At the temporary office of the US government, Brenty's special car hurried over after leaving for half an hour.

Austria and Bama, who were about to start dinner, also postponed their dinner after learning that Brenty had a very important report.

"What is so urgent?" As soon as Obama and Bama came to their office, they saw Brenty standing in the office with a serious face.

"Report to Mr. President, there are very important findings. This is a complete investigation report. Please have a look." Brenty handed the documents in hand to Obama and Bama.

Austria and Bama's results showed that when they saw the briefing on the first page, their expressions began to become serious.

The atmosphere in the office also suddenly became serious, as if there was no breathing, only the sound of Obama and Bama turning over the paper.

Ten minutes later, Austria and Bama looked through every page of the information and determined a content that made people feel a little unbelievable.

"Can you be sure about this matter?" Obama and Bama closed the intelligence seriously and asked Brentty.

"Mr. President, this intelligence is the result of Yang Ruidu, the head of my intelligence department, who analyzed all the intelligence, found the clues and launched a reverse investigation, and obtained the accurate content." Brenty did not take the credit because he knew very well. , This kind of credit can't be possessed by himself, even he doesn't know the specific analysis process of this intelligence.

What's more, he is not the kind of person who takes the achievements of his subordinates as his own. As the director of the CIA, even if he adds this brilliance, he is still the director of the CIA.

Yang Ruidu was also pulled up by him with one hand, and there was a part of his contribution in it.

"Call this person over immediately. I need to personally determine the content of the information." Ao and Bama nodded and ordered.

"He's waiting outside." Brenty said briefly and immediately informed Yang Ruidu to come in.

Yang Ruidu, who came to the president’s office, also knew the purpose of the trip. He saw Austria and Bama and said in the first sentence: “Mr. President, the content of this information is very relevant, and I know it very well. Before Chief Brenty, he also repeatedly analyzed to make sure that the content was correct."

Austria and Bama saw the young man with a Chinese face in front of them, but they were a little worried about this information, especially Yang Rui's capable temperament, which made him very satisfied.

"Are you Asian?" Obama and Bama asked.

"Report Mr. President, my ancestry is Chinese. At the end of the 18th century, my grandfather was sold to San Francisco as a piglet as a coolie. Our ancestors have lived here in the United States for generations. My father is Chinese, and my mother is Finn. , Are all American nationals.” Yang Ruidu explained.

"I didn't doubt your identity, I was just a little curious. This information actually came from the hands of a Chinese descent." Ao and Bama said unexpectedly.

"Ability regardless of race, in the U.S. military, from time to time there are many high-ranking Asians coming. The Commander of the Pacific Fleet is not also a Japanese admiral." Yang Ruidu said.

"Very good, can you tell me what happened with this information?" Ao and Bama nodded, satisfied with Yang Ruidu's explanation, and then asked.

"Mr. President, the person responsible for the three attacks. Among them, all the attackers and insiders of the West Point Military Academy died in the attack. The only way to obtain the DNA information of the attacker from the scene can confirm the identity of the attacker. .

This is also the most difficult one to investigate among the three attacks, because all the attackers were too innocent, and there was no motive or clue.

There was no information about the attackers before, so there was no breakthrough in the attack on West Point Military Academy.

The attack at the CIA headquarters in Langley can be determined to be a planned and targeted military attack. This is of the same nature as the attack on the North American Air Defense Command that we uncovered in advance.

Due to the lack of sufficient weight of evidence, the three incidents cannot be investigated in parallel, and none of the three incidents has a good breakthrough.

The CIA's attack is the best to investigate because there are a large number of attackers, and most of them left smoothly, and judging from the entire attack process, it is indeed in line with the nature of a terrorist attack. "

Yang Ruidu reported on the entire investigation in great detail, and the focus of his investigation was on the CIA attack.

Because of this matter, it is the current focus of the highest attention in the United States and the entire American society.

"Through on-the-spot video recordings and the video data released by terrorist attackers, plus the DNA information of human bomb carriers obtained at the scene, comparing all entry information in the past ten years, the true identities of these people have also been formally confirmed."

Austria and Bama immediately asked: "Can the attackers really be sure that they are all Iranians?"

"There is no doubt about this. We have collected the bone information of these people through surveillance video, and through the DNA information of the human bomb, we have double-locked the basic identity information of these people.

It’s just that these people seem to have never existed in this world. Through the branch of the CIA in Iran, the information of these people has been further confirmed. They are indeed Iranians, and they all use drug lords in South America to transport drugs. , Sneak into the territory of the United States.

In our database, there is no more information about these people. After determining the direction, the identities of these people have been determined from the data collected in the follow-up, in some surveillance pictures and videos found.

The only suspicious point at the moment is that these people have no direct or indirect relationship with Islam and Lanzhou, nor have they found any signs of contact with Islam and Lanzhou.

Therefore, it can be concluded that although this incident was organized by Baghdadi, Israel and Lan were not involved in the whole process of the operation. Baghdadi only obtained a video of the attack process afterwards. . "Yang Ruidu explained.

"What about these people now? Did the world have evaporated?" Ao and Bama asked.

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency, after determining the identities of these people, our supercomputers have never stopped comparing their identities, but there is never any information about these people."

Having said that, Yang Rui glanced at the faces of Austria and Bama, and after confirming the dissatisfaction on the faces of Austria and Bama, he said again: "There is only one such result, that is, these people have been hiding in a place without mobile phones. In a closed room without a camera."

