The Red Alert Begins in the Wasteland

Vol 3 Chapter 1351: 2 armies of Iran

Cai Ruichen, who promoted this matter, is naturally the person who cares most about the progress of the incident.

The decisive attitude shown by the United States also made him more or less relieved.

The current attitude of the United States has shown that the time for war is not far away.

The media's momentum, the blockade of troops' actions, and the purposeful transfer of the aircraft carrier fleet are all developing towards the outcome Cai Ruichen hopes to see.

It's just such a result, which is too cruel for the Iranian people.

The incident has developed to such a situation today, Cai Ruichen only needs to wait for the results to appear.

If the United States wants to deal with Iran, it needs enough time to prepare. War is not a trifle, not to mention Iran is not so easy to deal with.

Iran’s IS, the Lan Guoge, and the Life Guard are the elite of Iran’s national defense forces. Among the countries in the Middle East, except for the Islamic Federation, the modernization is considered to be very advanced.

Moreover, in addition to the IS, the Lange, and the Life Guard, Iran also has its own regular army units. In fact, Iran's ruling class is composed of regular army groups and Olemar groups.

Olemar represents faith and controls the most powerful fighters of the Islamic State, the Lange, and the Life Guards. The Iranian regular army is left over from the military forces of the Pahlavi dynasty, plus the original royalist party. .

Although this force does not have popular support, it also occupies a very important position in government agencies and the national economy.

Of course, the power of the government is still firmly controlled by the Olemar Group, but half of the power of the grassroots is controlled by the military and the original royalist forces. However, these two power groups are only looking to the Olemar group. The breath of the Ma Group survived.

The Iraqi, Lange, and Life Guards consist of four arms, consisting of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps.

Iran’s regular army is composed of a traditional army, land, sea and air force.

It is also extremely rare in the world that a country like Iran has two regular armed forces.

In fact, Iran’s regular army has always been in a state of complete control, and everything needs to be decided by the clergy of the Olemar Group.

It was originally an army passed down from the Pahlavi dynasty, but in fact, it has never been trusted.

All kinds of mid- and high-level officers have been replaced by priests of the Olemar Group. The rights of priests are always greater than the rights of chief military officers.

There are no political commissars in the Iranian, Lange, and Life Guards. In Iran’s regular army, there is a political chief at each level, controlling the forces of each class.

Although the highest official of the military is nominally the chief military officer, in fact, the power has always been in the hands of the chief political officer.

This also makes Iran's regular army as if it were adopted. Although it has the status of a regular army, it has never been treated as a regular army.

After the Gulf War, Iran also began to change the existence of one country and two armed forces, establishing a joint command headquarters to promote the integrated construction of two different forces.

But so far, Iran is still divided into IS, Lange, Life Guard and regular army.

One is still a trump card, and the other is still a wild child.

However, this is not to say that Iran’s military strength is not strong. Iran has a population of nearly 80 million. The combined strength of the regular army, Iran, and the Life Guard has reached 900,000.

It is the military power with the largest military structure and population among the Middle Eastern countries.

Moreover, Iran has a relatively complete military service system, which can recruit nearly 20 million troops when facing the survival of the country.

Of course, this kind of situation is almost impossible to occur. Modern military warfare is no longer the kind of step-by-step attack during World War II.

Once it’s really at the last moment, Iran’s ability to arm tens of millions of troops is already super amazing.

If you don't brag, there is no doubt that Iran is able to arm millions of troops casually, and Iran is also fully equipped with such capabilities and has such a huge weapons reserve.

This is why Cai Ruichen uses methods continuously, because Iran is not an easy country.

However, no matter how difficult it is to provoke, it is no more difficult to provoke than Israel. Although Iran has a very strong military structure, there is still a certain gap between it and advanced.

It's just that Iran's huge population and military strength, coupled with enough land as a strategic depth, even the United States is difficult to eat in one breath.

The most important thing is that Iran has a large number of weapons and equipment.

