The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1350: Tragic Iran

As soon as the secret uranium enrichment plant was attacked, all Iranian senior officials also received intelligence.

This news caught all Iranian senior officials by surprise. The most important thing is that after this news, the identity of the attacker was also confirmed as a mercenary of the US Intelligence Agency.

This made the Iranian high-level people suddenly immersed in a mood of anger and helplessness.

To allow Iran to give up its nuclear weapons, due to UN sanctions and the need for economic and people’s livelihood development, Iran has to make false claims.

But for Iran, if it wants to gain a foothold in this world and have its own say, then Iran will inevitably need nuclear weapons.

Otherwise, Iran will always be the **** of others, the victim of the game of great powers.

No matter how powerful conventional military power is, in the eyes of the superpowers, it is only a bargaining chip for profit, and it is also a bargaining chip that can be used for exchange.

For such days, the Iranians can no longer bear it. Iran has the potential to become a powerful country with land, population and abundant resources.

Iran also needs to have its own sovereignty, rather than being a **** at the mercy of others.

Originally everything was developing in accordance with the direction of discovery envisaged by the Iranians, and most of the uranium enrichment facilities were disclosed. In order to strengthen the country, it also announced that it had abandoned nuclear weapons research.

For the United Nations to lift the economic sanctions on Iran without giving up research on nuclear weapons, of course, it can be appropriately slowed down.

When Iran’s economy and national strength recover and become stronger in the future, even if it possesses nuclear weapons, it is not afraid of external sanctions.

And this secret factory has always been the highest secret, and only a few people from the top Iranian know about it. Even the secretly protected troops don’t know what is under that place.

But this news made the Iranian high-level leaders doomed to sleepless tonight.

The United States must have known the existence of secret uranium enrichment plants, and nuclear negotiations are destined to have no results.

Iran's next destiny will also start to turbulent.

Khamenei, who was already asleep, felt as if he was awakened by a nightmare after receiving the news. He looked at the people in his room and said, "How can this matter be explained to the United States and the international community?"

The thing that worries Khamenei the most is still there.

The news that the United States has increased its troops in the Middle East cannot be hidden from the eyes of the whole world, let alone on the side of Iran.

In particular, the United States has recently added two Littoral Combat Ships and Littoral Combat Ships. One of their functions is mine clearance for shallow sea operations.

This is obviously aimed at Iran. Iran’s long coastline has long been deployed against large warships.

In the entire Persian Gulf, apart from Iran, no country has deployed sea mines at all. The Islamic Federation does not, nor does Saudi Arabia.

This has always been something that worries Iran. Akadullah went to the Islamic Federation and originally wanted some help from the Islamic Federation.

The result was nothing, and the United States replaced cutting-edge equipment. Although the number of military forces in the Middle East has not increased, the quality has improved a lot.

A large number of third-generation fighters were replaced by fifth-generation Raptor fighters. They also strengthened the European bomber force and dispatched four B-2 Ghost bombers to European military bases.

It is a routine combat readiness and duty, but it clearly points to the Middle East.

In the current Middle East, Iran and the Syrian Federation are the only objects worthy of the United States' fighting.

If it is placed in the past, Iran does not worry about itself at all. After all, for the United States, the Islamic Federation is even more threatening.

However, the Iraqi-Syrian Federation controls the lives and deaths of the eight million people in Washington, the United States. The United States will not indiscriminately target the Iraqi-Syrian Federation until the life and death of those eight million people are resolved.

Otherwise, the U.S. government cannot afford the anger of the American people.

In addition, Austria and Bama went to the Middle East a while ago and are working hard to repair their relations with Saudi Arabia and other countries. This is also what worries Iran.

Iran and Saudi Arabia have never dealt with it. If the United States regains its dominance in the Middle East in exchange for Saudi relations, then Iran is the best choice.

The Iranians themselves know this very well.

It's just that the war needs a reason, and now Khamenei seems to have seen the scene of the US war on Iran.

"We should now make a plan to deal with the worst situation first, and in such a situation, we can only prepare for the fastest situation."

"Although we have wiped out the invaders, we must have passed the news before we wiped out the other party. The United States must have known the intelligence of our secret uranium enrichment plant."

"If the United States announces the content of this intelligence tomorrow and unites with the international community to impose a new round of sanctions on us, then our life will be even more sad."

"A new round of tougher sanctions is inevitable. No matter what the U.S. plans next, this will remain the same."

"What I worry about is that the new round of sanctions targets will fully cover all our raw material imports."

"What should really worry about is what follow-up measures the United States will have after sanctions. At this time, even if we come out to explain, it will be of no use."

"If we are required to give up even the peaceful use of nuclear energy, then we cannot accept it."

"Unacceptable, it can only be war."

"War is the worst situation, and I am afraid it is also inevitable. If the United States wants to re-dominate the Middle East, it needs to use a target to operate. We are the best targets of the United States." Khamenei on the bed said seriously. Said.

Hearing what Khamenei said, everyone fell silent. After a while, someone said: "Is there a war bound to break out?"

"Although I don't know how the United States knew about our secret factory, it doesn't matter anymore. If I were the United States, then I would choose to start a war against Iran." Khamenei said confidently.

Khamenei has already thought very clearly, and there is basically no second possibility for this matter.

There are too many reasons for the United States to start a war, but there are no reasons for not starting a war at this moment.

At the moment, Khamenei has a thorough understanding of the national conditions of the United States. At the same time, he also understands why Cai Ruichen of the Islamic Federation is unwilling to get closer to Iran on the surface.

