The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1348: Add another fire

Natasha looked at the intelligence in her hand, combined with Cai Ruichen's words, and asked: "Will the United States really send troops to Iran?"

This is a question that is difficult to get a definitive answer. The reason is very simple. Although the United States is ready for war, Iran is a very difficult country. Even if the United States is really ready to send troops, Iran is also Not the original Iraq.

Iran has a relatively complete homeland air defense system, and Iran, the Lange, and the life guards are not dry food.

"The United States needs an external contradiction to divert domestic attention. This contradiction can only be in the Far East or the Middle East, but the United States is not yet fully prepared to inspire greater contradictions in the Far East. In addition to our relationship, the United States Once again focus on the Middle East."

Having said this, Cai Ruichen paused and continued: "Iran is the only option for the United States. Unless the United States is really willing to go to war with us, otherwise, no matter how difficult Iran is, the United States can only choose Iran."

"Iran has good combat power, and it is difficult for the United States to easily win it! This is very likely to make the United States linger." Natasha thought for a while and said.

"Iran will have no chance of winning against the United States. Iran's homeland air defense network may have some defensive capabilities against Israel and Saudi Arabia, but it will not be effective against the United States. Iran's overall national power is still too weak. If the United States If you really want to do it, Iran’s homeland air defense system will not last for half a month. Eight out of ten of them will be destroyed, and the price the United States will pay will not be too great.” Cai Ruichen said.

"I'm just worried about whether the United States has such determination?" Natasha said.

"The U.S. can't say that there is any determination. Austria and Bama have always been indecisive when it comes to war issues. If it were not for terrorist attacks, which would bring extremely sharp contradictions to the entire American society, Austria and Bama would not start. Prepare for a new foreign war, but unless a real war breaks out, everything may change.” Cai Ruichen also said with some uncertainty.

After Austria and Pakistan came to Taiwan, the United States has also made major adjustments to its national policy. Because of its economic relations, it is really difficult for the United States to continue to support a major war.

The slogan for Austria and Bama’s support is to stop the foreign war. Although the present excuses can make Austria and Bama start a war without causing domestic dissatisfaction, as long as the war casualties are too large or consume too much National strength will inevitably cause great troubles to Austria and Bama.

Once the United States abandons its warfare against Iran, Cai Ruichen's own plan will also fail.

Therefore, he will inevitably promote the emergence of this war. If he wants to get Iran, he does not need any means. That is absolutely delusional.

In order to achieve his goals, Cai Ruichen is also accustomed to the heroic style.

Once this war breaks out, Iran will inevitably be devastated, with huge casualties.

Cai Ruichen is sometimes benevolent, but it is based on the innocent, everything is related to the direction of core interests, and kindness can only be concessions to core interests.

Of course, Cai Ruichen's kindness has always been purposeful, not to say that he is really a saint.

The purpose of saving the eight million people in Washington was to kidnap the United States, so that the United States would not dare to do anything to the Islamic Federation.

Otherwise, why should Cai Ruichen be so anxious, in order to get Iran, the inevitable sacrifice is completely acceptable.

Politics and ambition have never been truly kind, and this is also true of Cai Ruichen.

It's just that he needs to show his justice and benevolence, and give the world a glorious image, not a conspirator, an executioner.

Although Cai Ruichen prefers to do whatever he wants, it is impossible for him to violate the common sense of this general trend.

Politics is hypocritical, and under the mask of benevolence, the dirty side is comparable to the sewer.

Cai Ruichen didn't like government behaviors that all wanted to occupy the moral high ground, but he had no choice but to follow the trend.

Otherwise, there is no need for development. Under the offensive of media from various countries, development has not yet begun, and it has become a global public enemy.

A glorious image is a must for a head of state, and no country is exception.

Any disgraceful means must be hidden behind the glorious deeds to ensure that they are not known.

"The United States must be determined to deal with Iran. Saudi Arabia will naturally help with this. Our follow-up plan also needs to start intensively. You immediately notify the personnel in Iran and be prepared." Cai Ruichen ordered.

Cai Ruichen did not expect a simple piece of information to make the United States unite in the war against Iran.

In the September 11th incident that year, all the assailants still belonged to Saudi Arabia, and because of its relationship with Saudi Arabia, the United States could only help Saudi Arabia to defend themselves.

At that time, Saudi Arabia also hurriedly distinguished its relationship with terrorists and executed a large number of terrorists and extremist organizations.

Just relying on the identity of the attacker to determine that it is an Iranian cannot make the United States fully determined.

However, compared with when the United States sent troops to Iraq, the United States now has more reasons to send troops to Iran, but the current president is not Bush, but Obama and Bama.

Therefore, Cai Ruichen is not very sure whether the US troop increase in the Middle East is really ready for war.

This is because the United States’ troop increase is also entirely possible secretly. It was aimed at targeting Iran, but in reality, it was aimed at the Islamic and Syrian federation.

Cai Ruichen does not have to guard against this. The best solution is for the United States to really take action against Iran. This will not only get rid of the pressure on the Iran-Syria Federation caused by the US troop surge, but also meet the core strategic needs.

"If the United States really sends troops to Iran, then we will not be able to avoid confrontation with the American army?" Natasha said.

"This is also an inevitable result, but when we send troops, the Iranian army will inevitably consume the spirit of the American army. Then we will also check whether our army and the American army will win." Cai Ruichen nodded, this At the end of the plan, the Red Police Corps must send troops to Iran to help the Iranians fight the US military.