"More than a hundred people attacked the attackers, as if the world had evaporated, do you think I should rest assured?" Obama and Bama suddenly faced Brenty and asked.

"Mr. President..." Cold sweat broke out on Brenty's face, and she didn't know how to explain to Obama and Bama for a while. After all, such a result is the least willing to see.

At this time, Yang Rui said in a hurry: "Mr. President, we have also obtained a very important piece of information. There are signs that bin Laden is already in Iran and may have been with Baghdadi."

Austria and Bama, who heard the news, were unhappy and turned anger, saying: "Two terrorist lunatics got together, and there are hidden attackers in the country. It is still impossible to determine the location of these people. Could it be that the intelligence department gave them to My safety report?"

"Mr. President, don't get angry. Bin Laden can leave the United States, and can completely avoid our entire national intelligence network. I am afraid that the attackers have also left the United States.

There are satellites in the sky in the United States, and surveillance networks are everywhere on the ground. If these people are still in the United States, even if they are hiding in the depths of the Gobi in the west, they will not be able to avoid our satellite identification network. Living in a concentrated place, these people have had no news for three months. The only explanation is that they have all left the United States. "

Having said that, Brenty paused and continued: "And three months have passed. If these are still there, then they will not be so quiet. If I were Baghdadi, then I would definitely take the opportunity to make more Many terrorist attacks to achieve the purpose of deterrence and destruction."

Hearing Brenti’s explanation, Austria and Bama calmed down a lot, but they immediately asked: "More than 100 people, as well as Gaddafi and Bin Laden, how did they leave?"

"The specific method of leaving is unclear, but there are ways to avoid our surveillance network. Use the river to go along Washington into the sea, so that we can avoid our surveillance network." Yang Ruidu said.

"Entering the Atlantic, then how do they cross the Atlantic?" Obama and Bama asked in disbelief.

"If the attacker can prepare the underwater propellers in advance and carry enough oxygen, it is entirely possible to leave the east coast and enter the sea. If there is a ready cargo ship to pick up and drop off, this is completely feasible. "Yang Ruidu said.

"Immediately investigate all the ocean-going vessels that passed nearby that day, and none of them can be let go." Obama and Bama ordered.

Yang Ruidu explained: "Mr. President, I have already investigated. At that time, there were dozens of international ships passing through the waters near Washington. Among them, an Italian freighter was the most suspicious. Not only did this freighter approach our territorial waters. On the side, the speed has always been maintained at about five knots. Three hours after the attack broke out, the freighter left at a normal speed, and his ultimate target was not Italy, but Libya.

If you really use this method to leave, then this freighter is the most suspicious, and through the investigation of this freighter, we found that although the freighter is of Italian nationality, it is actually owned by a Libyan. And this person is also inextricably linked to Iran. "

"If this is the case, Bin Laden went to Iran, then Gaddafi returned to Libya directly?" Austria and Bama immediately thought of the most critical information.

"It is entirely possible. I have ordered the intelligence personnel in Libya to pay close attention to this point. If it can be determined that Gaddafi has returned to Libya, then this reasoning is completely valid." Yang Ruidu said.

Austria and Bama nodded slowly, once again opened the intelligence brought by Brenti, turned to the last page, and asked Yang Rui: "You said that Iran has something to do with this matter. A certain connection, can this matter be certain?"

"Although I don't have 100% evidence yet, I have at least 80% certainty. According to the investigation of all the information of the attackers, we found that these people are connected with some Iranian intelligence personnel, and these people The route of smuggling into the United States also has Iranian intelligence working behind it.” Yang Ruidu said.

"Iran, does Iran really have such courage?" Austria and Bama shook their heads in disbelief, and said, "What is the purpose of Iran's move?"

"I think Iran wants to disperse our energy in the Middle East and let Baghdadi consume our energy excessively." Brenti said.

"Mr. President, since I came to the CIA, I have been tracking the intelligence of Iraq and the country. At that time, after we joined forces with the Future Security Company and the Iraqi government to wipe out the country, Baghdadi disappeared completely.

This incident has always made me very strange. With our intelligence network in the Middle East, Baghdadi is completely impossible to evaporate from the world, and it has been nearly three years since it disappeared. The only explanation is that there is a special country Baghdadi is hidden, and it must be a Middle Eastern country, and this country also needs to have strong intelligence capabilities, and such countries are only the Islamic Federation and Iran. "Yang Ruidu analyzed.

When the topic got here, it was almost the same, neither Yang Ruidu nor Brenty continued to speak.

Because both of them are very clear, Austria and Bama don't need to determine the authenticity of this information at all, they only need to have an obvious direction.

And this direction, whether it is the Islamic Federation or Iran, just see which one is more in line with the interests of the United States in the future.

Obviously, the target now is only one Iran. As for whether Iran is the organizer or helper of the Washington, that is a secondary question.

With this intelligence information, the United States already has a reason and excuse for attacking Iran.

It's just whether or not it should be announced, it depends on the determination of Austria and Bama, not the current domestic and foreign situation.

"Go down!" Austria and Bama waved their hands, and both of them retreated. A few minutes later, Austria and Bama's confidant chiefs of staff also came to the offices of Austria and Bama.

As for what the two said in it, no one knew.

Cai Ruichen, who was far away in the Middle East, immediately got complete information.

"I have seen the intelligence, and I am in a close conversation with the chief of staff. As for the outcome, it is still unclear." Natasha said.

Cai Ruichen's mouth curled up and said: "We should add a little more spark to the United States, a spark that can set off war."

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