submarine fail to sail, but it was always hidden in this secret military base.

As long as there is an order from above, the submarine will be able to launch nuclear cruise missiles as soon as it leaves this secret military base.

Moreover, this place is a highly confidential base, and only those who are known throughout Israel.

So in Israel's view, even in the depths of the ocean, it is no safer than here, and there is no need to venture out.

Staying in this place directly, going out is the Mediterranean Sea, you only need to move, you can cause heavy damage to the enemy.

But the Israeli side never expected that the special forces of the Islamic Federation would immediately find this place just after Haifa fell.

But now is not the time to regret, the submarine is ready to make an emergency voyage, as long as the four submarines inside can leave here, then there is no need for this base to exist.

What only made the Israeli commander of the secret submarine base depressed was that several lines of defense and design did not stop the opponent.

Even closing the door of the warehouse could be rushed by the other party, and the anxious order was transmitted to everyone in the secret submarine base.

Everyone in the secret submarine base, whether they were ground crews or other non-combat troops, all took up their weapons and surrounded the evacuation corridor.

Brother Xiang, who had officially entered the secret base, became extremely anxious in his heart. He saw the submarine about to leave.

But there is no ability to stop them, and now he and the first assault squad that rushed out are suppressed in the corner of the corridor by the firepower of the other party, and it is difficult to emerge.

At this moment, the door behind him was tightly closed. For a while, Brother Xiang felt that he was completely in desperation.

"Asshole, I didn't expect it to be the layout inside." Brother Xiang glanced quickly at the corridor in front of him. It was completely an unobstructed half-empty corridor. On the opposite side of the corridor, a large number of Israeli soldiers formed a spot of fire. , Directly blocked the entire corridor.

Let alone go through the corridor to organize the Israeli submarine to leave, even counterattack is a bit difficult.

The firepower was completely suppressed. The Israeli soldiers on the opposite side had no idea of ​​saving bullets. They had only one purpose, not to give the enemy any chance. As long as they persisted until the four submarines had left, all this would be over.

"Xiao Kong, is your shooting range enough?" The anxious Brother Xiang directly placed his last hope on the archer girl behind him.

"Captain, I can try it and prepare to cover me." The archer girl named Xiaokong glanced at the submarine dock below and said.

Brother Xiang and the five other commandos all nodded, and all took out grenades, preparing to cover Xiaokong.

At this time Xiao Kong also began to prepare, the air kill in his hand was unfolded, his left hand gripped the grip of the longbow, with a finger move, he pressed the function button to select the blasting arrow.

In the alloy quiver behind Xiao Kong, an alloy arrow popped out of the quiver, and Xiao Kong quickly grabbed the arrow with his right hand and carried the air kill.

On the alloy longbow of nearly 1.5 meters, there is an arrow with a length of 1.2 meters. At the end of the arrow is a conical blasting arrow.

The prepared Xiao Kong nodded to Xiang Ge next to him, recalling in his mind the position of the submarine on the dock below.

When the smoke bomb fell on the corridor, Xiao Kong also stood up directly from the side of the corridor, and the longbow in his hand aimed directly at the dock below.

The longbow lifted up slightly, Xiaokong did not aim at all, and the extremely tough bowstring was pulled apart. Thanks to the power of Xiaokong's mechanical arm, the longbow instantly traveled to the full moon state.

Air killing requires a lot of force to be able to pull it apart. If there is no powerful force provided by a robotic arm, a normal person can't pull the bowstring at all.

This kind of power is greater than that required by the ancient giant crossbow. In the entire Red Police Corps, even the most powerful Ralph can hardly use air kill.

Currently in the entire base, only Cai Ruichen can rely on his own physical strength to quickly open the air to kill, and no one else can do it.

This shows the powerful lethality of air kills.

Longbow Full Xiaokong immediately released the finger of the string, and the arrow instantly broke through the air.

The long arrow drew a long straight line in the cave. Due to the arrow's cone-shaped explosive arrow, it brought huge gravity to the arrow's flight. The arrow flew and tilted its flight path downward.

At a distance of hundreds of meters, the slightly thrown arrow fell directly towards the first submarine that was slowly diving into the water of the dock.

In the secret base, a large number of Israeli soldiers all saw such an amazing arrow.

They never thought of how bows and arrows would appear in such a place in such a war situation.

This thing is justified for the special forces to carry out a sneak attack, and when will the range of the bow and arrow reach this far point.

With all kinds of disbelief and questions, all eyes were watching the arrow fall, directly on the first submarine that was diving.

The moment the arrow fell, a violent explosion exploded on the submarine, and there was even a little shaking in the cave. A large number of sand and soil clusters fell. (To be continued.)

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