There is no doubt that what he needs is a complete Iran. When the United States almost defeats Iran, he needs to act as a savior to help the Iranians and drive the Americans out.

As for the follow-up issues that are likely to arise from confrontation with the US military, in Cai Ruichen's view, it is not a problem.


In northwestern Iran, near the edge of the Caspian Sea, in an inconspicuous small village.

In an ordinary house, Baghdadi and Osama bin Laden sat opposite each other, and the whole town had been fully controlled.

This is the base camp of Islam and the Kingdom of Lan in Iran. It is a fringe village far away from the city and away from the crowd. It is not close to the main traffic line. The traffic from the village to the outside is still a dirt road.

One side of the village is close to the mountain range on the Caspian Sea. The mountain range is across from Iraq, and the end of this mountain range even extends to the edge of Turkey.

The people living here are relatively primitive compared to the outside world. Although they are also connected to electricity, few outsiders come to such a place.

There is no oil and no minerals here. The land is dry and not suitable for large-scale planting. The people living here rely on the resources of this mountain.

The few plantations, plus the goats bred on the mountains, are the basis for the survival of the people here.

In modern terms, this place has no oil and water, roads are inconvenient, and it has no development value at all.

And such a place has naturally become Baghdadi's best hiding place. The villages in the mountainside are his footholds and strongholds.

The Iranian police in this area are all under Baghdadi, and any outsider will look very eye-catching here.

Bin Laden has never left the house since he came here because it is not very safe outside. The most important thing is that these people in front of him did not allow him to step out of this house.

"What do you need me to do?" Bin Laden was not in front of these people and weakened his aura. In the past few months, he has also understood all the changes between himself and the present. Thorough.

It's just these people who rescued themselves from the United States, but they never say what they want to do.

This made him very confused, and even deeply incomprehensible.

Especially for the Baghdadi sitting in front of him at the moment, this has replaced him as the spiritual leader of terrorism, which made him quite emotional, but at the same time he also had deeper doubts.

After all, Baghdadi’s current appeal is that he does not need to rely on himself at all. Israel and the country have already received the allegiance of most of the Al-Qaida branches. If they are to rely on themselves to regain control of Al-Qaeda, it is completely unnecessary, and He also understood that with his current prestige, it was completely impossible.

Al Qaeda is currently a dish of loose sand, even if it is gathered, it is a larger dish of loose sand.

On the other hand, Iis and Lan, from the information that bin Laden has learned, they also clearly know that this is a highly united group composed of elites. The most frightening thing is that this organization has a powerful organization behind it. In support.

Otherwise, how could there be a submarine to the Atlantic to pick him up and come all the way to Iran, the level of secrecy along the road made him feel incredible.

He stayed in this place for more than three months. He has not been transferred, and no intelligence agency has heard of himself.

In Bin Laden's view, this is absolutely unimaginable. After all, he did not dare to stay in one place for more than three days in order to avoid American intelligence personnel.

At the same time, bin Laden also knew that the inside of the organization before him was absolutely safe.

"Sir, you seem to be anxious?" Baghdadi asked calmly.

"Did you rescue me just to let me stay here for retirement?" Bin Laden asked rhetorically.

"If you are willing, you can really stay here for the elderly. We don't need you to do anything." Baghdadi nodded and said.

"It's not the first time we met. I heard of you very early. You, who are known as the caliph, have now lost your country and citizens, or are you a caliph?" Bin Laden changed the subject. , Said.

"You can't understand my ideals and depth. It is the characteristic that a decision-maker should have when it is time to judge the situation. Failure is the mother of success. Don't you understand this truth now?"

Having said this, Baghdadi paused and continued: "If I really want to insist on owning the land and the people, I still own it now, but I don’t need a country to restrain my hands and feet. I am now The sea is wide and the sky is high and the birds fly. I can do everything I want."

"Really?" Bin Laden shook his head, and then asked: "The master behind you really gave you such a huge power?"

"It seems that Mr. is indeed a smart person, but sometimes too smart is not a good thing!" Baghdadi said with a slight warning.

Bin Laden shook his head with a wry smile when he heard the words, and said, "You should say that I am not a fool. From here, anyone who is not a fool can understand what's inside."

"Indeed, we did not intend to conceal you, but we will not explain to you, but we don't want you to be too smart. I believe you should be able to understand what I mean?" Baghdadi said.

"The same question, what do you need me to do?" Bin Laden asked again.

"Since the topic is here, and in order for you to prove your worth, you will make a statement." Baghdadi said.

"What statement, content?" Bin Laden asked.

"Whatever you want, I just want to let the outside world know that you have escaped from the United States and you are in Iran." Baghdadi curled his mouth and continued: "As for why, you don't need to know anything. As long as you know that you cannot leave my side, so that your safety will be Bin Laden did not hesitate, so he immediately agreed, and everything he owns is in the hands of others.

The most important thing is that as long as he is asked to do things against the United States, he will not hesitate.

As for the content, he doesn't even think about it. His experience in the United States is the best content.

Bin Laden readily agreed, making Baghdadi nodded in satisfaction, and let people start preparing for the first time.

In less than ten minutes, a simple background board, two guards holding weapons, and an iconic Osama bin Laden AK-47 submachine gun were all ready.

Osama bin Laden, who doesn't need any sketches, once again stood in front of the background board and faced the camera, everything seemed to be back to the days before.

Looking at the camera in front of him, he slowly clenched his fist. God gave him a new life and opportunity, which he cherished extremely.

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