That night, bin Laden’s video speech appeared in Al Jazeera’s inbox. When Al Jazeera’s people saw the content of the video, they were all shocked.

The timeline seems to have returned to that year, and Bin Laden's video once again appeared on Al Jazeera.

Had it not been for the news that Bin Laden had not died, he had been secretly detained by the CIA, and was rescued from Langley by Israel and Lan Guo more than three months ago, everyone on Al Jazeera would definitely have a **** of it. Both sense of sight.

Because the time on the video indicates that the content of the video was recorded within an hour, and through this news, it can be confirmed that bin Laden is really alive and really rescued.

Al Jazeera’s manuscript department submitted this video to the senior management for the first time to make a decision.

In less than ten minutes, Al Jazeera interrupted the video, which immediately attracted great attention all over the world.

In the video, the world once again saw the impression of Bin Laden. As for what Bin Laden said, it was what the CIA did to him after he was arrested.

The video was not cut, and the total duration was nearly 30 minutes. Bin Laden described in detail all his experiences in the CIA headquarters.

I also said a lot of CIA-related secrets, but the whole world seems to be mentally prepared for his appearance.

The appearance of this video didn't have much response, but it made all intelligence agencies around the world act quickly.

The email address of the video sent to Al Jazeera also quickly appeared in the intelligence agencies of various countries.

This time, the U.S. action was the fastest, because the U.S. has always appeared in the local bin Laden.

Osama bin Laden was rescued, and the face of the United States has also fallen sharply, and we are not afraid of continuing to lose face. Now the only way to save face is to really kill Osama bin Laden as soon as possible, or to capture Osama bin Laden again.

At the same time, the United States also hopes to use bin Laden to further determine the location of Baghdadi's hiding place.

The US cyber intelligence agency tracked and locked the location of the target for the first time.

The location of the coordinates is exactly the same as the analysis and intelligence that Yang Rui submitted to the President Obama and Pakistan.

Bin Laden is really in Iran, and this place is only 50 kilometers away from the coordinates where Baghdadi appeared last time.

After confirming this information, the U.S. operational force stationed in the Middle East immediately began to set off.

In distrust of the Iranian government, the United States still did not notify the Iranian government this time.

In order to ensure a silent entry, the two Raptor fighters stationed in Saudi Arabia were promoted to take off and headed directly towards the target.

The satellites in the American sky have also completely monitored the target area, monitoring all the people and vehicles leaving from here.

At the same time, in order to ensure that the capture of the target can be carried out as soon as possible, the United States has not mobilized a long distance SEAL team.

Instead, all the mercenaries of the CIA in Iran are brought into action, and all CIA agents cooperate.

This time the United States has also fully demonstrated its most efficient side.

Brenty personally took command. This was his first action as the top spot in the CIA. Under such a situation, his requirement was that he could only succeed and not fail.

The CIA needs a victory too much to restore its face, and the United States also needs a victory to restore its mistakes.

The American troops moved into action and quickly gathered around the target.

This is an industrial area near Tehran, in a semi-abandoned state.

Iran has closed down a large number of domestic industries due to UN sanctions. In this industrial zone, less than one-third of the factories are still in operation.

Most of the factories have closed their doors.

In addition, this place is far away from the city, and few people arrive.

At the moment it was midnight, and factories that had not had many orders left work early.

There are only security guards patrolling the entire industrial zone, and the rest is quiet.

In the twilight, outside the dark industrial area, black shadows shuttled between the factories in the industrial area.

The mercenaries lurking in Iran by the CIA, without exception, all acted.

The mercenaries, all fully armed at the moment, were approaching silently according to the targets indicated by the intelligence.

The satellites in the sky are also fully monitoring the entire operation process, and two small drones have also begun to scan the factory where the target is located.

In the dark, the mercenaries in action approached cautiously, avoiding the patrolling industrial zone security.

Soon outside the factory where the target was located, an encirclement was formed.

Through the scan of the target factory, all the mercenaries did not act in a hurry.

Because around this factory, there are many guard posts with guns, and there are even snipers lurking above the factory.

The degree of professionalism is not inferior to that of the regular army, and it has a somewhat professional style of special defense operations.

This makes all the mercenaries afraid to act indiscriminately.

Under this kind of defense, it is impossible to approach silently, but this does not stop these mercenaries, because they are all retired special forces. They are all retired soldiers who have served in the US special forces.

They were retired from the special forces and were recruited by the CIA and became killers under the command of the CIA.

And their goals have always been related to terrorists. Of course, there are also targets that the CIA feels threatened or uncooperative.

Every action can get a lot of income. Although living a life of licking blood, it is completely worthwhile for these mercenaries.

After they learned that the target of the action this time was bin Laden, all the mercenaries' eyes lit up, and the remuneration after the action was enough for them to retire and live a prosperous life.

"Get rid of the defensive forces outside." Brenty, who was in command from far away in the United States, immediately issued the order to attack after all the action members were ready.

In the night, the mercenary snipers who were lurking over to protect the armed guard posts outside the factory were all named one by one.

In less than a minute, the threat outside the factory has been eliminated.

When the mercenaries evaded the surveillance and entered the factory, they all stunned.

There is no one in the factory.

Brenty, who got the news, was also a little surprised, but he did not give up, but ordered: "There must be a basement, find out."

As Brenty had expected, these experienced mercenaries were soon met by the entrance to below.

The answer seems to be coming soon, but when these mercenaries stormed into the basement, they were all stunned by the picture in front of them.