Iran has more than 2,000 main battle tanks, many of which are T-72 and European Chief Tanks, the third-generation main battle tanks. Iran also has its own domestically produced main battle tank, Zolfikar.

The modernization of the Iranian army is not low. It has thousands of armored vehicles and more than 600 helicopters. This is not at all comparable to countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan and Syria.

In terms of artillery, Iran is also an old artillery power, with nearly 2,000 large-caliber towed artillery pieces, three to four hundred self-propelled artillery pieces, plus a large number of rocket artillery units.

And what really makes the United States want to avoid the rat is that the missile force owned by Iran is the existence that can be called the killer.

Iran is the most powerful missile country in the Middle East, and even Israel is far from insufficient.

Israel is to deal with the future technology group, and it has been developing missiles crazy in the past few years. However, the history of Iran's missile development started almost at the same time as Israel, and the number of production is larger, and the development process is more long-term.

There are hundreds of Scud missiles owned by Iran. Although the range and hit rate of the Scud missiles are all very lacking, they cannot hold up the large number.

For the US naval base in Bahrain, facing so many missile attacks from Iran, that is enough for the United States to drink a pot.

Once a salvo is fired, the US naval base in Bahrain will be difficult to defend.

Moreover, the Scud is only an early missile equipped by Iran, and Iran also has its own advanced domestic missiles, including Meteor and Conqueror.

The missile route taken by Iran is also based on precision strikes. Especially in recent years, the development of missiles. After Cai Ruichen deliberately opened up precision-guided chips, the accuracy of Iran’s missile strikes has been significantly improved.

The two Iranian missiles have a range between two hundred kilometers and two thousand kilometers. They are placed in the northwestern region of Iran, and they can even reach the central part of Europe.

In the past, Iran’s goal of developing missile forces was always in the direction of Israel. What it pursues is to be able to accurately strike anywhere in Tel Aviv.

And even though these missiles can't attack the homeland of the United States, there is no problem in using them to attack US military bases in the Middle East.

If war really breaks out, the United States must ensure that it can destroy these missiles as much as possible in the first round of air strikes, otherwise all US military bases in the Middle East will inevitably become targets of Iran’s strikes.

There is no doubt about this, especially the air bases in Saudi Arabia will inevitably become the core target of strikes.

Not to mention the Meteor-3 missile that can hit two thousand kilometers, even the Conqueror missile with a range of only two hundred kilometers is enough to make a pot of military bases near the United States drink.

The Conqueror missile is Iran’s most advanced tactical missile. It is propelled by solid fuel and can be quickly deployed and launched. It has always been called by Iran as one of the most accurate missiles in the world.

Iran has also conducted many test firings of this missile, and the effect is indeed very good, and the accuracy has reached the point where Iran boasted.

As for the Conqueror missiles, Iran has a very large number, plus other missiles, the total number exceeds 1,000.

A thousand missiles, even the United States, needs to be carefully weighed. Once a war breaks out, these missiles may bring devastating consequences.

At the same time, these missiles also have a strong deterrent effect on Europe, and they can also make some European countries think about their homeland security.

Based on Iran's missile forces, Cai Ruichen can also understand the hesitation of Austria and Bama. In fact, even if it is replaced by the current Iran-Syria Federation, it is somewhat difficult to say that it will eat Iran steadily.

It is even simpler to deal with Israel than with Iran.

Israel has no strategic depth, and its coastal line is very short, while Iran has a strategic depth, which allows Iran to have enough depth to arm more troops and have room for change.

In addition, Iran has a longer coastline that cannot be blocked at all.

Even if the Red Police Corps can kill Iran, it will inevitably have to pay a high price, and the United States is no exception.

After all, Iran is not suitable for Iraq during the Bush era. It is stronger and more difficult to deal with.

What's more, Iran also has the strongest navy in the Middle East besides the Islamic Federation.