The closer Iran and the Syrian Federation are, the more it will make the United States restless, and the United States will be more determined to wage war against Iran.

Otherwise, the United States will no longer have a foothold in the Middle East in the near future.

Khamenei wanted to understand this truth, but he couldn't accept the sudden accident.

If all goes well, the United States will find no excuse for sending troops.

But now, it was Iran that gave the United States an excuse for the war for nothing.

When Iran’s top leaders were discussing countermeasures urgently, the American media immediately began to propagate the situation.

The US government first announced the results of the investigation and disclosed the identities of all terrorist attackers.

At the same time, all the fugitives on this list were released.

In this particular aspect, all wanted persons are all Iranians.

This intelligence also made the whole world a little surprised. The more than one hundred terrorists were all Iranians.

At the same time, the U.S. government also released detailed information about these people, including when they entered the country, what method they used to enter, and how they left.

All were announced to the outside world one by one. The results of the entire investigation were made public by the United States unreservedly. At the same time, it also pointed the finger at the Iranian government.

Unlike the findings of the September 11th incident, this time the US government did not defend Iran in any way, and the results of the investigation that the Iranian intelligence services helped these people enter the United States were also announced at the same time.

This caused an uproar in the whole world, and Iran became the center of the topic for a while.

Just when all curious people were speculating on the purpose of Iran's move, the US official also released an intelligence that shocked the world again.

In the process of nuclear negotiations, Iran is still secretly enriching uranium. There are pictures, the truth, and detailed location instructions.

As soon as the two news appeared, they immediately pushed Iran to the forefront.

The United States was in an uproar. The attack more than three months ago is now in the hearts of the American people, just like yesterday.

In the past three months, the US media did not cool down the attack. You can see reports about these three attacks every day.

The eight million poisoned people are even more concerned about the entire United States and even the whole world.

The more than 10 million people who died directly have yet to deal with later generations.

More than 10 million people died, not a thousand people. This number is more than the total population of most countries in the world.

This has become a pain in the United States, which is absolutely impossible for the past. All parts of the United States are carrying out blessing activities spontaneously every day, praying that the remaining 8 million people will recover.

The only result of the appearance of this news was that it completely aroused hatred across the United States.

A large amount of intense speech appeared on the Internet in the United States like a screen swipe, and Iranians were directly targeted by everyone.

In the international community, there is almost always a voice of condemnation, condemning the Iranians’ connection with the three attacks, and condemning Iran’s secret uranium enrichment activities.

If these two things are separated, no matter what matter is exposed, there will not be the current situation where everyone shouts and fights.

But when these two things were announced by colleagues, everyone naturally combined the two things. Iran now has a feeling of yellow mud falling into the crotch, which is not clear.

This is also the purpose of the United States. As the victimized country, Austria and Bama have also made up their minds.

Before the announcement of the news, a military meeting was secretly held to confirm the order to prepare for military action against Iran.

Starting today, the US government will also use all the media to create momentum for this war.

After the reports of these two incidents, the United States even moved the Iranian hostage crisis back then and brought up the Iranian human rights crisis again.

Various news reports directed at Iran have appeared in the American media in an endless stream, and they are all directed at Iran.

Austria and Bama also gave national television lectures when the problem began to ferment.

There is only one content of the speech, which is to express anger towards Iran.

On the other hand, all US relations have been used, and the United Nations has also begun to submit a new round of sanctions against Iran to the UN Security Council for review.

At the same time, Austria and Bama also began to exert their strength in NATO.

European governments have also stepped forward to lead Iran’s actions, and at the same time expressed their great indignation.

It’s just that, European countries are also quite clear that the United States is really going to send troops to Iran. Facing the conclusive evidence of Iran, this time many members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and indeed many countries, are really angry. .

The secret uranium enrichment test conducted by Iran really reminds European countries of some concerns. Naturally, Europe is the first to bear the brunt of Iran's nuclear weapons.

This matter is not only a matter of the United States itself, but also related to the fundamental security situation in Europe.

The Middle East countries are also the fiercest jumping. Almost all Middle Eastern countries have come forward to accuse Iran of secretly enriching uranium.

The Iran-Syria Federation is no exception. After all, Iran’s move is indeed excessive from a normal perspective.

In an attempt to deceive the whole world, as Iran’s neighbors, the Iran-Syria Federation is, in the eyes of the outside world, naturally the country that least wants Iran to possess nuclear weapons.

Even Huaxia also stood up and expressed deep regret for Iran's behavior.

Russia can't say anything good to Iran, and its attitude is similar to that of China, and they are all very disappointed.

To become the lost Iran, I really can only smash my teeth and swallow it in my What makes Iranian seniors feel depressed most is that the United States even involves the attack on Iran. .

Although Iran immediately provided explanations and clarifications, the whole world did not elaborate on Iran's explanations.

Iran, which is comparable to Dou E, keeps issuing official statements, trying to explain as much as possible.

Regrettably, this incident cannot be changed by just explaining it, and it is difficult for people who are already preconceived to reverse it.

In the next few days, Iran will all be the protagonist on the headlines of the global media. At this time, the US military is also closely acting.

All the main forces of the Sixth Fleet are dispatched, and the European side is constantly increasing its troops.

The four major aircraft carrier fleets including the USS Truman aircraft carrier battle group, the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier battle group, the USS Washington aircraft carrier battle group, and the USS Bush aircraft carrier battle group have either ended their overhauls or ceased their training missions, all turned to combat readiness, and the officers and soldiers cancelled their vacations. , All on board the ship and stand by. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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