It was not Bin Laden who appeared before him, but a huge underground factory.

And in the factory, there are huge uranium enrichment equipment, and the mercenaries who attacked are also stabbing a hornet's nest.

Brenty, who was far away in the United States, saw the pictures sent back by mercenaries, and his face was even more exciting.

This time the operation was headed to Bin Laden, but Bin Laden did not see it, but discovered the Iranian’s own secret uranium enrichment plant.

Iran has never made this uranium enrichment plant public, and the Intelligence Agency has never had any information about this plant.

At this moment, Brenty couldn't care about the life and death of those mercenaries, and completely put Bin Laden behind.

The pictures of the uranium enrichment plant sent back by the mercenaries made him feel turbulent, and he couldn't calm down quickly.

Iran has always been deceiving the United States and the world, and is also secretly enriching uranium during the nuclear negotiations.

It can be seen from this that Iran does not really want to abandon its weapons-grade uranium enrichment development plan. This news is tens of thousands of times more important than bin Laden’s intelligence.

The United States has two core unchanging attitudes in the Middle East, one of which is that Iran must never possess nuclear weapons.

This is the absolute bottom line of the United States. Once Iran crosses this bottom line, the United States will definitely send troops to Iran, even Austria and Bama will definitely send troops.

Now Osama bin Laden feels that his head is not enough. What is the information that suddenly appeared in front of him?

Are you inadvertently planting willows?

Brenty, who had recovered his calm, shook his head decisively for the first time. He thought of a very serious question.

That is, this matter has been a conspiracy from the beginning. The address investigated is also the person behind Bin Laden, who hopes that the address investigated by the United States has only one purpose, so that he can discover Iran's secret uranium enrichment plant.

Thinking of this, Brenty decisively ordered everyone in the headquarters: "I declare that the headquarters is in a state of emergency, and I will take over here. This matter is absolutely confidential. No one word can be disclosed to anyone. Inform Yang Ruidu to come over and see you. I."

Everyone in the CIA's operational headquarters closed their mouths and walked out quietly, leaving Brenty alone in the headquarters.

Yang Rui didn't let Brenty wait for a long time, and walked quickly into the headquarters.

During this period of time, Brenty also sorted out all his inner thoughts. What is certain is that this time the CIA was indeed led by the nose.

When he saw Yang Ruidu, he spoke directly and explained all the current situation.

"Director, is this matter limited to us at present?" Yang Ruidu asked.

"This operation was carried out and planned independently by us. At present, the mercenaries have been wiped out by the Iranian guards. The people who know are limited to these people in the command center." Brenti said.

"If this is the case, it will be easier. Although this matter is conspiracy, for us, without Al Qaeda bin Laden, there is no threat at all. The real threat is Baghdadi, and of course Iran. "Yang Ruidu said.

"It's true, this is where I am embarrassed. We can't admit it when we know that someone puts on us." Brenty shook his head and said.

Brenti thinks very clearly that this matter must not spread out, because the most important thing is Iran’s secret uranium enrichment plant.

Except for this, other issues are secondary issues.

"Now what I am worried about is how to report to it?" Brenty thought for a while and said.

Yang Rui knows Brentty's distress very well, because he knows his own chief. Although Brentty is the director of the CIA promoted by Austria and Bama, behind him, he represents the interest groups in the United States.

Austria, Bama and interest groups are on opposite sides, and interest groups currently want to use a war to expand their influence.

But Austria and Bama were a bit hesitant and could not make up their minds, just as they did during the Syrian chemical weapons issue.

If the entire course of the operation is reported to Austria and Bama, the most likely attitude of Austria and Bama is not to send troops to Iran, but to investigate who this matter deliberately led the United States to this secret uranium enrichment factory's.

Once this issue is settled, it will be extremely difficult for the United States to send troops to Iran.

Brenty is on the side of the interest group and is also the side that hopes to promote the war, and this is exactly what is worried.

"Director, my suggestion is to blast out the arrest of bin Laden announced above, and treat this action as a targeted investigation of Iran's secret uranium enrichment plant." Yang Ruidu boldly suggested. .

"What if the real news leaks out?" Brenty said worriedly.

"You are the director of the CIA, are you afraid to know from above?" Yang Rui said pointedly.

When Brenti heard the words, a chill flashed across his face. Yang Ruidu's words made him completely firm.

"I understand, you will arrange the following things." Brenty, who gradually made up his mind, gave Yang Rui a meaningful wink and said.

"Please don't worry, Director, I know what should be done." Yang Rui nodded in understanding, and left the headquarters immediately.

The few people who originally stayed in the headquarters were all ordered to go out to perform tasks ~ but they would completely disappear from the world.

The members of the command who were not sent out were Brentty's confidantes, and Yang Ruidu also perfectly completed Brandy's account.

Subsequently, Brenty's special car also came outside the president's office. Obama and Bama, who received Brenty's call, directly pushed off all the itineraries.

When Obama and Bama saw the classified information submitted by Brenty, their faces became very serious.

The arrest of Bin Laden failed and he was put aside.

"The focus of this operation is to spy on the secrets of this secret factory. For this reason, we also lost more than a dozen elites. Only then did we capture the pictures inside. What is certain is that the secret factory is doing uranium enrichment. It has been working for a long time, and we suspect that Iran’s uranium enrichment may be approaching the level of weapons.” Brenti said.

Austria and Bama were still silent when they heard the words, just grabbing the fingers of the intelligence, tightening them constantly.

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