Of course, this navy is only relatively speaking, no tiger monkeys in the mountains dominate.

If you only count the Gulf region, Iran is indeed a naval power and has a lot of warships, including three Kirov submarines known as ocean black holes.

In fact, Iran has always attached great importance to the development of the navy. Whether it was the Pahlavi dynasty at the beginning or the current Iran, it attached great importance to the construction of the navy.

But the Persian Gulf is a strait with a length of about 1,000 kilometers, a width of no more than 200 kilometers, and an average depth of 80 meters.

In such a place, it is impossible to develop an ocean-going navy with large warships, but only small and medium-sized ships.

Iran is also very aware of this, and Iran also has a very complete shore-based anti-ship missile system, which is sufficient to block most of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz.

For this reason, Iran has adopted a large number of mobile, flexible, and assault combat boats, giving people the feeling of a sea assault team.

However, Cai Ruichen has never underestimated the Iranian maritime squadron, especially when the Iranian-Syrian Federal Navy needs to enter and exit the Strait of Hormuz frequently. This short and savvy maritime squadron is more like a pack of wolves on the sea, although its size Not big, but it's also fangs.

The small boat’s battle group is mobile and flexible, and the freeboard is very low, and basically does not worry about the attack of anti-ship missiles. In the Persian Gulf, under the cover of shore-based anti-ship missiles, the blockade or blockade of the strait is completely guaranteed. It is a state of general blockade.

Moreover, with the improvement of Iran's defense industry technology in recent years, the modernization of the Iranian Navy has been very obvious.

When developing and producing ships on its own, Iran constantly seeks to import advanced ships. Among them, a large number of new missile ships from China’s Cat are imported. Although the length is only 23 meters, it can hold four anti-ship missiles.

There are also some large surface ships in Iran, including three frigates of more than 1,300 tons, two corvettes of over 1,000 tons, five tank landing ships, ten air-cushion ships, and five mine-laying ships...

In fact, such navies are all pediatrics when placed in front of real naval powers. Although they seem to be threatening, in fact, no naval power will put such opponents in the eyes.

Instead of worrying about these navies, it is better to worry about Iran's shore-based missiles.

As for the Iranian air force, it is still in a state of inactivity. The air force currently owned by Iran is the Panda fighter jet imported from the United States by the Pahlavi dynasty that year. There are also some MiG-29 fighter jets, and the rest are second-generation fighter jets.

In addition, in the past two decades, Iran’s third-generation fighter jets have not had a suitable source of spare parts. At present, the number of third-generation fighter jets in total is only a few dozen.

The third-generation fighter jets must inevitably require advanced air-to-air missiles to coordinate operations, otherwise their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

The lack of missiles is also the main problem facing Iran. The missiles Iran currently possesses are also Sparrow or Sidewinder missiles purchased from the United States during the Pahlavi dynasty.

Such an air force, in fact, is completely incapable of supporting a high-intensity air battle.

This is also the weakest point in the Iranian army, and it does not have the ability to dominate the air.

Moreover, the Mirage fighter owned by the Iranian Air Force was still a gift from the Iraqi Air Force to Iran during the Gulf War in order to avoid desert storm operations.

These gifts include not only dozens of Mirage fighter jets, but also flying fish anti-ship missiles, three Il-76 transport aircraft, and some French air defense missiles and ground attack missiles.

Regrettably, if it is only facing a small country in general, then Iran’s air force does still have an advantage, but if facing a powerful country, such an air force is completely a gift.

This is also why Iran has to develop so many missiles, because the Iranians know very well that relying solely on the air force cannot stop the enemy's invasion.

Not to mention the powerful US Air Force, even if it is against the Saudi Air Force, Iran will not have any advantage.

Of course, if a war breaks out between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Iran will be able to destroy all Saudi air bases in the first place.

Modern warfare is even more a targeted process. It is also an inevitable method to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses. In the future, this trend will only grow deeper. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search "" or enter the URL:

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